TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Thank you

for all your feedback regarding my scribbling. Clearly Gaby is most peoples favourite series but there were plenty of votes for Nena and Peaches too. I will start something new this week but don't hold your breath, it could be a few weeks before anything is ready for release.

On a slight tangent, as the website is getting a complete makeover is there anything that people would like to see incorporated?


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I'm moving

Well, it looks like everything is set, and we're gonna be moving over the next month.

The good part of it is that we dont have to wait to start sending stuff over to the new place, so it wont have to happen in one big moving day. The bad parts include the fact that we're gonna have to give away or put in storage a lot of our stuff as the new place is much smaller, and that my online time will become more and more constrained as I spend more time getting stuff done.

Ah, well. short term pain for long term gain, or so I hope ...

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Gender Identity And You

I've said it before, and I'll likely say it many many more times: I love video games.

That said, there are a lot of problems that the industry has with not taking alternative sexualities or even anything other than guys into consideration when designing games. Sure, that's slowly changing, but it can always use a bit of a push.

This is my idea for a game that could do just that.

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Fascinating article about free will

Ever since St Augustine suggested that humans had free will ( he had to or it implied his god was responsible for everything) there have been others who argued that we didn't. The evidence is mounting to show that we're a mass of influences beyond our control from our genes to our environment, culture and almost anything else you care to name.

This lengthy article is worth the effort to read.


You can never find an evil twin when you need one...

Actually, she doesn't really need to be a twin. And the 'evil' thing could be a hindrance...

Maybe a simple clone would do...

You know those sitcoms where the protagonist has to attend a swank business function that turns out to be exactly the same time and on the other side of town from her best friends bachelorette party or birthday celebration or somesuch? So of course, she decides she can juggle both and hilarity ensues.

I'm still waiting for the hilarity to ensue.

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A Great Kinde eBook by Hypatia!

A millenia ago an act of anger by a scientist called Silvinas changed our world to his fantasy. The war between the races is again erupting with help from Silvinas. This is a time for men to be real men, women to be real women and dragons to sing old Lennon and McCartney songs.

This can be found at this link; ( btw: BC gets some profit if your click and buy from this link !)

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Big Closet Bathroom Anthology

Doppler Press would like to announce the creation of our first Big Closet anthology. We know that there are many people who would like to contribute to the running of the site but simply do not have the money to donate and we respect that. But there is another way to help, and that is contributing to the Big Closet anthologies, which we plan on publishing as both an E-book and a print book quarterly. All proceeds from the sales of these books will be applied to keeping this site running. What we need from authors are stories, poems, essays, comics, pictures, etc.

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Need a Grammar Cop

The doctor picked up the package of birth control pills, “How do these pills EFFECT or AFFECT you?”

Rebecca realized that this was more of a grammar question, than a medical question, so she replied, “The pills AFFECT my body, by overcoming the testosterone my body may make. The estrogen works to feminize my body.”

Proper use?


Mrs.Stevenson pulled...

I'm sad to see it pulled as I think Jodie writes some great stories. If I found out she pulled them because of relentless trolling by pm's I will not be happy.
I know there are some great authors around here and on other tg fiction sites that have pulled or stopped writing further stories on a character because of trolling and some "critiques" that border on trolling.
To the people pulling this nonsense knock it off!!! If you want to give honest constructive criticism that's fine but trolling is something else entirely.


Anyone heard from StefB?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from StefB (aka S.E. Bell). she has not updated her website in some time or posted on BCTS. I am just wondering if she is OK?
I had purchased all her books on Amazon and on her site she said she had another book in progess but that was over 8 months ago. I am wondering if anyone has heard from her, and how she is doing.

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Bike - sorry can't stay awake to keep writing

Seem to be perpetually tired these days, possibly caught my daughter's fatigue - only joking. Tomorrow is another hard day - in fact the week is, so I'll write as and when I can. My sincere apologies to those who anticipated more Bike tonight but I just can't finish tonight's episode.


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Snake Oil Publishers

When we were actively publishing it seemed I spent half my time warning wannabe writers to watch for the con artists. Writers give birth to a story. Because it is their baby they are willing to do almost anything to see it in print. Whether they are thinking of being the next Tom Clancy and famous and rich or just famous, the author stops thinking of risk.


Ghost Graduation

I was bored today and found this really good movie on Netflix today called Ghost Graduation. Its sorta Sixth Sense meets Breakfast Club, a teacher who sees ghosts tries to help a group of teenage ghosts pass on by helping them graduate highschool. Anyway, there a couple of quick possession scenes in there---well one is quick, the other is a few minutes long.

I highly recommend the movie to everyone though, it was really good.

Its from Spain so there is subtitles but after awhile I always forget I'm reading them lol.

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Sometimes, the world is beautiful

I'm not a big fan of the sun most of the time, but today?

Today is beautiful.

It's in the high 60's, and the birds are out singing, the insects and frogs and other wildlife are joining in, the air is fresh after a few days of rain, and it's just absolutely gorgeous, the kind of day you want to throw the windows open and just let the fresh air wash away all the staleness from a stuffy, enclosed winter.

So, that's just what I've done.

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So tired of this life

I just want to vent and whine and cry a little if that's okay with others. I've seen others do it, so I figured maybe it will be therapeutic and I will feel better afterwards. If not, I can try to kill myself with Rocky Road Ice Cream and see if I can fall into an ice cream induced coma (one step past brain freeze).

I am an interest mix of paradoxes. I don't think people realize that and sometimes it is difficult to form a kind of cohesion to make everything fit. Sometimes it leads to doubt, sometimes it leads to self-hatred, and a few times it has led to self harm.

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Bathroom solutions a.k.a. Flushgate

I think I figured out what the outcome of the great bathroom debate will be (to be referred to as Flushgate from here on out).

In the future there will be a wall of doors leading to bathroom stalls. Signs for 'Men' and 'Women' will be replaced with Cis Men, Cis Women, Transmen, Transwomen, Agender, Polygender, Androgynous, gay man, gay women, bi men, bi women, furry - canine male, furry - canine female, furry feline male.... etc.

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I have it ALL worked out...

With the continuation of the recent trend of writers/authors taking down their stories to publish them commercially, I will be the most popular writer/author to have stories posted here on BigCloset in the very near future. (In the Galactic sense of time, maybe even the Geologic sense.) At THAT point all the readers left here will be FORCED to read my stuff, whether it is worth reading or not.

with love,



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Thanks and FYI

Thank you to everyone who has bought 300 Rains since it came out. You all are awesome. I was also informed that it will be released in print format in a week or so, so there is that. But seriously, you all helped me get better as a writer and the success of my book does help me know that. So thanks.

Also, I am planning on revising Transitioning Home next, so it will get pulled at some point. I have a number of ideas for revisions so while similar, any version I put out will be different. Just wanted to let you know so it's not a total surprise when it vanishes.

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financial crisis

I have avoided talking about this for a while, but I finally decided I needed to share this bit of news.

I am in serious financial trouble.

Thanks to a budgeting exercise my sister in law helped my mom and I with, we discovered that we are in the hole for $ 600 a month.

Six ... hundred ... dollars ... short ... every ... month.

obviously, that's not sustainable.

So we're trying to find a cheaper place to live, and working where we can to get this under control.

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TopShelf's 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway! Story Contest

Entry Submission Dates are from March 15, 2015 until May 22, 2015.

Voting on the Submissions should tentatively occur between May 24, 2015 through May 31st, 2015(midnight Pacific Time),
with the Winner Announcements on June 1, 2015.

The Prizes are: 1st Place $100 x 2, 2nd Place $75 x 2, 3rd Place $50 x 2.
(prizes subject to increase with notice!)

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Dentist visit and Stubborn tooth

Yesterday I had a Dentist visit to have my first tooth extracted at age 66 not bad . I spent almost 2 1/2 hours with the dentist drilling , pulling and drilling some more then pulling and so on finally she called it quits ( I was very happy ) . Now we leave the tooth rest and she said the roots should push up on there own . Round 2 is scheduled for 3/27 I hope it come out then so I can put it under my pillow and see what the tooth fairy leaves me to help pay the bill .
I am OK other than I look I a Chip-muck named Alvin.
The joys of age

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A Thank You and a heads-up - S E E info.

I thank you all for the enthusiasm you have shown for my tale of the Einnlanders, this was much appreciated.

Now I have taken a step back from writing, it occurred to me that Penny and Julia had between them expanded the knowledge of Tranidor - so I have updated the Tranidor Map - which is the sixth (currently) in the list of maps.

So those keen about Palarandi or Anmarian matters can now have a little more detail.

I have included the positioning of the Semaphore Towers and shown Junction Square, Main Street, Cross Street and so on.

All the best


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Just for fun ...

Just for fun, here is a top five list of ways they could screw up Avengers Age of Ultron

Number 5 - Entire cast replaced by CGI

Number 4 - Ultron does a really bad Darth Vader impersonation

Number 3 - Hulk spends movie riding the rides at Disneyworld

Number 2 - Climax involves game of "go fish"

and the Number 1 way they could screw up Avengers Age of Ultron is ...

two words - "Cap nipples"

There you go, your giggle for the day ...

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Telling People Off

I was in line this morning. I guess it is important to note that sometimes I go out pretty androgynous when I simply want to get a cup of coffee and a little something for breakfast. I'll get ma'am, I'll get sir, it doesn't really matter to me at that point in the morning as long as I get served.

Anyway, I was in line this morning talking to an acquaintance while the line moved particularly slow. While waiting another acquaintance of ours came through the door and went towards the back for the energy drinks.

"I remember when it was a she," this guy says to me.

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Gym's Transgender Policy

I tried to cut and paste the link to the story here but it did not work. The title goes something like "Gym's transgender policy stirs debate".

This is going to make some of you mad as hell, but this needs to be said. If you are going to start dressing as a woman in public then you need to make some effort. Find the article and listen to it. You can do that much.


Price Drop on two Kindle eBooks!

Hi !

Just wanted to let everybody know that I dropped the price of two great Kindle eBooks!

I've dropped the price for both book 1 and book 2 of Hypatia's great " The Oracle of New Delphi"....

Both eBooks are now only $3.99 !

The Oracle Of New Delphi Book 1 and Book 2 By Hypatia
It falls to a brave few to rebuild the world, after civilization collapses! Follow the unlikely heroes that have to put it all back together. It makes it harder when you are not even in your own bodies when it all falls apart.

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Any Proofreaders With Free Time Available?

Are there any people here who would like to proofread the story I'm currently working on?

As I'm German I'm probably getting some idioms wrong or build sentences in a strange way. Comments on the plot would be appreciated too.

The story is about gynecomastia and, in a later part, lesbian romance in a high school setting. It's far from finished, about 8000 words now. And I'm a slow writer.


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self care

Well, I had planned to write a little blog on the fact that Barbie seems to have less trouble making a super-heroine aimed at kids than either Marvel or DC comics do, but I think I should talk about some more serious stuff instead.

Anybody who knows me probably knows I struggle with self care a lot.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I suck at looking after myself.

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New Kindle eBook and new Imprint!

I am very happy to announce a not only new Kindle eBook but a new'ish "imprint", the Sapphire's Place Quickie!

Manny of our best authors have given s great reading it the "short-form", rather than full size novel or novellas, so to this , we give the world the "Quickie".

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Author’s new Facebook page

Hi everyone this is just a quick post to let you know where you can find the release dates for the Death Dealer Saga. I have post it to my new face book page.

I will be continuing with my posts here at big closet but at the urging of more than a few of you I have decided to release the Death Dealer Saga in and e-pub format. I will post updates for any late or early releases of the books.

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To the woods ....


That well known saga, Easy as Falling off a bike has a cute picture. A couple of days ago I found another cute dormouse picture.

The Worcester News, here in England, had a story about local wildlife group raising money to purchase some woodland with rare habitat.


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Story Rules

When writing stories such as scify and such do we sometimes put in so many rules about ones character that we end up bogging ourselves down with said rules for the sake of the story?

By this I mean as we begin to formulate the story we put in some rules that we don't want to break, which is understandable. But when you put in to many rules does it seem to take the fun away from the writing that you decide to give it up or perhaps revamp the rules so that you have a bit more flexibility?

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What's it mean to be transgender

I will admit that early on in life I didn't identify as a girl. I know there are those who claim to have known ever since they were two or three, that was not me. The cynical side of me (which as a born New Yorker I got a heaping double portion of) wonders if it even possible for a person to realize their is even a gender divide at that age, but I understand that I am trying to place things in my own frame of reference and can see how that can get in the way of being accurate.

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The Listening Project

Every week on BBC Radio 4 there are snippets of recorded conversations.

This weeks one is at

The item that caught my interest was about Gender Identity (the 2nd of 3 items in the prog). Are you Mr, Ms, Miss or what when you are living in a gender other than the one you were both with. (Gender Queer in the item).


Oh my, how times have changed

(and mostly for the better)

When I were a lad, telling the world that you'd rather be a woman was a good way to get you committed or at least get a visit to the Loony Bin. Ok, so it is a bit of an exageration but it was new and most so called psychologists at the time didn't have a round hole for them to try to force your square peg into.


Bikini Beach Story

I'm about three quarters of the way through a Bikini Beach story I know it's Elrods universe, his creation. But I do have a few questions which I guess is all about etiquette and protocol really.
First of all am I right in thinking that it would only be right for me to send him the story first? Although from my understanding Ellie Dauber is another I could send it too first.
Second if either of them are OK with the story how would I go about finding an editor or would they do that as well.

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Silly me!

I recently read a story about Whateley Academy about a young man that changed genders due to his mutation and his time getting there. When he got there s/he found his new roommate was a young lady that had been a classmate until another one outed her in front of her classmates. Could someone tell me the title and writer of this story so that I can go back and read it again, PLEASE?

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Character Sketch

When starting a new work, I take the time to develop my character, sometimes spending an entire day working up the character, his or her background, habits, preferences, etc. By doing so, once I pitch into the story, I have a firm idea how the characters in the story will respond to certain situations as well as having a touchstone I can go back to. There is nothing worse than having a character’s eye color go from brown in Chapter One to blue in Chapter Twelve.

Using this is critical when working with another writer, for it keeps both of you on track and in the same ballpark.

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Congratulations Heather O'Malley

Doppler Press would like to congratulate Heather O'Malley on a most excellent launch. In her first day, she has reached best seller status having the number #1 book overall in the LGBT Sci Fi genre.

We would like to thank all those who have purchased the book and aiding Heather's success. Hopefully when you finish this wonderful work you will be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon as well.

Screenshot 2015-03-06 20.18.08.png

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First steps. On being me...

Just ove a week ago I went to this place had found on the internet. Is was the house and shop of a very nice lady who has been helping crossdressers and T-girls for like 20 years.

She helped me get dressed up, advised on clothes and applied my makeup. She actually managed to turn me into a good looking woman, for my age and given that I have been a man for over 40 years. She helped me become Anne for real.

Do I need to say that it was an absolutely wonderful experience?

I now *know* that I am more than cis-gendered male. I am _also_ a woman named Anne.


Black dog

The black dog, for those who are unaware, was Churchill's term for depression. Well, it's standing next to me at the moment. Work problems are somewhat awful right now, and getting worse, and together with the PTSD and GID I am not doing very well. Not cycling, not even going out the front door except for work and to get food.

Writing has taken a back seat, as you may have noticed. The dog has me by the throat and won't let go. Normal service may or may not be resumed at some point.

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Future Bike-ing

As we approach 2600, I'll ask my customary question, do readers want us (Bonz, Whizz and moi) to continue writing this tale of convoluted undulations? I might add as far as I know the writing team is happy to continue if the answers are positive and our gracious hostess is happy for us to fill up her servers with such tosh.

A, B & W.


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Contests & Other Features

Quick'n'Easy:   - 3+Days -     - ThisWeek -     - New100 -

Summer 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway! Story Contest
Fall 2014 Back to School Contest
Darkkitten Entertainment Retro-Game Contest July 2014
February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story Contest
December 2013 Three Wise Men Story Contest
October 2013 Costume Story Contest
One April Morning - Spring 2013 Story Challenge
Febuary 2013 Valentines Day Story Contest
December 2012 One Winter's Eve Story Contest
September/October 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest
2012 April Fools and Other Wise Contest
February 2012 Short Story Contest
December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest
October 2011 TG Terror Contest
Summer Romance 2011 Story Contest
February 2011 - 2014 Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge
December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest
October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest
September 2010 Let The Punishment Fit The Crime - Part Two Story Contest
Summer Romance 2010 Story Contest
April 2010 I Was Conscripted - Angel's New Writers Challenge
March of Fools 2010 Challenge
February 2010 Based On A Song Challenge
December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest
November Story Challenge 2009 - The Gift
October 2009 TG Terror Contest
Summer Romance 2009 Story Contest
May Day 2009 Story Contest
It Happened On A Midnight Clear - Christmas Eve 2008 Non-Contest
October 2008 All Soul's Day Non-Contest
February 2008 Short Story Month Non-Contest
Spring 2008 What's So Novel About It? Contest Entries Non-Contest
Spring 2008 Terry Awards
It Happened On A Midnight Clear - Christmas Eve 2007 Non-Contest
Spring 2007 Strangefellows Day Story Non-Contest
December 2006 Holiday Story Contest
New or Updated Author Pages
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Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts

Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts
Family says they weren't adequately warned of drug's side effects

PHILADELPHIA, Ala. —An autistic man has been awarded $2.5 million in a lawsuit against the makers of a medicine he used to treat his condition, which also caused him to grow 46DD breasts.


Website Availability

The last few days I've been having trouble with the website. I've been periodically getting the Cloudfare cached site or a service unavailable error page (error 603 - I think). After a few minutes (or several minutes). I've been able to get back in. Are you having volume or system issues or being attacked? When the service is working, it doesn't seem slow

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Dorothy's confession corner

Every once in a while, I get an insight into myself, and even though its not always good, I think its important for me to share it.

As they say, confession is good for the soul but bad for the reputation, so here goes ...

To give you some context, let me tell you a story.

A few weeks back my brother and sister in law were over, and my sister in law got talking about using excuses when dealing with my behavior. I agree with the idea, taking ownership of my behavior is a good step, so I am gonna do that for one area right now.

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Just a heads up for everyone.

Because Doppler Press is going to be publishing 300 Rains, I am going to be pulling it in a few days. The novel is different than what is posted here as I changed some of the prose by tightening it up and added things that I noticed were missing or not adequately covered. So it really has a different feel. I am pulling it on Thursday so be aware.

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Breaking out of the box

Yes, amazingly enough, I've posted two entries in one day. Don't worry, Erin, this will be it for now.

I've read a lot of arguments on one side or the other of the "Plotter vs. Pantser" debate, and so far, they've only served to increase my frustration.

Each side has valid arguments. The trouble is, I've tried both approaches, and get equally bogged down with each one--just in different ways.

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Perchance to dream....

This entry's going to be quite a ride, folks, so strap in and hang on.

A recent post by another BCTS blogger on the subject of dreams and creativity reminded me that dreams can be a wonderful muse--and a maddeningly frustrating one. Submitted for your approval, as Rod Serling would have said:

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Getting "read" ...

I've not experienced being "read" more than a half dozen times in 10 years, but Sunday really burst that bubble.

Being a stubborn drama queen, this was bound to happen. I went to a Baptist church were my daughter attends to see if they would help me reconnect with her. In retrospect, it was an unrealistic Adjustment Disorder that drove this.

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dreams of fear, failure, and frustration

Well, I might be no expert on dreams, but when I have two dreams in a row about failure and frustration I think it means something.

The first dream involved me trying to make a meal, and very quickly things went wrong. First, some of the ingredients I bought turned out to be the wrong ones, then some tomatoes I bought were so bruised I couldn't use them, and then just when I thought I was ready to put the dish into the oven I discovered that somehow my dog had jumped into the pan wrecking the meal.

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I'm doing my best, but...

I'm finding it hard to find the time to write as much as I would like to.

Looking after an elderly Mum (with my wife) and having a job all take up a lot of my time and energy.

I have two stories ongoing at the moment, Sisters Forever and Get a Life. I am very conscious of the fact that these have taken a long time to write. I hate the idea of not continuing and then finally finishing them and I would like to ask for your patience and understanding at the moment in the hope that I can increase my output as soon as I possibly can.


Clownfish Ch.9

Sorry for taking so long in writing the next chapter for The Unusual Clownfish, I got a little bit sidetracked by another DRU tale. That story is not finished either---I'm taking my time with it and writing it all out before I start posting. In the meantime, I'm trying to get back into Clownfish now. I was going pretty well with it back in October when I got to Ch. 9 and started mapping it out in my head. Unfortunately, it started turning into Divergent---good movie by the way, I'm sad to say I haven't read the book.

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Sorry folks

I don't know where the evening went, funny how it just disappears when you try to sort something on a computer that doesn't want to play. Amazingly, I stayed cool, calm and collected - then killed it in cold blood! Actually, I didn't, I got the cats to distract it and managed to fix the problem. I'll enjoy it while it lasts which probably won't be very long.

Will do a new Bike tomorrow computer permitting.



Take a look at one of my other bikes.

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paddling up a waterfall

Well, the last couple of days have been filled with anxiety, and last night I finally put together why.

It goes back to an article on Facebook which was about child abuse, and the idea of making a Valentine's day card for your younger self.. I thought it was a really good idea, and was going to work on making one for the 7-9 year old me, but I didn't realize how much I was triggering myself until my anxiety was at Defcon 5 and you could almost hear the robot from "Lost in Space" going "Danger, Dorothy Colleen, Danger!"

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Hows the hatbox fund doing so far this month?

Erin and company, how much more do you need for the month?

I have got overtime pay this week and last week. I have a little extra money after paying bills, so I can contribute a little bit more this month I just need to know how much to try and squeeze out.
I want to keep a little in reserve but also want to help keep the site going. I may not be LBGT but I find the people on this site much easier to relate to at times than I do most people around me. So I want to help if possible to keep it alive as long as possible.


Illness precedes my being active

I have had health difficulties since February of 2014. I have been in and out of the hospital for falling when I stand up.(7 days in the hospital and one month recovery at home) I had my fifth toe on my right foot amputated in August after it blew up ( two weeks in the hospital two months recovery) November I was admitted to a mental health clinic for depression ( 8 days in the hospital and daily recovery. February 6th this year I had a heart attack that required emergency surgery to put a stent in. ( I am recovering now and have thirteen more days before I can drive or get excited.

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Kindle emergency!

To all who have purchased my new book A Necessary Fiction (and thank you for that!)--

The conversion process duplicated some chapters' text and cut part of one. This was caught by Allison Z and thank you-thank you! I double-checked and it has been published again. The title page of the correct book reads: KBB2152

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Leonard Nimoy, RIP

Star Trek!
A name, a program, and TV event that will live in history. For the first time in American media history, Blacks and Whites, men and women, Americans and Russians, Occidentals and Orientals were all working and living together in harmony. And, there was even a half-alien, Spock, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.

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For anyone who has lost a pet.

I found this video on youtube, of course. I defy any pet owner to not shed a tear when istening to Jimmy Stewart read a poem he wrote about his lost pet.

They are ALL waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge and lately, I find myself a bit anxious to get there. No, I don't want to die, but I miss my lost furry ones SO much sometimes.

Catherine Linda Michel

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