Finish Line.
I crossed a line today
not the line you think
i've been racing for a long time
running against life and myself
i thought one day i could win
or at least finish in the middle
i was dreaming
life never lets you win
life does everything it can to stop you
life finally beat me today
life won because i give up
i can't compete anymore
im just to tired
just another soul who lost the race
i never saw the finish line
i dreamed of it
i know now the race is rigged
more of us fail then cross
i gave up today
maybe now i can rest
a broken contestant
im done
Just how I was feeling today.
That was a lovely, and wonderful poem.
That was a lovely, and wonderful poem. You have a lot of talent and skill.
a thought
perhaps you are not winning the race because you are running the wrong route. Different runners have different strength a sprinter might not do as good as a marathon runner and vice versa if they enter the wrong event.
As an expert goal setter, I also know that sometimes people can get too far ahead of themselves and not take solace in the victories they just won.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Good poem
But surely this should be a story type entry and not a blog. (There is a "poetry" category.)
If you did that, then we could all give it the kudos it deserves.
What I've Heard
Over and over is that life is not a race, but a journey. The end is less important than the things you do along the way.
This 'folk wisdom' does not make me feel good when I read it. I guess I'm not valuing the things I've done along the way very much. It's like the route I took wasn't very fulfilling, but It might just be my chronic depression.
There's some chance that I'll get an antidepressant this month that will help me, but some chance that it won't.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Just how I'm feeling
every day.