TopShelf Blogs

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Passing of the torch

Today is as special day of me and my husband. Today we watched our two daughters graduate from the US Army Airborne School. For us it has a special meaning for our family. You see when I first came to the US I joined our military to help gain my citizenship. While I served I won those same wings, so you can see why this was so special to me. For my husband who is from the UK and had served in their military as a British Paratroop it was doubly so. You see his father and his grandfather were also British Paratroopers going all the way back to WW2.

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To old friends at BC

Yes, both of you...

A few of you know the last year and a half have been a challenge for me as my cataracts overcame my eyesight. Reading and writing became difficult if not impossible. I had the surgery in July. It has a 99% success rate but I was in the 1%.

On the 29th I had PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) also called ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation). For someone who loves to read and write this has been a real trial. I was warned of extreme pain and a slow recovery: Weeks, months, maybe a slow year.


Transgendered or broken?

In my own situation, growing up with nasty, brutal men, I hated them, and I hated being one of the enemy even worse, and did not accept that idea without struggle. Then, what did I do but marry a young woman who herself had been abused awfully, and in her adult years became a rabid feminist. So after a while, I could never be right, or even OK. Looking back, I just wanted to be on the winning side. It was a choice to just walk away from her like so many other young males did at the time.

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The Bestseller ~ Part 2 -- Duplicate Posts...

Hi Everyone,

I REALLY apologize for the multiple postings of chapter 2 today. I don't know what is going on with my computer... Anyway, I have asked Erin to remove the duplicates.

As for the voting on how to proceed: Well, I wrote both versions of how I felt it could go forward and liked BOTH so much that I am going to meld them. The good news for those that like the story, I guess, is that it will add another chapter or two to the whole series.

Again, sorry for the confusion!


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To quote Jack Parr....

"...As I was saying...." (Google it if you're under a certain age or not a fan of ancient television)

I'm mortified that my last fiction updates were nearly 3 months ago.

Yes, I've been having 'muse troubles' (she vanished without a trace, leaving me to slog along on my own), but I managed to eke out a bit more of both Dead Ringer and Summer of Love.

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The Bestseller ~ Part 2 (NEED HELP!)

So... I am at a crossroads...

I have (I think) pretty good options moving forward for 'The Bestseller'... The problem is, I am not really sure which way to go...

So... I am going to post two options tomorrow...and see which gets the most likes/supportive comments in 24 hours and continue on from there...

Either works well for me...and will (for the most part) end up at the same point... The journey will just be different... I like both so much, I really can't decide...



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not a good day, sadly

Well, I spent most of my day hanging out in a hospital waiting room with my daughter while my ex got a CT scan on her heart.

It was stressful, but then my ex managed to make it worse, as after it was over, she asked me to run her to get some pet food, and while at the checkout, the cashier first called me "sir", and then corrected himself and called me "ma'am". Of course, my ex couldn't stand that, and loudly "corrected" him while I stood there feeling helpless to stop her.

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well i may not be coming here as much anymore do to the way my life is going whatever stuff i got here will stay . there may not be more. take care hugs to all



Taking down "Mum's Encouragement" Trilogy

Hi Everyone

I have decided to take down my autobiographical account namely "Mum's Encouragement" as I don't believe it is well received on here or indeed Fictionmania. I have had good feedback, but also a lot of negative feedback and what is most frustrating for me is when authors don't get any feedback.

I thank all of you who enjoyed my chapters. Your positive feedback was really appreciated.

Lucy J x


Looking for some artwork for your book or online publishing?

My housemate does some really nice work... if you have an image you want copied or several that she could combine to make an original so it wouldn't run afoul of copyright rules.

Naturally she would LIKE to be paid for what she does, if you like and use her work, but it wouldn't be more than a few dollars, again only if you use it as cover art.

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In need of an honest opinion

Okay, I know everyone asks this once in a while. I sometimes look in the mirror and see I'm pretty and feel I can pass as myself no problem and others I question myself. I am hoping I can get a few people to offer an honest opinion if I look good or not. I know my chins gotta go it horrible and my nose is huge. good or bad opinions are accepted. Thanks for putting up with my silliness.

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Experiences as a "writer" with my family

I've had some odd experiences with my family relating to writing.

One of my nieces has become an art historian, and sent me some things she's written. They were flawless, and I told her so in an email. I was very specific about her strengths as a writer and the way she built and supported her argument. Some time later I was talking to her father (my brother-in-law), and he said, "Your opinion meant a lot to her because she knows you're a good writer. And when she said that, it made me wonder: Have you written anything lately?"

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A nice night out

Well, last night I had a pretty good night out, as my brother and sister-in-law took my mom and me out for dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday.

They gave my mom a framed picture of my grandfather on his tank taken during WW II, which got my mom reminiscing about those dark years during which she could only hope and pray her dad would make it home.

So as Remembrance Day approaches, don't just think of the soldiers who fought. Take a moment to remember the families who lost out as well.

Huggles for everybody.

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1. Noun: The fact of being who or what a person or thing is

Hmm, that seems fairly straight forward. Let’s see, I am first an individual, a human being. In some respects no different than you or anyone else and yet in so many other ways, I couldn’t be more different. So is that any clearer? No? Yeah, I’m still confused too.


NPR on Transgender Men Who Become Pregnant

Although BCTS stories deal mostly with MtF issues this article covers something that could be an interesting story element. Think of the challenge for a FtM, MtF couple starting a biological family.

"Transgender Men Who Become Pregnant Face Social, Health Challenges"


The Wisdom born of Experience? - and iPad Book Author App wanted

Today I understand and have sympathy for my late parents. They were it is true given to racist, sexist, homophobic, snobbish religious fundamentalism but nobody's perfect and they probably only wanted a little certainty in their lives.

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Simoné and the Second Time Around

Last February 6, I posted Simoné and the Second Time Around. Things didn't start off well as I innocently chose a horrible title. The final title was much better. I am very happy with it. Then misfortune hit BCTS and the site was down for a while. Unfortunately, when the site came back up, most of the kudos and comments were lost. Maybe I'm a comment and kudos whore; however, what I feel is a sweet and very nice story languishes with few Kudos and comments. It looks horrible when put up with my other stories, but I know it's not.

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wisdom about problems

here is a little wisdom about problem's that i got from my father before he passed away. he said that a problem is an opportunity for growth and that once you learn the answer to a problem, it stops being a problem because you know how to solve it no matter how many times it rears its ugly head again. he told me this when i got depressed when overloaded by problems feeling self pity and just staying in the bad situation. i hope this help others like it helped me. i love you all.


Discouraged and down

I got a phone call from a SRS doctor in California that my gender doc sent my info to regarding me possibly getting surgery. But after talking with her, it turns out I'm about 100 lbs too heavy for her to work on me.

Honestly, I wish I could know if I have even a chance before i fly down to Arizona for a consult, as right now I am discouraged and down.

Ah, well.


Tommy & Tamara series continuation

I've just posted chapter 17 of Tamara's Debut, due to editing that series will end on Chapter 24. Most of what was Chapter 25 now forms the intro into Chapter 1 of Tamara's First Christmas. As of now 20,000 words for that series have been written and posting will commence shortly after 'Debut' concludes, the story as written is now many thousands of words beyond where I left it in 2010.

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My Amazon ebook 'Coming Home' for sale in the United Kingdom

Synopsis- Anthony Rizzo is a serving National Guardsmen. His longtime girlfriend is Angela Pellegrin. They met while they both played college basketball at the same university. When Anthony comes home from Iraq on leave, Angela asks her boyfriend if he would like to switch bodies with her.

This 30,000 plus word story, which was first published on April 1, 2014, is on sale for the next week at the price of £0.99.

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Choices, choices, choices

I bet most people thought the end of Princess For Hire would never come, huh? I bet you were all thinking it was just another piece of abandoned writing on the site, left to forever linger on the cusp of a conclusion.

It wouldn't surprise me. Heck, I've got a LOT of unfinished stuff here. Hence, what I'm about to ask:

Which one of my old stories should I finish next?

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East coast meeting in NJ

I attended the meeting on Sat 11/1. I had a great time and met the most wonderful people. Erin, Piper (Amy and Ninja Baby), Cat, and Becky left me awed by their tech abilities and all they do for BC. I admire them and must confess to a bit of jealousy that they can at least sometimes openly express their inner self. The conversation was vibrant and jovial. No one asked personal questions but we were free to share our interests and background.


DVD's, Stacks, and Twilight

So, I do not own a TV and do not wish to purchase one. I watch DVD's on my ancient Dell XPS 430. Sometimes to watch a Video disk, it is like dragin a dead mule through the mud. It freezes, or won't load and it seems impossible to predict when it will happen. At first I thought I could solve this with new DVD drive, but once I got a message that Windows 7 could not read the disk. Out of 5 disks of "Twilight", two were exceedingly frustrating, while the other three played without issue. Last night, the last disk would not load at all, so I just went to bed.

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Bondfire Night

Yes its that time of year again when we Brits celebrate the failure of dissident terrorists' attempt to kill our King and destroy our Parliament, we have long memories, it was in 1605, over 400 years ago!

A bit nearer to home, its time to celebrate the release of the next instalment of Gaby - Culture Clash, Part the Second is now available for your Kindle from Amazon and for other formats via Lulu. The third stanza is underway and should be ready for release at the end of November.

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Women buying men's underwear is NOT equality

Women are buying men's underwear

Article’s original title :-
‘Why women are buying men’s underwear’ – copyright acknowledged per Guardian 29 Oct 2014

The article says it was ‘Prompted by the M&S claim about half of their men’s underwear is bought by women. Meanwhile, Acne have launched a line of ‘gender-neutral’ underpants.’ It then asked the banal and feeble question - Are men’s undies the latest example of unisex fashion?

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Not sure when or if I will be posting new chapters

The past two days I've been a little down. I'd been trying to keep in touch with my kids since I left Vancouver and was getting a bit depressed after my last email to them on Halloween got no replies. I was in chat talking with Erica Jane when I decided to check again. I got a response fro my 17 year old pretty much telling me to stay the fuck out of their lives and stop trying to stay in contact with them after "what I did leaving to be with your boyfriend so you could be happy".


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Vote or Don't Complain

If you don't vote you can complain. You still have that right. But, is it right to complain if you don't vote?

"But my vote don't count." If you don't vote your vote won't count.

Voting is an obligation. You must vote.

I'll make it easier for you to vote:

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How Soon Is Too Soon?

So... inspiration!

I haven't had enough of this lately, but it seems to be in ample supply at the moment, and barring anything horrible happening within the next 24 hours I'm well on track to have the NEXT part of PFH ready to post either some time this afternoon, or tomorrow.

The question, then, is this: do you WANT me to go ahead and post it? Or, would you rather I wait until I finish the story?

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yet another free idea for whoever wants it

I have another free idea to give away.

Setup like this:

A ordinary man is home alone, when suddenly two imp-like beings suddenly appear. He asks "What exactly is going on here?"

And one of the imps says to the other "She wants to know exactly, does she?"

"That's what she said" says the other.

"What do you mean, 'She'?" says the man ....

Take it from there!

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I'm back safely

I'm back home after most of a week spent with Piper and Cat (and Becky and Amy and Liam) in the wilds of South Jersey. I had a lot of fun and we had our BC meeting in a Chinese restaurant in Glassboro. It was pouring down rain so that may have affected our turnout but we did have two more people show up for the meeting.

More later it is late in the early morning and I'm pooped. :)

Hugs to all,

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No Twice Removed after all

I was really hoping that I would be able to get Twice Removed done by tonight so I'd still have a chapter this week, but with trying to finish Pirouette and other projects, having a really busy day today, and a bit of an emotional breakdown tonight over some personal stuff, I just won't be able to do it.



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Ack! My muse has ADD.

Gah! I know (and curse myself everyday) that I have 2 open stories - Dead Ringer & Summer of Love - that I have seemingly abandoned.
Not entirely true.
Due to life distractions, I seem to have scared away the muse that was fueling both stories, and I continue struggling to advance them on my own... initially, offline.
Trust me - muse-less story continuation is not publishable. But I am determined to finish what I started,.. with or without my muse.. however long it takes to do it right,

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Should I avoid starting a countdown?

Well, I am now only two weeks away from my lecture at my church. I have finished my notes, and just need to print them out, and run through them a couple times, and I will be as ready as I can be.

But since butterflies seem inevitable, maybe I should avoid a countdown?

What do you guys think?

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She implies she 'understands' transgender - Pfaff

Jenny McCarthy 'feels like a man in a Playboy bunny suit' - good grief - give me patience !!

Via PrideSource, Daily Mail etc & [copyrights obviously acknowledged!)

Jenny McCarthy ( ?from the Daily Mail – October 2014)

Jenny McCarthy recently revealed that she has always felt a little transgender on the inside (in an interview with PrideSource). And now, we’ll spend the next 300 or so words trying to figure out exactly what that means.

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(Insert Witty Title Here)

So.... Now that I've got my sleep under control. Time to get back into writing.

Except I'm having a hard time adjusting. Fun stuff as it is, I found an article that sort of helps. How to Put Yourself into an Effortless Writing Zone

What I'd like to know is if the rest of BC has any tips and tricks they've found to help with getting them to where they can write.

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Funding for 'The Experiment'...

I am sorry everyone...funding for 'The Experiment' is on the line... I am not sure if it will be able to continue...

LOL -- If you are following the story: I have several upcoming business trips--one starting tomorrow (for most of the week)... There are other trips coming up that are going to impact my writing--and more importantly-- my ability to post...

I posted the fourth chapter ahead of schedule tonight. It may be next week (as in after next Sunday) before I can post again...or, if I can before then, it may be intermittent, at best...

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Punctuation of thoughts

Greetings to my friends and, especially all the authors who have shared their stories here at The Big Closet.

One of my G+ friends shared this link which I thought would be of interest since many of our stories feature internal dialogue where the character has thoughts that aren't shared with other characters and may differ substantially from what they actually say in the story.

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Well. It's f$%&ing snowing!

Tonite we set the clocks back an hour, and it's freaking snowing! Here in western N.Y. State we get more than our share of this nasty, dangerous white garbage, but we usually don't get anything appreciable until later in November. Oh well. living here has it's advantages and it's disadvantages, just like most everywhere else.

That doesn't mean I don't hate sn@w just the same. It just means I gotta put up with this crap til spring.


Catherine Linda Michel



Getting your message across

I woke up this morning thinking about why we write. All of us, not just “authors”. The answer, of course is that we have something to say. It might be how it feels to be transgendered, or about seeing the humor in a difficult situation. It might be “I hurt”, and here’s why. It might be as simple as “I’m too tired to write an episode tonight.”.

It’s all about communicating something about our selves. As such, this communication deserves the dignity of having it’s message stated clearly, and without confusion.

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Just a bit surreal.

so... I'm sitting here, reading, watching Ghosthunters and just generally enjoying a peaceful, quiet Halloween evening. My phone rings and my best friend, my housemate, my landlady kinda, is calling me.

Now, to preface this just a bit, Tina and I have shared living accommodations for over 20 years and have been friends for longer than that. She has been one of the best things to happen to me during my transition. Totally accepting and supportive. I am Godparent to her youngest daughter (now 21)


free story idea!

Because my muse gives me more ideas than I can possibly use, I want to give away an idea to anybody who wants it (For free!)

Here's the pitch::

Remember the movie "What women want"? A man (played by Mel Gibson) suddenly gets the power to read the thoughts of woman.

But what if, no sooner than he figures out he cant read the thoughts of men, he finds out he can read the surprisingly feminine thoughts of a closeted trans woman?

What would happen next?

Well, that's up to whoever takes the idea and runs with it.

Have fun writing, everybody!

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I took a girl friend today to see the poppies.

For those who don't know, the veterans in this country set up a charity called the British Legion, who do their best to look after the wreckage left by war, whether it involves the veterans themselves or their families. Each year, as Remembrance Sunday/Armistice Day approaches, there is the poppy appeal. Paper or enamel poppy badges are sold to raise money for the charity.

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Athena's Wisdom, and other stuffs.

Hi all. I'll be posting Issue Eight of Athena's Wisdom later tonight. Then, there won't be any for a while, because I'm going to be doing Nanowrimo this year. It's no secret that I'm not the fastest writer out there, and I'm hoping that doing Nanowrimo this year will help with that.

I'm starting from scratch too. I haven't picked anything from my project folder to work up, or done an outline. So wish me luck if you will, and let me know if there's any interest in seeing it here on the site.

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No Twice Removed today

Hi folks, just letting you all know that I probably won't be posting Twice Removed this week until Saturday. I'm busy with a few rl things at the moment and trying to finish up a story I've been working on for the Back to School contest. There will be a chapter this week it'll just be delayed a few days.

*big hugs to you all*


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No Clownfish

I probably should have posted this sooner---like on Monday---but I forgot.

Anyway, there will be no Clownfish update this week. Sleep and I have not been friends the last week or so and I've been trying---and failing---to catch up. Hopefully I'll be well rested next week to write Ch.9 :)

In the meantime, I'm gonna try to get something done for tomorrow if I can :)

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Sometimes I Feel Like Starting A Revolution

I received some depressing news this evening.

A dear friend of mine (I'll refer to her as 'T') embarked on a civil partnership with a lovely girl ('S') in the summer of 2012. The ceremony was conducted here in the UK.

T is a British citizen, S is from South Africa. In 2013 S was informed that she was no longer welcome to stay in the UK. The reasons given boiled down to the fact that the couple didn't earn enough per annum for the government to allow them to remain together here. S subsequently returned to South Africa.

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Oh dear - what is a 'shutter'?

Hi all,

I came across a misapplied word in a passage a month or two ago.

As far as I was concerned, a shutter is something you use to pull across a window to either block the light (to a certain extent) or the wind, when it's stormy. Or both.
I supposed that it could be someone employed to go around shutting things.
I know that cameras have shutters.

In this last week, I have now seen the same misapplied word no less than eight times.

"I don't know how long I lay on that cold and dirty tiled floor, shuttering."

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Stuck in a Holding Pattern, but I'm Okay

I sleep all night and a write all day... Oops. Sorry. Got carried away for a second there ;-) This is a long overdue blog post, and I'm sorry to say it's not as informative as I'd like it to be, but that's because there's a lot of good things happening that I don't want to curse!

Caution: Mild language. Only mild, though.


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Why I have chosen to not make further comment

I am not someone who has ever connected with people.
I have been diagnosed with something called "Social Anxiety Syndrome", however that is just a fancy way of saying that
I am a loser that no one wants to really bother with.
I thought that, perhaps, I could interact, on limited basis, with some of you on this site.
I fear that I have merely imposed myself, once again, where I am not truly wanted.
So, you will not see me logging in again.
I know most will say, 'so what?', or 'who cares'.
But for those that I have offended, I apologize.


Hatbox Gifts Still Short of Goal to Keep BC Running

We've gotten a lot of contributions so far this month and thanks to everyone who has chipped in. After paying hundreds in bills this month, we are current on all but one of them. We've got some more bills coming at the end of the week and early next month, and we're a bit short of our goal with less than a week to go, so whatever any one can do will be greatly appreciated.

Someone wanted a breakdown of expenses. I've done this before but it gets complicated and lately I haven't been doing it. But here it is in round numbers.


Pain and agony

The infection is back and it's in full swing. My foot is swollen again all the way up to the calf muscle. I am in so much pain I cannot sleep. The doctor gave me pain pills. While they make my head all foggy and interfere with my ability to write, they do nothing for the actual pain. The doctor I have doesn't listen to a word I say, nor does she allow me to actually express everything that's on my mind as she hurriedly tries to shoo me out the door. I have obamacare, which let me go to one doctor which is a free clinic. Don't know what I'm paying monthly into.

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I can breath, and I can sleep

Breathing is great. I can breath through my nose now that I've had my deviated septum fixed.

Being able to breath is wonderful.

Since the stents were removed last Thursday, each night I've gotten a full 8 hours or more sleep.

Sleep is wonderful.

I've already made progress on my writing. A few chapters have made it into rough draft. No more defaulting to sleep when I try to write.

So excited now.

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Away for a bit

So my little side-story came out before I anticipated it would, but there you go. I have this character defect where I find it difficult to sit on a story. I even managed to write another chapter of SEE.

Unfortunately, there won't be another one for a while... I'm off to that place again, you know the one, where men are men and the women seem to be mostly men as well...

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So there I am, working through a twelve hour night shift which is actually thirteen hours due to the end of Summer Time, and I get bored enough to stick my name into that search engine and see if anyone else has said anything about my books. They have.

Specifically, about 'Viewpoints' and 'Cider Without Roses'. What they have said, via Wordpress, is "Don't bother giving her any money, just download this pdf we've made"

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Plausible budget?

I was working on the spreadsheet of a budget sheet for the county of Maurice for my story 'The Bride's Groom'. After I'm done with it though, I notice a problem. The amount of gold being handled in a small island country such as Maurice is too much! Considering that 1 gold can buy a man two loaves of french bread, the amount here is incredible. Yes, I know, someone will say that "No way they have such advanced taxation system in Victorian England or the decimals." Well, I choose to have advanced taxation system, because for the purpose of the story, I can't use an annual tax type.

