I'm about three quarters of the way through a Bikini Beach story I know it's Elrods universe, his creation. But I do have a few questions which I guess is all about etiquette and protocol really.
First of all am I right in thinking that it would only be right for me to send him the story first? Although from my understanding Ellie Dauber is another I could send it too first.
Second if either of them are OK with the story how would I go about finding an editor or would they do that as well.
Thirdly I'm neither Gay Lesbian Bi or Trans Gender but just a girl with a good imagination
If you want your story
If you want your story included in the cannon stories, then you definitely need to get Elrod's approval (Ellie's might be ok, I'm not sure). If you're just doing a fan fiction you might want to at least contact one of them, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary in that case.
For an editor it would be your choice, but you might ask them for suggestions as to whom you could ask.
As to the last, welcome to BCTS. That's not an issue here, as long as you support others rights to be whoever they are.
Elrod's BB Universe
Elrod does require stories written in his universe to be sent to him or Ellie Dauber. My experience with Elrod is that he'll try to do well for you. Of course, you should also try to do well for him. My suggestion is that you complete your story, let it sit a while, revise it, then send it to Elrod. You might combine revision with sending to Elrod. He'll help as editor as well as pointing out non-canon issues and suggesting alternatives. You might also be able to find various reasons to keep something. (For example, statements by anyone other than Anya and Grandmother may be wrong, because the speaker might not know -- ignorance, bias, etc. Or you may find precedent in a story by Elrod or Ellie that supports what you did. Many things might happen.)
In my experience (one major story) the story remains intact, even though details may change.
Best of Luck.
-- Daphne Xu