SHBGSEA for Trans Folk

In looking at my latest blood work, I did some online research to find out what some of the items were. Along the way, I found a website that may be of particular interest to those of our ladies who reside in the UK.

My Dermatology Doctor is interested in this family of tests in an effort to resolve a scalp condition I have developed that causes bloody lesions there. It is frustrating that she seems unfamiliar with the changes in Endocrinology that T folk experience.

For aspiring T folk, the latest medical opinions seem to be tending toward using very moderate levels of Estrogen to prevent damage to the Liver and Kidneys, and Heart. I have previously heard of Estrogen dosages as high as 20 mg and the user suffered irreparable damage. I was not long ago put on Vivelle patches (.1) because of concern for those organs at my previous 2mg "E" pills.

I encountered an extremely beautiful Thai "Ladyboy" at the clinic where I had my surgery, and she had become sort of the Mascot there. She apparently started Hormones at age 10, and did a self castration soon after. She had SRS at about age 16. She seemed happy and smiled a lot but the clinic coordinator told me that the heavy T dosage pretty much fried her brain. (I don't know if that is a clinical term or not)

I took Spironolactone for only a short period of time because I reasoned that if I had me gonies out, I would not need it. I felt that the Spiro could have negative side effects. Every time I have asked for the family of drugs called Progesterone, my Doc has flatly declined to allow it. It may be advisable in the youthful, but I do not know. Please ladies, no self prescribing like I did. In spite of my fears, almost every Doctor I have encountered has been extremely supportive.

Inshallah, be well.


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