I hate your kids. And I’m not sorry. http://www.salon.com/2015/10/07/im_a_baby_hater_and_im_not_s...
It takes all kinds to make our world and each of us are uniquely one of a kind. Among the billions of people on this messed up planet each individual is one off with no duplicate. Yeah, I know, some will debate that. Moving on to the lady who hates kids. Did she think deep enough to understand she would not be here if her mother or any of the women in her heritage linage thought the same thing?
I have warm memories when years back Jean and I stopped at an Outlet Mall of America. Jean had gone into one store, I a different one. Finishing before Jean, I was waiting outside on the sidewalk when a Japanese couple with a baby walked up to me and handed me the baby. At first I wondered what was going on? Then they backed up and started taking pictures. Then the wife walked up beside me and the husband took pictures. Then the man with the wife taking pictures.
I figured it out. They thought I was one of the actors for the mall. Jean had come out and watched in amusement as the couple reclaimed their baby, smiled and walked away. The idea they thought I was an actor was funny. Little did they know this old cowgirl wasn't part of the mall but with boots, jeans, big ol cowboy buckle, western shirt and hat, for a little while I guess I was. The bestest part was they trusted me with their most precious item, their baby. Some parts of life make it all worthwhile.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it is worn out
Babies just arnt for everyone
*shrug* sure, having children is a fundamental basic of all life...
doesn't mean we have to like it... I'm not a big fan of being a target for puke, snotty noses, or stinky diapers, and waking up every 2 hours to screams that could wake the dead, not to mention having to carry the equivalent of a potato sack with you everywhere you go ... most people think babies are cute, to me infants make me think of a hairless Pug... but then there are a lot of weird people in this world that think Pug's are cute too.
On the buses
I have to make long bus rides in outlandish places and sharing the trip with a baby in my arms can make my day. Yes they do get heavy and have to be amused but they scratch and peck less than chickens and wriggle less than pigs.
Rhona McCloud
Not the sharpest person on this planet
Looking back I wish I had contacted management and checked if posing for pictures, signing autographs paid more than kissing cows at 4:30 in the morning.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl