Help Me Create a Universe

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From my personal challenge a few days ago, I found I really like the supernatural world I set up. For those of you who haven't read it here are the details.

Some people can push sideways in reality, going slightly out of focus. This allows them to travel long distances (Brooklyn to Paris Catacombs, Kansas to Toronto, Toronto to Italy) by stepping through a door or something similar.
They're ignored by regular people as long as they don't make a scene.
There are places that are out of time, future and past, where people can see things that don't exist.
There are markets where anything is for sale. By anything it quite literally means just that, all it takes is finding someone with what you need.
Not everyone is human, either because of transformations, simply being inhuman or something else.

Right now this is pretty similar to Neverwhere and Changeling the Lost RPG by Whitewolf.

I would like one or two people to work with me on expanding it, giving it more of a unique style, where we can all come up with stories set in a certain area, with key non-main characters, or simply in the same setting.

So anyone interested?


Rome was not built in a day.

Building a fictional universe takes time.

First one has to have the foundation, and what rules apply to that universe.

In many cases, when it comes to stories, as the story continues, the story grows into a universe of its own.


Domoviye's picture

I understand, and this is an experiment. If people want to help we'll work together building the foundations, if not, I'll plug away at it.

Sounds like

Something similar to the Amber stories by the late Roger Zelazny.

If you haven't read them I won't spoil the fun but I have really liked them. Gives a whole new meaning to "reality".


Heard of it

Domoviye's picture

but never read the series. I may go looking for it to get some ideas.


Shadows and Patterns. Such fun.

Where are my books ... ?

- Leona

Some good things about your universe

I liked that your story did not deal with forced TG, but I assume that it might be there. I got the impression that people who are part of this world were generally accepted by each other and not really noticed by regular people, like you said. One of things I wondered about was crime among the members of the other world. Do they watch out for each other (as long as they cannot profit from it) because they are outsiders? What kind of law enforcement or security might there be? If someone commits a crime of some sort, how far will they go to apprehend someone who is able to step sideways into another reality or just another location?

With the ability to move between realities, everything imaginable would be fair game for a story. You could have Shakespeare's witches working at their cauldron while a woman in a raggedy spacesuit tries to sell Moon rocks.

It sounds like it could be a fun ride for writers and readers.


Domoviye's picture

This is what needs to be worked out, because I haven't thought of it yet. Getting some alternate views would really help. I could have it all organized by myself in a month as I write a novel, but like I said, right now I'm focused on two outside sources, I could and will bring in more, but to get something really unique, having another perspective and ideas to brainstorm would be really good.

Sounds interesting

But does this mean you're gonna drop the Whateley stuff? 'Cause universe building sounds kinda really time consuming.


I've got time, and I'm an

Domoviye's picture

I've got time, and I'm an extremely fast writer.
Plus this universe building while detailed isn't building up hundreds of characters or detailed settings. It's more giving it the basic rules, a few key characters and locations. More of a world book for an RPG than creating a whole new system, all the classes, and every little aspect.
I've already got Monica Rose giving some ideas for the basic laws, markets, etc, and we seem to be thinking along the same lines. I don't want to be waiting for other writers to come up with things to move the story forward, I want an open sandbox where we can have our personal characters interact or play in our own little corners with the general toys and things available for everyone.
Does that make sense?

I would...

erica jane's picture

definitely be interested. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

~And so it goes...


Domoviye's picture

Sent you a message

Ok, I've got two certains,

Domoviye's picture

Ok, I've got two certains, and one probable, that's enough for me. Unless something about this really jumps out at you and you really want to join in.