Yes thank you to everyone who continues to read my scribbling, writers like to be read and you lot fulfill that need in buckets!
There aren't many comments posted but I take that as positive - there's no controversy or stuff that upsets people.
Would anyone be interested in a Christmas posting?
I sure would!
I love the books and have enjoyed Gaby's adventures in Japan.
I look forward to how she deals with the operation and if things will change in her mind afterwards, if she becomes more accepting of the situation. And Max.
I'm also looking forward to the wedding.
A Christmas posting? Yes please!
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Always :)
As always, we look forward to all your postings and never seem to be able to get enough of them.
I have read the Gaby saga several times from beginning to current post, and always looking for a new book. I have purchased all the past five books and have really enjoyed them, always anticipating a new one. Especially, as Gaby is approaching her "true self". Please continue to entertain your loyal readers.
only 5?
Coulda sworn that i'm writing Book 14 at present!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
We should... thanking you for giving of your time and creativity to give us readers a series of stories that we want to read many times over and over. I look forward to each chapter as they come out, so if you have a chapter/new Christmas story out on Christmas Day I'll read it! Take care and Thanks again for being the writer behind the Gabyverse!
Oh well, yes perhaps a Christmas posting would be OK.
Please please please please please do it!
Always enjoyable!
I've commented once or twice, and sent a message through your site awhile back. I really enjoy reading of Gaby's adventures and growth.
This is silly I know but..I don't comment too often because it's almost always a repeat of 'Awesome! Really love this. Thanks for sharing!', with a few case specific insights into the story. I don't want to comment too often and make it seem as though I'm just commenting for the sake of it, I really want some way to show that I mean what I said and by saying the same thing over and over in succession I feel it takes away from that. Which as a wannabe author myself (eventually) I can see that from the authors point of view is just silly.
I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Anyway, thanks for all your effort and sharing! Love all your writing. Gaby's is one of the few long term stories I'm following.