Tour De France

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Well It looks like Angharad got her wish: "Britain's Chris Froome wins the Tour de France for second time." The way to go Chris! Richard


Rather sad

about the boos, finger pointing, spitting and urine that was aimed at Chris and Team Sky in general during this years event.
The French Press did nothing to help either. Quite the reverse really. Some sections seemed to keep on with the line 'he's so good he must be on drugs'.
I can only hope that the organisers try to do something about this in future but because Sky is not a French team I have little hope of that happening. {gallic shrugs all round...}

Chris is a great rider but I think that Quintana will win TDF16. He looked so easy on those last climbs.
mind you the route this year was primarily for climbers. Next year? who knows but I know that Cav was not impressed with the route this year.
If they keep up with this style of tour then it might not be long before key riders decide to miss the TDF and prepare for the Vuelta.

Overall, a great race and a bit of a shame about Geraint Thomas blowing up so close to the end.