I think I figured out what the outcome of the great bathroom debate will be (to be referred to as Flushgate from here on out).
In the future there will be a wall of doors leading to bathroom stalls. Signs for 'Men' and 'Women' will be replaced with Cis Men, Cis Women, Transmen, Transwomen, Agender, Polygender, Androgynous, gay man, gay women, bi men, bi women, furry - canine male, furry - canine female, furry feline male.... etc.
Personally I think we need to keep the binary system in place, but we need to change from 'Men' and 'Women' to '#1' and '#2'. Let's quit worrying about anatomy and start worrying about function. No one wants to be in a restroom with me after I've been to taco bell and if they need '#1' they can be spared.
#3 if you got to do both
<<--- Sit | Stand --->>
<<--- Sit | Stand --->>
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
We could always just have
We could always just have urinals in the streets like in some places in Europe. Also squat toilettes (though not in the streets).
You have a point there, I think; I've heard that the gay club in town has asked patrons to use the mens room for #1 and ladies for #2. As for the #3 option, I'd think that would be covered by #2.
Flushgate ...
So much ado about nothing. My first reaction has always been "Do you people not have anything more important to trouble yourselves with?"
My favourite take on the matter, originally given to me by a bachelor uncle, though I have see it in other sources - "Setters or Pointers, it all goes down the same hole."
And by "you people"
I mean, of course, the slope-browed microcephalians who started the whole brouhaha in the first place.
No they are just 'stalling' progress!
This will all come out in the end, I guarantee it!
"Civilized" people's official denial of bodily functions
Procreation, waste 'management', even thermal regulation are all things "civilized' people - do not do - in public. Hot steamy sex, shit and piss, even honest sweat are all frowned upon in 'polite' society. (Oh and farting too. Burping is less of a fox pass.) All are shamefully done in some closed off room 'somewhere' or in the case of sweat showered off ASAP and perfumed, antipersperized and deodorized away as much as possible. Even the natural feeding of a baby is hidden, as if it were somehow a shameful thing.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Spell Checker Strikes Again...
I can see where one of those infernal devices would readily change "faux pas" into "fox pass". But I've been trying for close to 15 minutes now to come up with a wryly humorous definition of the latter term and haven't gotten very far. Best I've come up with:
-- a permission slip for a traditional English hunt;
-- something a night club bouncer provides to a girl he lets in for free
-- an assist during a vulpine basketball or ice hockey game.
Probably not worth wasting readers' time with, but having already wasted mine…
"faux pas"
faux pas
Dang, I though I might be able to help. Mine won't break.
Oh wait - did you compose it on a smart phone? That is the sort of stupid thing they are fond of doing.
How about 'Humans' and
How about 'Humans' and 'Others'
no one at my office is very open to such things but
I at one point mentioned what I heard on the News about as you call it "Flush Gate" and the company owner all though not big on the LGBT front and very conservative, said there two cents as a business owner.
It would be a colossal mistake for the government to try and say that you can only use a bathroom assigned based on birth certificate gender, because it would make things bad for businesses. It would basically require a minimum of 3 bathroom facilities per building depending on code for your area. because since a trans-woman could not use the female restroom or vise versa for a trans-man, there would have to be a bathroom set aside just for those that do not conform 1 at minimum. So building codes would require extra bathrooms and as such increase construction costs. So they see it as a bad for businesses situation the morality not being brung up. So she believes that businesses would actually resist the law being passes as it would increase their costs and so Politicians might listen to them and not the religious zealots trying to get the laws passed. At least she hopes so.
"Cortana is watching you!"
I know of at least a few
I know of at least a few businesses that have non-segregated single cubicle toilettes.