Ever since St Augustine suggested that humans had free will ( he had to or it implied his god was responsible for everything) there have been others who argued that we didn't. The evidence is mounting to show that we're a mass of influences beyond our control from our genes to our environment, culture and almost anything else you care to name.
This lengthy article is worth the effort to read.
This is neat, but it's really
This is neat, but it's really too early to really matter in what we know. Intelligence itself is an emergency of the biological processes in us which are based on internal and external influences. We can and do use our intelligence and will to go against what we're naturally inclined to do but also to go with.
Also the article kind of read like they're trying to make a distinction that you are not your genetics and at the mercy of them when it's more like the analogy of being a pie. The genetics only make up one ingredient of the whole thing. You're not that one ingredient. You're many ingredients as a pie.
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
Free will, BAH !!!
We have our genetic makeup which drives our hormone levels, our parents, schools, and government mould our thoughts and conduct and woe be unto him who strays. Now days we have various media sources which guide us to work our jobs, and spend our income in ways that are beneficial to them. For those of us of faith, our guidance also comes from those who dictate acceptable conduct, and even contribute a portion of our income to support the supposedly superior cultural and spiritual ideas they advocate. We are told that free will exercised will send us to hell. Humbug !
There was more interesting research...
...couple of years ago that shown that it is possible to predict person's decision by monitorin brain waives several seconds before any conscious thought is formed by the said person.
Feel free to accept responsibility
I choose to accept responsibility for my experiences during life. That isn't the same as choosing what I physically do but does allow me the 'free will' of choosing to accept responsibility for my interpretation of my actions and reactions.
It follows that I accept responsibility for interpreting my experiences as those of a human woman rather than those of an alien from another planet as family and friends have suggested. On the other hand it is still taking me time to accept responsibility for interpreting my experiences as those of an old woman.
Rhona McCloud
Even if we don't have free will...
Even if we don't have free will, we are constrained to act as if we do.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Amen! ;-)
I was getting a headache pondering this.
You just freed me from this conundrum in one blissfully succinct sentence.
Acquaintance of mine...
Fancies himself as a philosopher and got obsessed by this question. Convinced himself it really wasn't worth bothering to push forward with life and has become quite depressed.
Sad case. Personally, I think he was a bit of a plonker to go down this one-way route in the first place.