OH My Gosh! Look what I just found? Look at Matt 19:12. Then look at Issiah 56:4-5. I am sure that you have heard of secret names. How about everlasting names? No matter what happens now, I can die knowing that Heavenly Father loves me, has a place in Heaven for me and has given me my everlasting name.
Even if you are not religious, this is a great deal of validation for those of us who are.
eye opening
Thanks so much for this. The scripture in Matthew is one of the ones I related to as a 22 year old who never wanted to be male and did make myself a eunuch. I did not know of the scripture in Issiah. It is truly an eye opening one since it can be taken to include us in God's plan. Especially since the majority of supposed Christian persons condemn us as lost souls.
Still investigating.
I am still looking into this part, but I believe that in antiquity eunuchs lived with the women and dressed as them. They were guards in the Harem, while others were accountants and scribes.
And, considering the penchant on this site for female warriors, perhaps not all of us are that feminine. I have to admit that if I still had a dirt bike I'd be out ripping the trails up.
I know this is purely subjective just for starters, and goes beyond that for folks who express faith differently or not at all, but we have a very supportive and encouraging group of people in this community who are accepting in the midst of their own beliefs.
Mrs. D and I were at a street fair two towns over several weeks ago and a few folks from a store front church meeting in a fair sized former bank. A couple of them offered to pray for us, and they did pray for strength and health for both of us. While the young man was praying he seemed to be led to pray for a sense for me regarding my relation with my dad in the context of having a relationship with God. I haven't even told Mrs. D this, since it's still so soon and remains a struggle for us both as we tiptoe through the gender minefield. But I swear when the fellow was praying for me for a sense of son-ship, in my heart? I HEARD the word daughter and my adopted name Andrea even as the young man was using my given name. I felt validated spiritually. That may just be for my benefit alone, but it really feels good to speak that truth of mine to others, even if I never say it face-to-face with my family.
Love, Andrea Lena
I understand.
I never would have come out at all had I not been kicked off the gender horse.
The death of torment
For 10 years my pseudo Christian family have tormented me and been rude and hateful. This is the end of that! I now know that my Lord loves me and has made provision for me, all of us!
This bitch is ON now; done being attacked and made to feel worthless. It's ON now.
I don't place much faith in what's written or what others may say. I don't even bother to name "it". I only know what I feel deep inside. And I feel that all of us who know the suffering and pain of this life...interrupted by moments of extreme bliss...are destined to find a greater peace upon our departure from this life.
I must say that I adore this 'new' version of Gwen Brown. You feel a lot stronger and a lot more...you. :)
Peace Always...
Should church introduce transgender baptism?
There is a story on the BBC website today with the above heading. Where a vicar is putting the question to the ruling body of the Church of England (Anglican).