some thoughts

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As the new week begins, I've discovered that I had a number of subjects I have meant to talk about recently, and rather than make a week's worth of tiny blogs on each subject, I figured I'd combine as many as I could in one blog. Fair warning, there is no connection between any of the subjects ...

1) First, I want to thank my brother Mike for giving me a much needed bonk on the head the other day. See, I had started panicking (and feeling sorry for myself, if I'm being honest) over my financial situation, and Mike rightly pointed out that within the next two years I will have paid down a couple of my debts, and between that and hopefully finding a cheaper place to live, I should be able to start saving for SRS soon after that. Means I'll be in my mid-50's by the time I get it, but that's a darn sight better than "never'.

2) Secondly, I want to congratulate the Alberta provincial government for doing the right thing and passing a law that forces schools to create GSA's (gay-straight alliances) if students ask for one. To be honest, I expected them to be too worried about the social conservatives to do it, but they recognized that a large majority of Albertan's are in favor of the idea. Plus, they officially added "gender expression" to the provincial Human Rights Act, which means a person will not be discriminated against because of being trans.

3) Thirdly, I wanna talk about super heroines for a second. If you've been in a store that sells toys in the last while, chances are you've seen a display for the newest Barbie - and this time she's a super heroine. Seeing that got me wondering why Mattel could promote a female superhero towards kids, but Marvel and DC cant seem to manage it. I mean, there is a new Avengers movie coming, can you find a Black Widow doll anywhere? I sure couldn't. The only bad thing about the super hero Barbie is how girly they've made her. I mean she's a princess who gets kissed by a magic butterfly and becomes a hero called Super Sparkle - how much more girlish could she be?

4) I wanted to pass along some good news. My weight is now down to 275 lbs, so I am making progress on that front. Not sure how much more I can lose, but I'm gonna try ...

Well, those are the ones I could remember today. Huggles to all my readers!