well there we go, first chapter posted, after I managed to humiliate myself by posting the summary as the body. So yay me, making an idiot of myself. Anyways Monica Rose was a massive help in all of this and I can see myself relying on her quite heavily throughout all of this.
The problem I have is that I have too many ideas. I have an idea about a racist man who is transported to another world where he is transformed into a little angel girl and is the only one. She may have the mind and problem-solving skills of an adult but the emotions, emotional maturity and needs of the child she appears to be. She would grow up surrounded by people who dislike her with the only one who cares about her (and very deeply indeed) is her adoptive father. Eventually someone kills him and...something, I dunno it's an idea not a fully fleshed-out plot. But my mind keeps going and who knows, maybe after my bit with Silver Wings I may try and tackle it or maybe I'll go sci fi...who knows.
Anyways, please enjoy the story and if you have an y suggestions or feedback or anything at all please drop me a message, i'm usually on or if i'm not i will be soon and so you'll get a fairly fast response. Unless i'm alseep...then sucks. Otherwise enjoy!