TopShelf Blogs

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No stories lately

Due to circumstances beyond my control (namely kids off for the summer), I haven't been able to do much writing lately. So hopefully by the end of August, I'll start having some time to write with one back in school and the other out of town at college. I have several projects languishing, and some new ones I want to start, plus I want to get a novel published.

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A strange moment at work

I had a strange moment at work.

Out of the blue, I had this ... urge to make my walk more feminine. So I found myself swaying my hips like a catwalk model for a while.

Then later in the shift, I panicked about having done this. Somehow I felt like I had taken away my ability to blend into the background by walking like that.

Fortunately, by the end of the shift, I was mostly okay.

Make of this what you will ...

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Caroline Cossey breaks her silence

It would seem that Caroline Cossey is taking a tentative step back into the limelight.

There is an article on in which she breaks her silence of many years. Here is the link:

I wish her every happiness in this venture.

Love to All

Anne G.


On the subject of mood disorders

I have been fighting cronic depression and anxiety for nearly 15 years, i have been trying to be my authentic self almost as long. Two seemingly random statements that bring me to the topic of this episode... Depression and T*ism.

From PubMedHealth "Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for a long period of time."


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More and more colleges offering TG surgery health plan

N.J. university healthcare plans to cover genital reconstruction surgery

This news is two years old but come up in the search engine when I brought up some other data I had read last month.
More Elite Colleges Are Covering Sex-Change Surgery and Other Transgender Student Needs


Is everyone aware of this?

As the follow-up to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), the 2015 U.S. Trans Survey will become our community’s go-to source for information about the lives and experiences of trans people.

More than 6,400 people took the NTDS, and over 7,000 people have already pledged to take the 2015 U.S. Trans Survey when it becomes available on August 19th. But we’re far short of the 20,000 pledges we need to ensure we double the number of people who complete the U.S. Trans Survey from the NTDS.

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Yesterday I terminated my relationship with my VA Counselor of 10 years. It's time I put my big girl panties on and run my own life. I am greatly reducing my relationship with Muslims and the Mormon church.

It seemed possible that there would be a relationship with"Transactive" here in Portland, but because I will not spout the PC agenda it seems like that is off. I was surprised. I will tell anyone that asks more but in a private setting.

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looking for a story

I'm looking for a story, and hoping somebody can help.

It was about a trans girl who had been sexaully abused, and after her transition plans to kill her abuser when he's released from prison Only she's confronted by the man who has come to love her who begs her not to ...

Anybody with an idea of the name of that story?

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Brutal but honest way to test your family.

While on vacation I visited with my family this past weekend. I found a easy way to test someone to see how they would react to a trans person. When someone is nice and relaxed just watching tv, put it on a channel where Caitlyn Jenner has a show on. One 30 second commercial with her in it and your friend or family member will most likely reveal how they feel about transgender people. This happened to me on a few separate occasions this past weekend. It was not pretty.

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an "ah ha!" moment, and compliments from strangers

Yesterday, I went and got my oil changed, and while I was waiting a man came in with a small dog. We sat beside each other, while the dog sniffed around and accepted pets from the people who were sitting and waiting. But if someone was standing up, and tried to pet the dog, he'd back up, unsure of the situation.

Anyway, after I had paid for the service and was about to leave, the man and the dog were approaching the till, and the dog, without any hestiation, went up to me and licked my leg (I was in a skirt).

The man said, "He likes you. He can tell you're a good person."

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Just playing around

I got my DAZ Studio stuff loaded onto my new computer and decided to give it a spin. The scene is from an upcoming series, Shadows of Eden. The protagonist, Lilith Alexander, is an adult, but here she has been regressed to the age of nine by the Queen of the Pixies, so she can experience being a little girl. Click on the attachment for a higher resolution image.

Preteen Lilith & Pixie Queen.jpg


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I just wish to say thanks to all the authors whom have shed light on my world in the form of entertainment. My life seems so bleak and hopeless at times, i.e. today, and it is such a wonderful thing to be able to escape into a good story and forget the depression and hopelessness. I am reminded of doing the same as a child/teenager because the story always ended in the positive. I know mine won't and today I just don't care!!

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Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Finale

Just posted the last chapters of Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight. There was a intentional pun in the next to last chapter. I wonder if anyone will catch it. This was a fun story to write, and I'm sorry that it didn't create the interest I hoped it would. I guess there wasn't enough angst and abuse, and SRU is apparently passé. I would love to hear from the readers.

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Two random thoughts

Two random thoughts came to mind as I was responding to a PM I received, One was about how many lovely readers have told me they have purchased my novel, The Enhanced: TRI from Amazon (hopefully through the Amazon link on Big Closet's main page) that I may actually make a little money from my (pseudo) Publisher this August. Then it struck me... I should give back to the wonderful site that hosts my fiction and attempts at poetry. So, I will donate whatever payment I get from my Publisher in August to BCTS. It may not be huge coin, but it will be something :)

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A great place for inexpensive wigs and clothes

I just found a great place on the web for really inexpensive wigs and clothes as well as jewellry. It's

The prices there are unbelievably cheap. Wigs I've been paying 30-50$ for are under 20 dollars. They also have human hair wigs from 50$!

I don't know the quality of their merchandise, but I have placed an order online and will let you all know how good their stuff is or isn't when it arrives. Check them out. They even have clothes and swimwear for plus sized gals.

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a fantastic story worth reading

There are some amazing stories on this site. We are blessed with so many good authors, who give us their stories for free, when they are as good or better than anything in any bookstore.

I almost hate to list some of my favorite authors, simply because I'm afraid I'll forget somebody who deserves the mention, and they'll feel bad for being left out.

That said, I wanted to say something about a story I just re-read.

Except I don't think I can do it justice, so all I can say is if you've never read it, you should, and if you have, you should read it again.

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LightOfFury's stories

What happened?! I can't read any stories about characters being transformed in Mai Shiranui or someone as big into SNK fighters. And her other stories were great.

Are you still here Light?! Please come back.

Also, now I'm thinking I may make backup's of stories for my eyes only, should they be pulled. I love all of these authors way too much to just see them gone from my eyes though if you wish to pull them from the site so be it.

I'm still fuming about that "Beyond the Sea" fan fiction getting pulled so quickly from MORFS though.

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Editing our Writing

Getting a story out onto paper (or into a computer) is easy at times, and more difficult at other times. Regardless of ones efforts, editing must be done before it is shared with the world.

I have been working on a book (a memoir) for four years now. I think I am done, but I now need to do some editing. Not my best skill with my own writing. It also takes a lot on a 101,000 word book.

Passive Verb Tense: This is one of my biggest issues. I have had this problem for years. There are places that you want it, but I have found I use it way too much.

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The Money Blog - BC Needs Cash

It's that time again. We have bills.

If you can, please use the Janglewood link to send us a gift.

Or you can use the Hatbox subscription link to subscribe to Hatbox.

Since Amazon discontinued their service via Amazon Payments, both of the above links will lead to PayPal. We hope to have direct credit card acceptance working sometime in the future but that isn't that easy to set up.


A Most Satisfying Birthday

I have had a very nice birthday. I got some cake-flavoured M & Ms - the blue ones are the best - some Wonka Runts, some DVDs by Dr Michio Kaku that will help me travel to a parallel universe, travel through time and build a flying saucer, and a beautiful framed map of the River Wear as it was in 1898. I was also treated to several drinks at the Ashbrooke beer festival, which may explain why I am in such a mellow mood.

As far as headlong rushes towards the grave go, this isn't turning out to be an unpleasant one.

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I am Jazz

TLC channel is having a new show called I AM JAZZ this coming Wednesday at 10 pm & 10:30 pm eastern time .
Jazz is a transgender teen mtf who has the good fortune to have parents who have been supportive since she came out as a toddler .
Jazz has grown to be a Beautiful well rounded young Woman .
Should be a interesting show maybe it will show some pictures of her growing up.


A big Thank You!

Goes out to everyone who answered my blog about helping my Veteran friend! I've forwarded all the info you have so graciously sent. I hope it does some good for him. He's a really super nice guy and he deserves a lot better treatment than he's getting right now. He accepted me as Cathy without so much as a raised eyebrow so anything I can do for him is small enough repayment for his caring friendship.

Catherine Linda Michel


anyone remember an old story

i was trying to recall one of the story that i have read on here its about a boy in is collage ages where he his girlfriend and his best friend go and see a stage hypnosis. After hes hypnotized he can only see him wearing girls cloths even though he was wearing boys cloths. I remember the first part during the stage hypnotists he said that it he was wearing his star wars t shirt and not the Alice in wonderland dress that he saw him self wearing. I just cant remember the name of that story it was really good.


Money making idea for TG RPG

Ideas and Opportunity.
Money Making Idea ... "TG Fantasy / (Person) Maker"
Tell the Tales of the Closet in the form of a Game!
I am open to the thoughts and ideas of our community.
Who is up for an adventure in non-code, coding?
Hope the people take this idea, and run with it for a Golden Award.
Character closet.jpeg

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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The transgender forum


It seems I cannot log into transgender forum and there is no contact process that I can find to discover who has used my email address. My attempt to sign up was blocked because my email address has already been used by someone. I tried all my own passwords but no luck. Seems I'm not wanted on TG Forum.

Ahh well there are plenty of other sites on the internet.

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The Cliffside Herione - Now Available!

Just to let you know, I have uploaded Cliffside Heroine to Kindle as a full novel and it is now on-line at Amazon. The link here is to, but will redirect yu to your local branch.

Also, I have tweaked the ending slightly and I hope it meets with approval.

All reviews gratefully received.


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A (sort of) answered prayer

Sometimes, prayers are answered in ways you dont expect them to be.

I was having a tough day, unable to sleep, pouring my heart out to God, and I ended my prayer by saying I really could use a hug from God, just to know I was still loved.

Well, not long after I finished praying, my little bundle of fur decided to jump up into my bed, worm her way under my covers, and snuggle next to me.

I giggled, and said to God, "I was hoping for a God-sized hug, not a dog-sized hug, but I'll take it, and thanks."

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Any Veterans in Oregon, HELP?

Do any of you live in Oregon and, if so, can you reccommend a Vet Rep? A friend has gotten nothing but a runaround trying to get his issues addressed. He lives in Coos Bay and his injuries prevent him from getting to the only VA hospital that seems to understand and want to help. Roseberg seems, according to what my friend has told me, indifferent to his problems. Now, my friend is not TS, but he IS a dear friend and I'm trying to find a way for him to get the help he DESERVES. He desperately needs a VA Rep who can buck the system, as it were, and get him the help he needs.


I just posted one of my favorite chapters that I wrote.


First, I am not asking for kudos, nor reviews.

But, over the literal thousands of pages I had posted on this website. This chapter of Badasses Of the Multiverse. Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 18: “Sealed Can Of Savvy Awesome.", is one of my favorite chapters.

The reason that this is one of my favorite chapters, is that I found this part of my story arc to very funny to write. I laughed quite a few time, while I wrote it. And I hope, that if you give my story a chance, you will find it funny to read.

Thank you,

Paul Cousins

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29 years

29 years of living and working full time as me - no wonder I feel tired. No regrets, well not major ones.

Incidentally, Bike is 8 years old on Thursday. Where does the time go?


PS. sorry for the lack of posting last night, I finished late and my broadband was playing silly buggers. Hopefully a better result tonight.

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life and looking for a story

with all these story requests,was wondering if some knows the series name of a story with boy becoming a girl , his grandma and a war between twp kingdoms? not sure it was ever finished.

Aldo, sorry for the typos, still recovering from eye syrgeryu and can't see for crap. macular edemas sick, retina tire druing surgert (getting tired headache checking spelling) found a chrpm,e addin cakked Speakit that is helping hear stories. Anyways any help would be appreciated

Take care all

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Doppler Press would be remiss if we didn't send a heart felt congratulations out to one of our authors, Katie Leone, on her current success.

Currently UNREACHABLE is a best selling book in three genres and is ranked number 20th overall in Juvenile Fiction (#622 out of all ebooks on Amazon). No small feat.

Katie is also ranked as the number 97th young adult author on Amazon.

Kudos to Katie. Good job in joining the list of successful authors from Big Closet.

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Get ready for a Little Chill

Researchers at Great Britain's Northumbria University believe they have discovered some information about the sun, which allows them to predict solar activity with 97% accuracy. According to their research, competing forces in the sun will cancel each other out, resulting in lower solar activity that will cause a mini ice age starting in 2030. You folks up north better start stocking up on firewood and canned goods!

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had a great day with my daughter

I had an amazing day with my daughter today. Took her to a museum, looked at some dinosaurs, watched a movie about dinosaurs, and she was very happy to have a day with me.

I am so grateful I still have her in my life, despite my mistakes and my transition.

And now, just for fun, a song that's (sort of) about dinosaurs ..

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Self care stop.

Well it's that time of year again. I'm working too many hours still and still doing parental care plus now the humidity and the heat's getting rough levels here and to top everything off my lying and theiving drug addict brother's hitting the point where the hard cheap drugs are meeting his age and he’s even more of a mess, a mess that other family who are just as bad as him now want to dump back into my life.

So like the last brotherly drama writing will likely be nil for awhile.

I will be using both hands just to hang on, so typing will be slow.

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Great News, But Why Am I Depressed

I realize how selfish I am. The news came out today that the US Military may be allowing transgendered members. Several other countries have allowed this for quite a while; however, I never thought it would happen here for a long time. I am so happy that they might finally be getting something right. About my selfishness: the whole premise of my novel Soaring With Eagles has been shot down. What I'd hoped would be a significant story has become moot. I wanted it to be important; now it's old hat. Oh, well.

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Satoru Iwata

For many of us who've grown up primarily over the last 25 years, Satoru Iwata was an important figure in our lives. As a member of the team at Nintendo, and CEO, he's influenced a lot of us more than we may care to admit, and for many of us -- such as myself -- the products he's helped bring to the market have been one of the few things in life at times that helped us deal with the pain of transgenderism, adolescence, and just life in general.

I'm not sure what Satoru's stance on trans issues or LGBT stuff in general was, but it really doesn't matter at the moment.

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Price Lower on Rebekkah's newest eBook.... and more.

Just two quick notes!

When I announced the publication of Rebekkah's newest book in her 8 Dragon Saga ( number 4 ), I forgot to mention that the price of $2.99 is only temporary! In under a week the price will go to our usual level of $3.99, go grab it at the lower price!

Also Rebekkah has told me that she is writing the remaining book and a half to finish of the series! We already have books 1-6 and half of 7 in a 9 book series, so , just a book and a half to go! ! I'm sure we can take Rebekkah's promise that she will be finish the Saga !

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Just to keep everyone in the loop

The expected change to my working pattern kicks in this week - back to office hours Monday to Friday for the first time since 2004! This means that starting from next week, updates will be on Sundays not Wednesday. The new fast connection is in and running - thank you Virgin so with any luck a lot of my recent connection issues are now sorted.

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Adding stories on Kindle

Just a quick few lines to ask those who have uploaded stuff to Amazon for Kindle how they got the TG or LGBT.

I have tried, but sadly I appear to have been unsuccessful in finding it in the categories. Amazon are a little tight on categories and tags, so if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks peeps,


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Tg Aspergers

So, in exploring the implications of the recent Transgender Activism here in Portland, Oregon, I met some very nice people. Somewhere I heard something about the high incidence of Transgender among Aspergers folk and I am trying to explore whether that assertion has any veracity at all.

One of the things I do to make up for a relatively low IQ is that I read and research intensely, thus giving the illusion of intelligence, or as my shrink said, "It's how you use what you have".

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Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Twisty Little Passages, All Alike

Having had great success with my retelling of Tristan und Isolde, I decided to try once again with the retelling of a not so ancient tale. The story premièred on September 30, 1790 in Vienna, Austria under the title Die Zauberflöte. The story follows two young couples who have to go through several trials before they can reach their goal. Since the original tale involved magic, I didn't have any trouble inserting it into my version of the Spells R Us universe. Those familiar with the story should have no trouble recognizing the characters in their modern garb.

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the ripple effect

I was gonna rant about Julie, but I decided she's not worth my time.

Instead, I wanna talk about the ripple effect.

Basically, the ripple effect is the idea that when one person's life turns in a posititve direction, they spread that positivity to the people they meet, who spread the positivity further, and so on, like a ripple in a pond going ever outward.

Well, right now, I think we need some positivity, so I'm giving all my friends here a challenge - I want you all to do or say something nice for someone else.

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I certainly was expecting this

The last couple of days my dog has been trying to play with one of my cats. But every time the dog wanted to play, the cat would jump behind the couch. The dog would just stand that at the edge of the couch, wagging its tail stupidly and being all hot and bothered. It was weird, but I figured the dog had pent up energy and the cats were the only animals around that it could socialize with but the cats wanted none of it.

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Having connection problems

Life seems to be overwhelming me at the moment. I seem to be perpetually tired so I'm not writing as much as usual and when I do, I have problems posting because my broadband connection is very intermittent. I've tried contacting my ISP but they either don't get the emails or ignore them.

On Tuesday, it will be the 29th anniversary of my transitioning - well going to work in skirts, then the following one is the first anniversary of my son's suicide. His timing was impeccable.

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New eBook from Rebekkah deMere !

I am so happy to announce a new eBook by Rebekkah deMere , in her 8 Dragon Saga!

" The Songs of Chi " is book Four (4) of the 8 Dragon Saga's second Trilogy !
Continue to follow the sisters and their friends as they rescue others from the clenches of slavers, and experience more transformations in the process, including more unexpected Gender changes!

Follow our heroes as they come of age in the dystopian world that spirals with out of control magic as they start the middle trilogy of the "Twins" story, our 8 Dragons Saga!

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Fighting the enemy

There is a significant on air Transgender battle happening in Portland, Oregon. The stations airing Anti Trans crap. The Stations are: KPTV, and KATU. The other stations are KGW and KGW.

If others could comment on the stories or paste them to facebook, perhaps we can be heard. I am commenting and pasting it to facebook or just commenting just to pester them.

I could use some help here.


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