Things are improving for T folk

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This is something that I thought I would never see.


Thanks for sharing

Has any provisions have been made to help out this poor woman who is in such financial hardship due to her willingness to fight? Ultimately we all benefit and such courage should be supported.


Not Dire

It seems, from the article, that she received 15 or 16 months of back pay after the Court of Appeals ruled in her favor. While she didn't receive back pay from the time of her firing, the Circuit Court ruled she should be reinstated in August, 2010. The State's failed appeal did not stay the starting date, even though they didn't let her come back to work. So, when she won the appeal, she gets pay from the original reinstatement order date.

Now, that's not too confusing, is it?

The amazing part of this, Gwen...

Is that this guy ran the Georgia General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Counsel. They draft laws. No matter what his background, and the article did not say if he was an attorney or a journalism major like Ms. Glenn, he cannot have been so ignorant as to assume this would pass judicial review. I think that his focus on the fact that he felt her condition (as diagnosed by a doctor no less), was immoral just brings to the focus that whole christian morality, not as I said god intended it to be, thing. Even though neither of the articles contained the 'C' word, it's pretty obvious as to motivations. Worse, it would seem, that he really felt that the good'ol boys would back him up. Both are great reasons why I maintain that a theology driven ethical standards are a might poor excuse for actual morality.

Very interesting decision, Gwen, even though it was mostly footnotes and very hard to read. I really appreciate your posting it.

Sarah Lynn

Sorry, but her voice could be trained.

I saw her on a youtube clip, and she looks completely female. However, she should spend some money with a speech pathologist in my opinion. Don't mean to be snippy here.

Much peace


I loved the quotation...

Angharad's picture

'It's seems odd to have two identities and not be fighting crime,' obviously has a sense of humour and probably needed it living in Georgia.

Goodness, there's a distinct possibility that the US might be moving into the C20th, only a hundred years late.



Well, Technically...

...only a little over a decade late. (I'd be more precise, but I get confused over the start dates of centuries and millennia.)

Time, you really can't "keep it," no matter how hard you try.

well, no...

Because we began the 21st century a decade or so ago ;)

(sorry, couldn't help it)

Abigail Drew.

Abigail Drew.