Gad! I have been asked to sit on a Discussion Panel to talk about how to help T folk in the Portland area. God folks, can you think of anyone less suited for this? You all know about my acerbic comments and nasty point of view on the subject.
Now, I am rightly and truely frightened. Now, I have a responsibility to act er well, responsibly. :( What am I to do? Maybe I should just wear a gag.
HELP someone, anyone! SCREAM!!!!
Gwen, hon, take a breath ...
... then take a seat. *grin*
I don't know enough about the panel to know how much of an impact it's going to have, but it seems you have an opportunity to help the situation in Portland (maybe) if you can share your views diplomatically, without letting your negative feelings take charge. Sometimes we must leash and muzzle our inner bitch to get where we need to be, because she's not always helpful, no matter how wonderful it feels to let her run loose and terrorize the populace from time to time. *smile*
You're a smart woman, Gwen. *soft hug* Just walk the tightrope millions of women have walked since humankind began. Go out there and give 'em Hell ... gently.
Much love,
I second everything Randalynn said. And yes, it does feel soooo good to let the bitch loose ~_^
"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
Congratulations, I think?!?
Hey Gwen ~
This is a great opportunity to help out a lot of people - I'd be nervous as well, but that's normal.
Yeah, not knowing the panel set-up, the agenda, etc. it's difficult to say anything - other than your point of view is very important for the public to hear!
You sound like you don't want to be seen as a spokesperson for the entire TG community in the Portland area, and I'd say that condition is fair. How can you make sure that this is clear to participants and the audience....
...or am I off-base/missing something?
Since you're nervous about what you might say, I'd think you'd want to decide just what your walk away points are,about what you want the audience to walk away from the discussion understanding - and then stick to these points as best you can....
If you want to talk, if you need help brainstorming, etc., just let me know!
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
Cascade AIDs Project
It is Part of the Cascade AIDs Project and they seem to be the leading outreach to the Community. I am really shocked at the invitation because I have been fairly pointed in my dissatisfaction with the status Quo.
I am especially disgusted with the psych community because all you have to do is a little shoping around and you can get a supposed "Psych" person to help you convince yourself that you have two heads if you want to. It is also plain that the primary motive for the so called "Letters" is their monetary gain. So, I think a little self policing is in order.
I don't have anyone to spank me and send me to bed when I get hostile, and then I have to live with the consequences. :(
My main criticisim of the Treatment Protocol is the over prescription of drugs when in the process of transition. Now, there are legitimate uses of those drugs, but not soley for GID.
Not that I would not have transitioned, but I am hoping that a better solution would be to face the family with a clear head.
Many Blessings
Maybe it's
your dissatisfaction that made them select you in the first place. Sometimes people selected for panels were proposed by someone who officially can't make change but unofficially needs someone to rock the boat and be a little extreme. Then they could look good by being sensible and finding neutral ground to compromise with you... but in actuality, it begins a process of change that might not have had a chance otherwise. It's a bit manipulative, but that's how bureaucracy works sometimes.
Maybe your what they need.
Maybe your what they need. A balance to the discussion. For every pro there is a con. I'm sure your input will be greatly appreciated
I see your delima
As you describe the 'psych' community, they seem to opt for the easy way out perscriptions. Shouldn't they apply their years of education and training to help those in transiton to become the person they were meant to be. They should also assist the person in becoming stronger and develop a capability to positively handle the stresses involved. I personally do not trust any authority especially when their lips are moving. I've had the proverbial rug pulled out from under me too many times by experts who did not have a clue in reality. Now, when anyone says 'I know what's best for you', I head for the nearest exit and don't look back.
Ah! to find a psych who you can trust to put one's transition needs before the needs of the drug companies and their own billing hours. It seems the Psych community is addicted to perscribing drugs.
I hide in plain sight in the mountains of Maine about a hour from the "original" Portland. As a decrepit geezerette, I admire you for having the courage to be a public spokes person. You are on the right track seeking input from us on this site. Getting your frustrations and fears out here will help you make a better presentation when It counts. Many professionals don't see the issues in transition from our side. Every transition is different. Your presentation must not take a clinical but a human approach. Make it personal. Get the Psych's to identify with the patients.
Good Luck, I'd like to know how you do with the project.
PS: I have verbosity and circumlocution down to a science.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Have you seen the trans
Have you seen the trans community? its fruity loopy madness in the most part.... I think a bit of blunt bitch is useful to snap some reality into proceedings... tbh, i expect said pannel to come to the conclusion that any transphobe needs 200year sentance, dresses are mandatory, and .... well, *shudder* you get the picture.... Go be the devils andvocate, stir things up, god damn we need it.