I'm trying to post chapters on Mondays and Thursdays.
At noon tomorrow I'm going to have a total left knee replacement. I'm not worried about it since I had the right knee replaced 15 years ago (the 9th surgery on that knee over 30 years) so I'm not unduly concerned about this surgery. I've lived alone since my wife passed away, but I had the fixed the house for handicap accessibility since she was virtually bedridden for 9 years. So now the house is set up fro easy movement and the refrigerator is well stocked. I expect to be released and home Thursday afternoon.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to post the next that night but I will get it up as soon as possible.
Take as long as you need,
Take as long as you need, nobody will blame you if you take time off to recuperate after that major surgery.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Get well soon
I'm hoping that you do well after the procedure.
Take it easy.
No one here will mind if you miss posting due to surgery. Heck I've had day surgery and not recovered enough to do much of anything for a couple of days. I just don't do well when it comes to general anesthetic.
But best wishes and I hope all goes well (even if this is late)