I've been possessed by the dreaded Demon of Sloth! He repeatedly casts Sleep on me while continuously channeling the Procrastination curse. Does anyone know how I can break this awful curse? I need help desperately :(
Does anyone know the method of exorcism for this evil demon? I have a job that needs to be finished by tomorrow but I haven't even been able to get it started. Help!!!
On a side note, I just woke up today and wrote a new story. It's a straight yaoi love story and not planned to be long as compared to my other stories. Probably will conclude in 12 chapters. I'm such a kitten.
I keep coming up with ways to
I keep coming up with ways to deal with it, but I'll talk about that later.
The only way to finish a job is to start. You just have to pick a place, and work on it. That may mean starting four jobs back from it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
demon possession
If you find a counter curse, cure or exorcism, please post it. He has cost me at least one job, a great deal of my family's security, and much money over the years. I'm told by a psychologist friend of mine that he is a form of OCD, is virtually incurable and barely treatable. God knows I've tried. Tried everything from pharmacuticals to hypnosis with little success. I now slog through one day at a time, and hope I don't let him get the better of me that day. He still does all too often.
Good luck!
It's going to sound like a
It's going to sound like a pun, but you need to exercise your demon. Many of the issues that modern americans (and canadians, english, etc) have stem from the fact that we no longer spend at least 2 hours a day in physical activity. (Walking to work, walking from work being the 'minimum' amount).
Get some sun - at least 15 minutes, three times a week - and exercise. Yoga will work - if you want to combine meditation. you just need to get the muscles working, and the blood moving. You don't have to be an idiot and jog/run 10 miles a day.
As a starting point? Park in the furthest spot away from the door at any parking lot to which you go. That'll increase your exercise at the expense of a couple of minutes of time, without killing you.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Exercise didn't (and still doesn't) help my procrastination. I have absolutely no solution for procrastination, beyond possibly addiction to the subject being procrastinated on.
-- Daphne Xu
reward yourself
set a goal to accomplish something that you have be procrastinating on, just a small part of the overall project, then give yourself a reward for getting it done. It is important to NOT allow yourself the reward until after you have gotten that goal accomplished though.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
How much are you doing? You
How much are you doing? You see, I've found that mine is due to two things.
1) Too many tasks, and not knowing where to start - this causes even more tasks to pile up.
2) lethargic, mostly due to bad sleeping, eating, and exercise habits.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Something similar
I have suffered from this in the past and it seems to be mainly a consequence of having too many things to do at once. When I worked full-time in IT I sometimes had as many as 28 projects on the go simultaneously, mostly as a result of my particular position and talents.
One of my problems was an inability to say no. In IT that can be quite difficult and then there's the outages which just have to be handled immediately, which means everything else gets dropped... and then you have to take time to get back up to speed, and so it goes.
I learned that sometimes you just have to leave some jobs undone. Concentrate on what is important and shelve what doesn't need doing immediately. Learn to triage your tasks so that the bills get paid and you stay fed and clothed but less important objectives get either relegated to the back burner or just abandoned completely. Learn to be more selctive in what you watch on TV, which games you play and for how long and what movies you might see. The world won't end if you don't see the newest blockbuster, it will still be around 20 years from now if you're that interested. Certain things that you might wish to finish - a story, perhaps - you can leave in the middle pile for those occasions when you have a spare hour or two.
I now do much better than I did before, but I'm officially retired now so no longer have to spend most of my day doing someone else's work. Unfortunately, there are still things I ought to be doing but haven't got either the time or the inclination to do - like gardening. It is no surprise that my family call me Agent Orange, but the lawn still has to be mown occasionally.
Try dressing up to confuse
Try dressing up to confuse the Demon. If it cannot find ypu, then it cannot curse you.