TopShelf Blogs

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BOM B5V1Ch02 posted on reused page. This blog post is to prevent confusion.

I decided to reused a previous series page that I created a few days ago, and did not need. So, I decides to just use to post chapter 02 of Book 5 Volume 1 for my on-going stories series.

I am posting this because, due to me reusing it, it does not show up on the main page.

And I do not want people to be lost, wondering why they did not see B5V1Ch02 on the main page, when I post chapter 03.

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Presenting ... Dorothy's 5 Star Blanket Fort

Ok, since its been a rough week, lets start the weekend with a smile, as I present ...

Dorothy's 5 star blanket fort!

Yes, this blanket fort has everything for those occasiions when you need a break from the world. Its got soft blankets (in your choice of colors), several stuffed animals to cuddle , a pillow to rest on, and a compartment full of your favorite comfort foods/treats.

So next time, you need to get away, chose Dorothy's 5 star blanket fort!

And now back to your regular program ...

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Why am I so fragile right now

Okay, this is gonna be a bit tough, but I think I need to share this.

I figured out why I've been struggling so much with the PTSD the last while.

As always happens, there were a bunch of factors that contributed to it.

First, I was fighting a bit of a cold, and there's nothing like being under the weather to weaken the defences psychologically.

2nd, I had a depressive episode, which also weakened my defences.

3rd, I happened to read about a sexual assault in the news that really hit me hard.

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The future of Bike

As we roll on towards 2700 episodes I'd once again like to ask if the readers want me to continue writing this saga. I know some of you really enjoy it, I also appreciate it's become almost a fixture of BC and I get emails if I miss two in a row without stating why.

I presume Erin is happy for me to continue cluttering up her hard drives and I'd like to thank her for her continued support.

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I never thought I'd ask this

I never in all my life thought I'd ask for this, but as I'm clearly out of options I figure, what the hell. Might as well try it.

What most of you may not know is I used to have a plethora of stories that I wrote up until at 21 years of age I had a massive amnesia happen. And now I haven't been able to write a single new decent story. I've not been happy with any of them so I keep throwing them away. I got plenty of ideas, (my muse is always giving me ideas, but she's evil so....) but I just cant get them off the ground.

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I want to thank everyone who has taken the time and effort to read my offering "When Winding Paths Meet". To be honest, I'm totally blown away by the number of Kudos that I'm getting.

I've had a lot of time this week to devote to the story, and I hope that before Monday evening, I can add Post 4. Stay tuned, because there is A LOT to this story. Surprising twists will keep happening as events unfold over the next several (story) years.

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Blogs, content, community and friendly places.

I can't help but post because I have had folks come and ask me what was going on here. That there seems to be some stuff going on that's really cis centric and kind of making some of ghe folks here feel unsafe.

Seriously this is a friendly space and it should be a safe one.



Persephone's poem. (Ball Python!)

I read Persephone's poem 'Pegasus has Landed' and began to think about the imagery and subsequent self-imagery it represents.
The arrival of the winged horse well conveys Persephone's path of transition and her feelings about it. The freedom and beauty that equine flight has brought to Persephone's life is well described therein.

Naturally I fell to wondering how my life has panned out and how it will progress from now to the end.

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Not sure if

Not sure if the following are parts of the same story or parts of two different stories, either way I can't remember title/s or author/s

1. teacher goes ballistic in class, and student who is hearing impaired, and has permission to record lessons for later, records all insults from the teacher.
Later the teacher resigns after hearing her ranting at the school board meeting.

2. Brother or cousin is given a book containing a hidden recording device (I think by a detective firm employed by the family) and records a teacher making insults.

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Not to put too fine a point on it, we need money

Due to various confluences of need and happenstance, we are short of money this month. We have about $1800 in bank accounts and outstanding checks and debit charges totaling about the same. Other bills are coming due, too. I have not taken a draw yet this month but I can wait. ISPs and hosting companies cannot.

We will have about $3500 in bills due before the end of the month. Some of that will be taken care of by advertising money coming in and by the revenue from Doppler Press which is beginning to make a difference.


A big thank you to all who sent hugs my way

I really wonder what's going on with me lately.

For at least a week, I was dealing with grief and depression periodically, and then I had the worst PTSD attack I've had in quite some time.

I feel a little better now, and would like to thank all those who sent me messages of support.

Huggles to everybody

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Velocipede failure

Sorry folks got home so late from work tonight that I don't have time to scribble the next episode of Bike - hence the title of the blog. Still, that'll give some of the other authors a chance. Hopefully, things will be back to normal (whatever that is) tomorrow.

Of course you could always have an early night...


Angharad & Bonzi & Whizz.

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Does anyone know what happened with Darkside?

Darkside is, as some might know, the author of The Cursed and the Fury Saga. In a foreword to The Cursed, Darkside stated that this would be the last TG story written by him. That was in 2002. Since then, Darkside finished re-writes to chapters one and two of the Fury Saga in 2004 and since then... nothing.

The stories are so well done and complicated beyond belief that nothing _I_ have ever written even holds as much as a candle to the mind that conceived and wrote them. How did we ever lose track of such an inventive mind such as Darkside?

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Another Woe is Me post

Not exactly. I'm tired of being defeated. It's not my personality. I don't expect life to give me anything I don't earn and I don't expect things to come easy. A few years ago I tried to start blogging to hold me accountable for weight loss, no one cared, things happened. and I quit posting. In three years I've gained a hundred pounds and am about fed up with the way I'm living, but accountability is crucial for a person like me. Just ask people, I live to toot my own horn and get a pat on the back (which is pretty much everyone else in the world to some degree).

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My take on the Gabyverse

With the Gabycon visiting Dorset again next month, I thought I'd better re read the three books I did about our favourite racing cyclist. I have still to do a concluding chapter for the final one and I'm working on that at the moment.

For those new to my version of the Gabyverse, the first of my books is: Drew Goes South. (Also available in dead tree format as Gaby Heads South, from Lulu)

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the effect of holding a baby

I had an interesting experiance last night. I went over to my cousin Terry's place, and I got to hold her granddaughter, who is not two yet.

And I had this wonderful feeling of peace come over me when I held her.

Tension I didn't even know I was carrying dropped off me.

Anybody else get this kind of reaction?

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Help Wanted

I'm writing a short series of stories where the action is based in a fictional US State somewhere near Colorado/Nebraska/S. Dakota.

If there is anyone here who knows the area and/or importantly knows how a County Police Department works then I would be most grateful to hear from you if you are willing to help me get my stories right.


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KITTIES awwwwwwwwwh!

As of 3 pm today we are again a three cat household.


They were born to different moms in early and mid April of this year

Not yet named though the younger ( to the right in the picture ) -- by a couple weeks -- kitten may end up Molly .

The older girl is a bit of a devil though snoozing at the moment.

The last of our previous trio, Sniffanie, hissed at them. Rare bad temper by her.

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Finally--A Karin Bishop Website!

Karin Bishop Books It's live now, and the links all seem to work. I have yet to see if the mobile version is working, though. If you try out the website, please let me know what you think, especially any difficulties or criticisms, so I can take 'em back to the designer to fix. (I already think he's got some of the text too big but maybe it's my display).

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A rare posting

This is my first post and may also be my only one. I am not a writer though I have been known to write an occasional poem or two when inspiration has struck me, and I am a member of a formal creative writing group organised at my local "Mind" ( UK Mental health organisation/charity) center.
I am a reader, one of the eternal Watchers, reading every day that I am physically able to. Some of you may have noticed my sign in I'D here on occasion or a rare comment or like here or there on FB posts so I thought I might post a bit about myself here.


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Tales of Anmar

Tales of Anmar

Penny Lane and Julia Phillips are going to have to spend a lot of time collaborating.

Julina of Blackstone has a group going to the wedding i guess one more post for that.

Prince Torulf needs to be dwelt with at least one post for that.

then i think it will take some time to get the next chapters out.

grins would not want to see to really good authors having a cat fight

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Got a nice compliment

Well, having had success with sharing "Dear God", I thought I would share something else with one of the people at my church.

So I sent him a copy of "The hem of His garment". His response?

"Dorothy, what a powerful and amazing story. I was riveted and moved. You wrote this? Wow!'

I might just start a happy dance ...

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My story "Moonlight".

I've been talking with my Military Shrink about MPD, and realized that perhaps allowing the killer out to play would be healthy.

I'm editing this to make the TG element stronger, and intend to add an indeterminate number of chapters following. My muse has directed that this story will take an astonishing change in direction.

Look for additional chapters of "Moonlight".

Khadijah Gwen

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Book 12 chapter 3 & Gabycon

So the race goes on, read chapter three today!

Gabycon isn't far away, for those planning on attending over the weekend we'll try to get a programme out next week. If you are coming to Friday dinner can you please confirm with me so we know how many to book for.


oh and I've started work on Gaby Book 14 today!

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I originally sent this to Erin. But she said I ought to send this to the group as a blog.

(She is probably too busy now. Duh. [Sorry Erin])


There are a number of good writers here, and I suspect at least a few of them would like to see their work turned into a movie. I also suspect that we have some here people who have talents that are needed to make a movie.

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Girly germs

Dorothy Colleen and I were having a civilized discussion about Gun control over two posts I had made on my fb page. At the end we both kissed and hugged. In the end I told her that I blamed her (and Tels) for my girly germs. I mentioned that I might blog about it here then she DARED me to do so. I mean, who dares someone who is going through puberty? :) Of course I am going to accept the dare and have now done so :)

So THERE Dot (sticks tongue out) :) GIRLY GIRL :)

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Looking for a Story

I've recently lost my hard drive in a crash and hadn't had a chance to do my weekly backup and I lost the links to a story on the site I was reading, and I was quite enjoying it.
I can remember that it was about a young TG school age girl whose entire family went to the school she was going to and she ended up starring as the lead in a rendition of the Chicago Musical and I THINK MacBeth. I think the story was set in England and the headmaster was ex-military and maybe the father was constantly absent? Also I think the girl ended up having vocal lessons.

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One step forwards one step back...being tg in Egypt

While the plastic world seems consumed by one celebrity coming out as transgender, the real world still seems a hostile place, especially for transgender women in Egypt. From the Guardian.

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A Movie on Netflix: Boy Meets Girl.


I just wanted to let everyone know about a movie I stumbled across tonight.
For one of the very few times it's happened, I found a movie, Boy Meets Girl,
that I wish I had written the story... and shockingly enough, it was a story that
I almost could have. And... I was floored.

I hope you are all well.

Sarah Lynn

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Benefits of having a transgender husband

This morning my wife slipped in the kitchen and fell, bruising her right shoulder. She doesn't deal with pain well. It took a bit to get her off the floor and onto the couch so I could check her over for serious injuries. Thankfully, there were none,but she didn't feel like moving around, so I let her rest while I cleaned the kitchen of the cereal and broken dishes she had been carrying. An hour later she informed me that she thought she should stay home from church because it hurt to much to lift her arm to put on her make-up. As I said she doesn't deal with pain to well.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Transgender Terminology, What are your thoughts?

When discussing things "around the water cooler" here at BigCloset/Janglewood (read as inside a skype chat window), we often have troubles picking one "definition" for what various terms mean. We often share the same "flow" with slight differences, but we know there are many different feelings in the community.

Some people often feel that Transgender and Transsexual are the same thing, but others include Transgender to be an umbrella term for everyone including Gender Queer, Non-Binary, Transsexual, Transvestite, etc.


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Caitlyn Backlash and Irony

For the last day or so some of my less than tolerant associates have posted less than complimentary things about Caitlyn's journey. Obviously, they are not aware of the bravery required/needed to transition. One individual poo-pooed her bravery, and posted a picture of what "real bravery" was about. In doing some research after the fact, he learned the irony in what he'd done.

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Looking for a story.....

Hello there everyone...
I would really appreciate the Help if anyone help me locate the story i read long ago. In this story a mother makes a bet with her son a sports match that if his chosen team wins she will give him 50 bucks (i think), and if her chosen team wins he will let her put nail polish on his nails... So anyone please help me out...

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Having spent most of my working life in what is now known as the IT industry, I am pretty familiar with the concept of logic.

What I am at a loss to understand is the logic behind the on-line petition that Caitlyn now has to return her Olympic medal.

Maybe all those so upset are worried that it might show that a woman beat men IN A MEN'S CLASSIFICATION

But seriously, why on Earth would there even be a thought that Caitlyn should return it?

Di (Bewondered)

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Andreja Pejic

Andreja (formerly Andrej) has just scored a major gig as the "face" of a high-profile cosmetics company, becoming the first transgender person to achieve such a position. At only 23 she comes across in interviews as an intelligent and thoughtful young woman on the subject of transgender issues. She also happens to be ravishingly beautiful (which makes me totally jealous or would if I were 50 years younger).



On the one hand (and the more important one at that,) it's GREAT to have a job again, and I'm making more per hour than I've ever made before, with semi-stable hours to boot.

On the other....

I'm completely, utterly thrashed at the moment. As mentally ready as I was to get back to work, my body is definitely feeling it, especially after two six-day-in-a-row sessions virtually back to back. I'm sore, and I'm exhausted to the point that writing has been the last thing on my mind: heck, some days I've barely gotten out of my bed until time to go to work.

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A Curiosity

For some reason, one particular story of mine, "John's Living Nightmare" gets many times the hits of my other stories -- except for a story still listed on the Home Page. It doesn't get many times the Kudos. ("Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit" comes closest to that.) Is there a particular reason?

Maybe it's not Bikini Beach?

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Now I can separate the wood from the trees

For the first time in ages, I clicked on the Crossdressing genre to find a list of stories under that classification. The reason I don't do it too often is because doing that used to bring up every chapter of every story, all interspersed in chronological order - a complete jumble. Rarely did I happen upon a readable story.

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Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered?

Wondering what type of writer you are? Be it the first, third or narrative speaker?

As I look over the writings of various authors that I would like to emulate I find myself asking, 'What type of writer am I? Where does my writing style fit in?'

By this I mean my writing style. Not so much about the first or third person, but more of how I structure the sentences, the selection of certain words vs spreading out the meaning. How compact vs length.

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Trazodone and Dementia

I've heard some rumbling about the use of the drug Trazodone causing Dementia or even Alzheimer's disease and am exploring that issue now. I've tried to get off the drug and have only managed a reduced dosage. I do not wish to spend my last days in a stupor. So, if you take that sleep aid, perhaps you'd wish to speak to your GP?

Someone mentioned to me that I used to write prolifically. I've not written large stories since around 2011 and despite starting several, have not managed to finish any, except for short stories that were written in a day or two.

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I was Effeminate Guy Who became a Woman

I was born a boy.We were two friends living in a rental house for our study
in a acollage for graduation course. I was 20 then,suffeing with inferiority
complex that I did not having my facial hair,no body hair.My face was growing
glammed like gily face with feminine bodyline.My figure was getting most
feminine and wih feminine curves.I never cut my hair,let it be grown to full
length. My chest was not flat,it was getting contour lines such as fleshy
breasts grown bigger visibly.Then,I decided to wear bra ,and panty. I gave


Hurrah for Caitlyn

It’s quite possible many of you are quite a bit younger than me. I’m the same age as Caitlyn Jenner and feel compelled to make a statement.

As a young athlete she was truly amazing. She was a American football player who became injured and had to switch sports. She made herself into a terrific athlete by putting in eight to tem hours a day in training. She supported herself during this time selling insurance at night.

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One of our very own really needs our thoughts and prayers...

Hi all, I have just found out from Dottie that Jacilyn's (Tels) Stepmother has passed away, and as if this wasn't bad enough her Father has had a minor heart attack! So please if you all can, please sent as many good thoughts and prayers Jacilyn's way during this troubling time for her! I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated! Loving Hugs, Talia

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Been rereading Bonkers

Or Totally Insane as the story title says. It's one of my favourites and as I consider it suitable for teenaged or possibly younger audiences, I intend to publish it eventually with them in mind. However, before I do so I wondered if readers here would like one more episode?

Depending upon the response I may well write one in the near future.


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Some one gets it and so sweetly

My mind is totally blown, my eyeballs are sweating and my heart is filled to bursting. I have just gotten lost in the most incredible movie. I would strongly encourage everyone who wants a deeper understanding to go on Netflix and watch "Boy meets Girl". Then let me know what you think.

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Caitlyn Jenner hoopla

Is anyone else wondering why Caitlin Jenner is getting all these kudos for coming out and identifying as transsexual?

Where were the kudos when we came out? We were doing it for decades before her!

Am I jealous? You betcha. Being bitchy about it too.

This pat on the head feels to me like a slap in the face!


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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okay, I think I might be crazy

I am not sure, but I think I may be losing my mind.

now before you get yourselves upset by that statement, let me explain, as best I can.

See, for the last couple of months, every once in a while I have had a sensation that either means I'm becoming delusional because I read too many comic books, or a sign that something very weird is happening to me.

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Transgender in Nature

Like many of us, I knew I was different from a very early age, and years later would find out that I was different. In this Youtube Video, pay close attention to the habits of the Flatworm, and the Clown Fish. Both spontaneously change gender. , 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals.

I do hope that you can see the video without difficulty.

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under repair, please be patient

you know, when I first went for help about my abuse, I really didn't expect much. I hoped I would figure out if there was a connection between my abuse and my gender issues, and maybe I'd learn how to cope a little better, but that was all. Same thing was true when I first started thinking about transition - I fully expected that I'd hit a brick wall, and have to settle for being Dorothy online only.

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Just when I think I can be comfortable

A letter to a supervisor in the pharmacy at Walmart. I have to write a similar one about a Gulf gas station employee soon.

Dear Sir,

I had an unfortunate encounter with a pharmacist named *snip* at 5:15PM, Sunday, 5/31/2015. I left very distressed and upset.

I am a transgendered person. 31% of untreated transgender people successfully commit suicide before seeking help, and of those who try to address the issue 42% will attempt suicide at a later date. We are a very vulnerable population.


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Blocks and ADD

It seems I have a case of writers block for my main 2 stories. Jessie's Ride and Turning 16 seems stuck between chapter 5-6. While my muse seems to have ADD inspiring When tales come true. I am trying to finish the first two but find my mind wondering to the third. I will add to Jessie's ride and Turning 16 as I can I hope thous that liked the stories will be patient with me.

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Thank you, and an apology for the delay of "Amie and Jamie"

I am overwhelmed by the number of reads of the first 3 chapters of "Amie and Jamie". The next chapter has been delay for a number of reasons. First, I work seasonally and it's that season. I score elementary and high school tests online at home for a company called "Pearson Education". Secondly, it's also allergy season, so I sit sneezing on my laptop as I score the students responses. At least I'm not handling their actual papers. Third, my daughter, who is only 39, has degenerative osteoarthritis in her vertebrae.

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Random Authors list , check it out

last weekend there was a post about no stories being posted . Everyday on the right hand side of the home page scroll down and there is a random authors list . I check this everyday and there are some very good older stories and some 1 time only stories that are very good reading , so someone goes to the effort to post them and we need to give them a look see.

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Battle For Earth Delay

Just a note for folks who are anticipating the next episode of Battle For Earth, I have some changes I want to make to said part which due to a plumbing disaster and an all around busy week haven't gotten done. As such I'm a bit tired and burnt out. I'm pretty sure the delay will be less than a week, but probably more than a few days unless I find the time (or inclination) to revise it today.

Everyone have a delightfully demented day,


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New universe coming soon

Well its been a few years since I wrote something. Had a nap earlier and thought of a new universe. It will be called the Cromag universe. Parts will be coming as and when I write them and get Karen and another person to proof them, I may post a bit of it later on to see what people think.

If anyone else wishes to write in this universe they can do.


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3 years and 12 months

So according to my account info, I've been here for well, we can call it 4 years. So in celebration of this, maybe I can get Through the years moving again. I have been lacking in getting any writing done and I really want to at least get Tracy and Hope's ranch back on track. So in the next few days, I may post three stories, one from each (Through the years, Hope's Ranch and the life and times of Mackenzie Somerset, mostly because I have a lot of plans for Mackenzie too

So cross your fingers and maybe I can get the time and drive to do this.

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My Life

Thanks to my dear sister of the heart, Cathy most everyone knows I had open heart surgery last week. To make a long story short, I recognized the symtoms and got help. Everything went well, and now I'm recovering. To make that easier I now have a new recliner and bed. Unfortunately, the old stuff went into my office where I can't reach anything except for my old laptop. Even that is too heavy for me to move given my post surgery restrictions.

So I'm not going to online much until we can solve this particular problem.

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