TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Yeah, it's Kentucky but I'd hope we'd be beyond this

Kentucky students using sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms could win $2,500 if they catch a member of the excluded biological sex there, under proposed legislation

The bill’s sponsor, Republican state Sen. C.B. Embry, tells U.S. News the measure may need modification. He says he wouldn’t want teens to stage incidents to win payouts.


RPG in the #dungeon

Last night a few of us had our first gaming session in the #dungeon room in the IRC chat.

I think it was a success. I enjoyed last nights session. This is my first time being a GM with Pathfinder and I like to think I pulled it off with teaching two new players about how to game in this system, and letting the two experienced players have some fun playing.

This game is being run on Thursdays from 7pm to at least 10pm EST. We actually went to just past 11pm.

The Adventure party is full barring no one drops out. Everyone is welcome to come watch.

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Not able to access Sapphire's Place

I just realized that my only postings are when I'm unable to access Sapphire's Place ( It looks like last year about this time the domain registration ran out. Is it that time of year again and if so does Sapphire need any assistance? Hope everything is ok.

Jeff B.

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Then and Now

It's amazing how much difference time and experience can make in the way that you write a story. Really, it is!

I've been thinking about this a lot this last year, mostly while working with the rewrite of Oh, Cheers, but also now that I'm cleaning up/tightening up Princess For Hire too, it really strikes me just how different my work comes out with more effort put into it.

Early on in the rewrite of Oh, Cheers, I tied to keep things pretty close to the original, but I still found myself changing things quite a bit. I've learned a lot in the last seven years or so.

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Shortcuts Is at the Halfway Point

Shortcuts is actually complete and I'm just posting finished chapters. There are thirteen chapters to go. I hope my readers enjoy the ride.

For those of you who like to read finished stories, I post three or four chapters a week so the story should be all here in three to four weeks.

- Terry

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Bills coming due - Gifts needed

It's that time of month again. The server bills are due, payments on the debts we owe, and some money to keep Piper from having to look for other work.

Anything you can spare will be appreciated, and if you can't give, well, we know that that happens.

Electronic giving can be done through the Hatbox or through Janglewood or send me a PM for a snail mail address.

Thank you all and Happy New Year!


Slow Start

Its turning out to be a slow start to 2015, a combination of nasty weather and seasonal unhealthiness is keeping me from doing much on two wheels and stuff like exploding microwaves has meant expense i could've done without! on the plus side i'm entered in 3 sportives so far with a further two in the diary awaiting entry information, i've started my retro bike project and the summer holiday planning is coming along nicely. Not only that but the current writing project is coming along nicely, i'm hoping to have it ready by the end of the month.

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A Scottish ferry ride

I occasionally make reference to the weather in Scotland, where the Tammy stories are set, but regardless of how well weather can be described in writing, nothing beats a video.

This was filmed on 9th of Jan and is the ferry between the Orkney Isles and Scrabster, about 4 miles from Thurso. Have your paper bags ready!

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Looking For Love

Well I turned 50 and I started to reminisce about my relationship with that non-genetic lady who I remember as Jessica. I guess I am still amazed at how she fell in love with me. It was one of those scenarios that you only see in movies she was a classy lady and me I was the cowboy/laborer type of guy who considered being in a new pair of Wranglers as being dressed up. Been through 3 divorces with genetic women and don't have really anything to show for it I am sort of like that country song.

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Jessica's Story - Part 6 - spoilers

Ok, so the 6th part of Jessica's Story has been posted. This is one part I'm expecting to get comments on, on various matters. I'll just say that it took several attempts to write the dialogue between Anne and Julia, that led to them kissing. I wanted Anne to be reluctant, going into the talk, which is why she denies her attraction to Julia in the first place. But she isn't convincing, and Julia notes it, prompting her to continue the questioning.

I admit that the scene was a little hasty, and I apologise.

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I wish I had a snuggle partner

I am a blessed (or lucky) person, and I know this. I've begun a transition, and still I have been able to have a job, I've still got my family, and none of the horrible things I feared have happened to me.

But despite my blessings, I wish I could have one more.

A person to share my life with.

Ah, well.

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Often these blogs are used to pine for acceptance. Last night the trans community took a huge step forward.

"Transparent" won two major Golden Globes.

Not too many years ago an award to Jeffrey Tambor for his lead role would have been accompanied by nervous laughter and insensitive jokes.

It was a very good night.


Odd few days

I've been feeling a bit down recently, partly post-Christmas blues, partly no work coming in, partly money's tight.

When I last had a major downer, when I was going through divorce and child custody issues, I wrote. That was when, in 2008, some of my stories started and many of the story threads I imagined are now being written into something coherent.

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Gaming in the IRC Chat

Hi everyone.

Through reading many of the comments by authors and readers here on BC, I know that many of us are gamers of the role-playing kind.

It's still being worked on but a few of us are going to start gaming in the IRC Chat in the #dungeon room.

The room isn't permanent, but it's still being worked on. Also there isn't a dice rolling module in the chat yet either but I've been told that's being worked on as well

I am not a site admin, but after a few of us in the IRC chat professed an interest in gaming, this came about.

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For those who've followed the twisting turning path that is my life, caring enough to drop a note, or lift up a prayer, thank you.
Fortunately, this isn't about drama. Not about rejection, divorce, hostility or any other negative emotion.Nor is it about weight loss or weight gain, physical problems, or the vagaries of my doctors. All of those are present, it's just they've taken a backseat to something I'd nearly forgotten exists.

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My radiators have been fixed so hopefully no more water dripping about the place. My house feels nice and warm again and I'll shall sit down before I open the bill when it arrives.

Did a bit more cycling today but my fitness is well down after my cold. My mileage for last year was the lowest for ages, so I hope to do better this. My daughter seems to be feeling a little better as well, so perhaps things are going to improve at last.

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The Oldest Profession goes High Tech

As a technophile, the annual CES in Las Vegas in January is always fun to follow, although my new job has interfered a bit.

But, I thought this article about some of the side activity this week was very funny!

And since working girls sometimes feature in our stories, it also provides some interesting background material.

All the best!

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No driver's license

Russia has included in their infinite wisdom to ban all sexual disorders from holding a driver's license. A short list and by no means inclusive, transgender, cross dressers, homosexual, gay, lesbian, and probably anyone carrying or even thinking of porno. I wonder if women are allowed to wear pants and drive? Funny but I didn't realize how one dressed, considered sex, or gender affected their driving abilities. Unless of course we included chains and whips and all that other kinky stuff that could affect one's ability to operate a motorized vehicle.


Why do I try?

Perhaps it is time to clear the air?

Often I write about other cultures, and to be authentic in those stories there is often some element of religion to keep it all in context. There are many places in the world where even though one might be an atheist, they must either pray in the streets or hide until everyone is done. I don't actually care what your beliefs are and if you confront me about them, it will be a waste of time. That element was only in the story to depict realistic situations.

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Talking of ships and the sea. Food for thought.

Just read an article about ships and their ever increasing size.

Here's the link.

She's deemed too big for any US port, now that's food for thought. 1340 feet long 160 feet wide. Well over four football pitches long and much wider than a football pitch. Bigger by far than USS Nimitz.

Just docked in UK, next to Holland and Germany then back to China. At least the crew can get ashore from those ships, not like tankers and ore-carriers.

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A cute comic depicting a serious issue


This cute comic depics a serious issue:

Unfortunately for Sandrx they very much exist. In my old group we called them Benjies (Harry Benjamin Standards of Care) as they actually think there is such a thing as a "true Transsexual."


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Thank You

I want to thank the people here who support me and my work. I just received my 70th review on Unreachable and my 40th review on God Bless the Child on Amazon. Also, The Dress Punishment is well over 40k reads (who keeps reloading the page?) It is incredibly humbling to see people take time to read and comment on something I produced when I know there are so many other great authors out there.


Hello 2015!

So here we are, 2015 and the start of a year which promises to be every part as exciting as 2014. The immediate news is that i've fixed the problems with last weeks chapter link and Culture Clash is now available in the full version for your Kindle, as a pdf and a paperback.

Rather than give a timetable here are my aims for scribbling for 2015
•Gaby Cookbook
•New Nena story
•Gaby book 14
•completion of Anja & the Druid

I would like to do more than this but its very dependant on available time!

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Who’s the fairest of them all, or, what sort of stories do folks here like the most?

With 2014 finished, I have taken a close look at how the books I have published on Kindle have fared. In doing so, I was interested in trying to discern why some books did well, and others, not so good. My thoughts on this are my opinion only and quite unscientific.



Our ailing old cat might have a bit more life in him

My sister took our sick and nearly 20 year old cat to the vet to see if the meds had helped any

Still not sure if he has cancer but he does have an inflamed bowel.

The bloody stools have stopped as best we can tell.

His red blood cell value was at 13 out of a healthy 30 right after Christmas. He was near critical at that time according to the vet.

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Suggestions please

For the first time in ten years, when we were in Australia and New Zealand, Di and I are going away for a holiday that is more than a long weekend.

We shall fly to Lanzarote on Friday and have 10 days there.
The flight is 4+ hours each way, so I am looking for recommendations please for 'books' I can download to my Kindle.

I have loaded up all the 'Sussex Border' stories, but, allowing my stupid side to take over, I have now read them all!

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About Jessica's Story - Part 4

Ok, so Jessica's Story - Part 4 is now posted. I just wanted to say a few things about this, and regarding some of the posts made to the earlier chapters.

By the time I began writing Michelle's Story, I had already completed a good many chapters of Jessica's Story. Seeing how the stories are linked, I had to go back and edit the first few chapters of Jessica's Story, just to accommodate the progression of the other, as well as editing any continuity errors (Yes, we all make mistakes :) ).

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Beautiful Music

In tonight's posting of Love's Shame, Love's Salvation I introduce a wonderful piece of music (my opinion): Mahler's Second Symphony, The Resurrection. It is a profound work, and I encourage you to listen to it, if only the last movement. I know what they say about opinions; however, in my non-professional music opinion, it ranks among the greatest symphonic works of the late 19th century. Even if you don't read my story, please click on the link(s), sit back, and enjoy.:

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Suing Humanity if this doesn't happen

OK, call this shameless advertising of my blog (not what I intend), but this is something that needs to happen. For those that don't want to click the link, think again. It's about a petition on teaching Gender Identity in schools. Something that I hope we all realise is needed. I seriously hope this one goes through, because while it may not help me any, it would give me peace of mind to know that we're no longer that group that everyone avoids talking about.

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So you want to pass... Pay close attention

So you want to pass. You might want to be sure you're up to the task, and well informed about

15 Inconviences Of Being A Woman Men Will Never Understand.

If you can't identify with at least half the list you may be hopeless. I'm more or less rolling on the floor laughing myself senseless. Some of them hit quite close to home, others you can only dream of...

Hugs, Love and Blessings ya'all


Happy New year to all, and thanks to all my readers - an announcement

A very warm greeting this New Year from grey and damp England. I am just getting over the flu (and having grandchildren for two weeks). This is really a big thanks to all of those who have been so wonderful and bought my books. I am now in a position to not need to go out to work, as my income from books aids my pension to such a degree that I can stay and write all the time.

Two announcements...

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Attempting to rejoin the human race - plus - Secret Identity

After a prolonged period of severe depression I'm trying to get back to writing stories again. I began work on a new story a few weeks ago, and it's starting to look pretty good. Really struggling to stick with it. It's difficult to write in a vacuum and I've drifted so far from the few friends I ever had. I'm not even sure anyone would remember me or be glad to know I'm still around.

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A question

for you all. With the change in EU law regarding taxation points, prices on Amazon Kindle are all over the place! This can make buying the content a price lottery depending on which platform you buy through.

Should I just let things be or should I set specific prices? Obviously exchange rates can affect the pricing dramatically too so the latter option would 'normalise' your price somewhat.

Let me know what you think


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Hi all,

Without realizing it, it's been over a month since I last published any chapters. I thank those who mailed me. And those who don't, I'm sure you're still waiting :P I'm so sorry, it's simply that my gig on Fiverr had been selling pretty well that I was forced to increase it's value to reduce commissions or end up working day and night on Christmas. If anyone's looking for an English to Malay translations or vice versa, do look me up. My name there is Shineris, typing 'Malay translation' will bring you to me, which is the top gig in the genre. Anyway, here's the status of my stories:

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Audience survey - Julina of Blackstone

Hi all,

I have a question almost of 'site etiquette' I guess.

Julina ..., Book 1, is complete. It ended after chapter 40.

I have the next three episodes written, and more underway. The timeline prevents them being released quite yet.

Here is my B I G question:

Now when I do start in on Book 2, do I start 'chapter' numbers back at 001, or do I continue from where we left off, and start at 041?
If I do the former, then I can leave it as Book1, Book 2 etc, but if I choose the latter, then it would have to be 'Volume1', 'Volume2' etc.


Jessica's Story - Part 1 now up

OK, I've posted the opening chapter of Jessica's Story, one of 2 real life situation serials. For anyone who decides to follow it, there is another serial that I'm doing, called Michelle's Story, that runs along side this one. The two stories are connected, even though they follow their own paths, and there are chapters that apply to both.

Part 10 of Jessica's Story, is also Part 4 of Michelle's Story, just to highlight what I mean.

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Stories I'll be posting, and works in progress.

Ok, so I just want to round up the stories that I'm intending to post on this site, as well as preview stories that are still in development.

Jessica's Story (Ongoing Serial)

This is the first of my serial stories. Set in reality, it tells of Peter Brook, and how from an early age, he knew he should be female. It leads to how he finally is able to become Jessica.

Michelle's Story (Ongoing Serial)

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Question/Survey - Love's Shame, Love's Salvation

I've been putting links to the important pieces of music mentioned in each posting at the end of the posting. 'Drea has been doing this with her stories for quite a while, and I thought that since I frequently reference music I would put in a link to it so that readers might listen to and hopefully enjoy it.

Does anyone care? Is anyone actually checking out the music? I'll continue to add the links; however, I was curious.

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Looking back at 2014

Looking back at 2014, it started as just another year, nothing terribly special, but then I lost my best friend, spoke about being trans in front of my church, spent most of December fighting depression and flashbacks, and grieved for a girl I had never met in life.

So some good, some bad, I guess that's normal ...

I am kinda hoping 2015 has more of the good stuff ...

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In memory of Leelah Josh Alcorn

My heart goes out to all touched by Leelah Josh Alcorn's life and apparent suicide. I pray for others to reach out to those who do understand and accept you. Please don't take your life, no mater how much you are hurting. I am a Christian who believes God is accepting and unconditional love is, unconditional.
May our sisters and brothers as transgender males or females be there for others.
I grieve for those who's faith is too small. Parents even thinking they are right must hurt at such a time.




Anyone here have a PS4?

I was just wondering if anyone here has a Playstation 4 and is playing Far Cry 4 yet? Definitely enjoying it, especially some of the animal elements. Throwing bait at the enemies to get any variety of animals to go after them. Snow Leopard, Bhole, bear, etc. :D
You definitely have to show some stealth in this game but I always like a challenge in that respect.


Coverage of Transgender folk.

The fate of Leelah seems to have struck a cord in some segments of America. This morning, right on the front page of CNN, there is a rather detailed story about her and other transgender children and it is quite sensitive and supportive.

On my Facebook page I call it murder.

Leekah's story has moved me, striking chords in me that were not expected. Can it be that Trans folk are coming out of the dark ages? I'm going to phase over to Fox News now to see if the impossible has happened.

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End of the year and a little short

It's the beginning of a new year and we are still a bit short on our goals. It's always a bit difficult at this time of year since there are so many other things to put money into.

If you can give some though, the links are in the right hand side bar and here: Give through Amazon and Give through P**P**.

Or you can PM me for other ways to donate.


Story search

I must be getting old. Can't remember author or title of a relatively recent story. Officer on a ship is transformed into a women and marooned on a planet (and pregnant as part of the transformation). Native of the planet sees her covered with butterflies and thinks she is a spirit. Searches for her.

Appreciate your help. Thanks and happy new year.

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Happy New Year

Happy New year to everyone, whichever time zone you find yourself in.

I rejoined BCTS during 2014 having been absent for a while. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time back here and love the community atmosphere. I hope my stories have contributed too, having concluded two in the past week.

My aim is to be a better author in 2015, and a better person too.

Love and hugs to all

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Follow up on my Xmas loss, odd happening at funeral sevice

Well we buried Jimmy yesterday . He is no longer in pain after his Motorcycle crash 2 years ago . I got to meet his children and Grandchildren . His younger daughter not only lost her dad BUT her husband got the call that his DAD died the same morning . What are the odds of losing 2 important people on the same day .
Goodbye my friend

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bye bye 2014!

Yes its that day of the year, has it really been 365 days since the last one?

A fair amount has happened in 2014, i've done a fair bit of travelling, whilst i've not done all the writing i hoped to do the year has seen the completion of not one but with the release today of Culture Clash, two Gaby volumes! Thank you all once again for supporting my writing efforts, for 2015 i must try harder to get on with some of the other stuff too!


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I've been thinking about things

I have been reading about Leelah Alcorn, and even though I never knew her in life, I find myself feeling a strong connection with her death.
Because I've been where she was.

Two times I had a plan, and came within moments of carrying it out, and once I simply found myself with a knife at my wrist not even remembering putting it there.

I have tried to "pray away the trans" as hard any person could, and with every bit of sincerity I possess.
I have been to Christian councilors looking for someone to "cure" me.

I have wondered if God hated me.

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A New Year's Present to all Anmarian fans

Hi all,

I have just updated the complete Index thingy to Penny's "Somewhere Else Entirely" to include direct links to each chapter that has been posted in the entire collection of stories. Yes all 116 of the main story, 6 of the Armsman of Joth, and my 41 supporting tales. That's 163 links I have built in.

Have a good year, the Year 1175 since the Great Flood - and also the Year 2015.

All the best,



Looking for a Story

Actually trying to remember a story. Over the holidays I heard some kids complaining about going back to school. Basically, what's the point if you can look stuff up on the internet.

I thought, what you going to do if the internet/communications are down?

But, back to school. What is school? Learning yes but I think one of the biggest reasons is socialization. Teaching kids how to interact with the world and others.

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A heartbreaking story

This was posted by one of my conservative, Christian friends on Facebook today.

So many times my stories have positive outcomes, a world of acceptance by families and friends I wished existed in real life. But so many of us here deal with, or have dealt with the issues this girl faced.

It hits all too close to home to me.

Some very sad news to share.

Yesterday, a 17-year old committed suicide by jumping in front of a semi on I-71 near the South Lebanon exit.

It has come to light that this person likely committed suicide because she was transgender.



My most sincere apologies. Re: Artwork

to everyone who requested artwork or info regarding it. The principal, who was going to give it a try, decided to scrap the whole project.

My intentions were good, but then we all know what the road to hell is paved with, yes?

Again, my abject apologies. I'm sorry if I got anyones hopes up, only to dash them. Please forgive me.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Publishing on Amazon

I know this might be a crazy question, but how does one get a story published on Amazon Kindle? I know a few authors here have done so. I'm a bit slammed with work and school, and to be honest could use a little extra income coming in ... not that I would make a lot.

Thought about putting a couple of my longer stories such as His Secret up if I knew exactly what I need to do.

Any help I could get would be appreciated.



Remember Edeyn and her briliant works

I was remembering and going through some older stories and fun time I had with them (It would be nice to see all star Maiden by Decree read by people again) and remembered Edeyn´s stories - mainly my favourite Violet Ajah and Sk8r Grrls.
Since Edeyn had both mainly pulled down for rewrite, only shards of them remain here on BCT. If there would be an interest, I have original 27 chapters of Sk8r Grrls still saved on HDD, so their re-upload would not be problem if anyone is still interested in them.


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A special warmth

Well, I am back in sunny Florida and the high temp was 80 degrees. Yesterday I was in San Francisco and the temp was low 50s. On the other hand I just had a glorious 6 days with my son, Sean and his mom, Toni. There was warmth. They love me. I'm not sure that I understand it all but they love me.
Toni got us tickets to "Chanticleer", which was magnificent and I even went to church with her on Christmas Eve to hear her in the choir.

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Unaccounted Gains book 2 has now concluded slightly sooner than originally intended but concluded nonetheless after 32 chapters, making the story so far 72 chapters long, I have no idea of the wordcount as yet! It will now have a break whilst I concentrate on Tammy's story. I'm not completely happy with the next chapter of Tamara's First Christmas so there will be some rewriting before it's published.


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The year draws closer to its end as does our oldest cat

Just came back from the vet.

Our four year old, Simon, has a couple chipped/broken teeth that may need to be removed. Otherwise very healthy.

Rusty, almost 20 years old, has lost a pound - 1/8th of his weight -- since this summer. He has blood in his stool, is somewhat anemic and his colon feels thick and abnormal. This on top of his kidney disease and heart murmur.

They did tests. We find out Monday.

They gave us some meds to ease his symptoms.

The vet first thought colitis but given his age and the abnormal feeling bowel... quite possibly cancer.

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"The boy in a dress"

"The boy in a dress" was on UK TV BBC yesterday early evening. Aimed primarily at pre-teens and early teens, it was suitable for people of all ages.

A light-hearted tale of the adventures of a boy who loved wearing a dress, and got expelled for wearing one to school. I won't give away the ending as many will want to watch on catch up.

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Christmas Blues


Here I go again.

No health insurance, which means scripts run out. One of them was my antidepressants. I probably am going to have to go out of pocket with this one.

Problem is the withdrawal. It is a killer, or could be. About a week before Christmas I went into a depression that I would class as life threatening. When I get like that I don't reach out to people, I just shut down. Which probably accounts for why I don't have the meds yet, a positive feedback loop of the worst sort. It broke in time for Christmas, which was good.


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As the year draws to an end, I find it time for a little ....

... reflection on the year's events.
I realise with a shock that I have been "Julina"ing for well over a year, and I have been heavily involved in other aspects of Anmarian life. Sometimes I feel that I live on Anmar and not on Earth! I almost find myself using "I deem" in everyday language.


had a nice Christmas dinner

I seem to have a habit of creating stress in situations far beyond what the situation actually calls for.

For example, leading up to my going to my aunt's for Christmas dinner, the battle I was waging to conquer my fear and go in a dress was so intense I was in tears. (Jaci can confirm this, she listened to me cry)

But in the end, I went in my church dress, and it was no problem whatsoever.

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Posting a whole book at a time.

So, I am feeling a bit of frustration because several of the author's whose stories I really like post so infrequently between chapters that I've forgotten everything by the time they do. And I have been guilty of the same offense myself.

So, I am wondering about posting an entire story of say 12 chapters, as an example, at once as 12 different files? I've had poor performance at writing new chapters of a multi chapter story and getting them posted in a timely manner. For example, my 4 chapter "Katia" story took about 14 months.

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A day of remembrance

It may be Christmas but is also a day to remember the ones that have gone before.

Those that have left us in sickness,in a warriors death and suffering.

The ones that are still here.

Show patience and understanding.
Give care and support.

The ones that are still to come.

Teach honor , integrity and self-worth.


Bad Sad Day

My Christmas day when to hell with 1 phone call this afternoon . Our friend Jimmy never woke up this morning . The big guy (6'6") was 54 and probably had an aneurysm as he was in the hospital with headaches .
We have lost to many friends and family very young
Rest in Peace Jimmy you will be missed

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I desperately need help explaining ASAP

I currently work at Kroger's as a Deli Clerk, and have been trying to explain to my parent's in a way they can understand for weeks now, why I can't keep working there as it is mental torture for me. They want me to wait until I get another job but I can't explain to them what it does to me to be around so many happy and normal people.

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one busy Christmas

Well, I have had a busy Christmas.

Sharon called me not long after I had come home and gone to bed, telling me that she had fallen, and was bleeding.

I drove over, picked up her and my daughter, took Sharon to the hospital and brought my daughter to my house to wait for word.

Finally, about 2:30, she called and we went and picked her back up at the hospital and took her and my daughter to their home.

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