So, sitting here watching "Back To The Future". It's late at night and looking at my account it'll be 9 years soon. I was one of those poor bastards that had PTSD and a dozen other things so bad that the Docs would later say they doubted I would live. 7 hospitalizations later, I finally started to get better, but I won't say how except to mention that shrinks and medications were a waste of time for me. It took something else.
I remember with fondness Cathy, Holly, and Sephrina who thought enough of me to invite me here to BCTS. Over the years I've met some very sweet people like Bev and Beth and others. Your presence has been an ointment on a badly damaged soul. Thank you Erin for starting this site and being firm with me when I needed it.
Sadly Beth and Holly are no longer with us, but I will remember them with love always.
Thank you
tempus fugit
I'm happy you're here.
I'm happy you're here.
congratulations old timer
Gwen, congratulations on making nine years. I must say I've been a fan of your blogs for years, some I agree with and some I don't. You speak from the heart and I admire one who does and doesn't bull shit so as not to offed someone. Best wishes for another nine years, Arecee