a question of morality
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So, I'm writing several little one-shot stories at once here, and my naga one (finally)
But I have a question related to what is probably my most controversial story, and I'd like some feedback. If anyone wants to discuss this question further with me, please PM me as I'd be more than eager to hear your personal thoughts or whatnot.
So the idea for this was drawn from those REALLY offensive 'tough love' or 'christian intervention' camps. The kind that kidnap a kid with parental consent and drag them off to god knows where, sometimes different countries to 'set them straight'. I've read a lot of horror stories about these places and to this day I still don't understand why parents are okay with sending their kid out with a bunch of strangers.
The storyline would be based around this...but with some tg and moral differences. First off, our protagonist was sent there after raping a girl at a party, they were drunk but he still did it, more than that he has been humiliating and embarrassing his family for years now with this kind of out-of-control behavior.
The girl's family promised not to press charges if he was sent to this mystery TG camp for rapists, it was also run by the boy's aunt. All of this is important.
Now for some notes:
The parents are ENTIRELY aware of what is going on at this camp, nothing that happened to the protagonist was a shock or surprise in any way.
Both the Mother and the Aunt were raped by their grandfather when they were young, their grandmother knew about it and said and did nothing. The grandfather died before any justice could be delivered.
The boy was sent to this camp for 2 years, he was 17 when he left and 19 when she returned. Her first year was spent being feminized and transformed as well as being psychologically and emotionally broken down, in a manner not dissimilar to what marines do to new recruits.
The second year, when she was 18, was spent working at a topless bar where she was sexually harassed, though never raped, by the customers. All the money earned was then sent to her victim after the year.
Though feminized, she was never forced to undergo SRS, and she was psychologically monitored to watch for suicidal tendencies.
Since returning she has changed, dramatically and not entirely for the better. Quiet, withdrawn, distrustful and distanced from her family, and not making any strides to reconnect, in fact she's making every attempt to further distance herself from them.
Both the Aunt and Mother admit they may have gone overboard with this, as they were motivated in part by their own experiences and now are uncertain what the future of their relationship with their daughter/niece will be, if anything.
My question to you is, if you were in the place of the mother/aunt would you have gone through with this plan as opposed to sending your offspring to jail, or would you have done something else?
If you were the protagonist, returned from 2 years of this, how would you feel, what would you think and how would you act? What would you want to do?