Horse Talk computer glitch

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Computer was on a tear last night. I was doing spelling correction not realizing the computer was reposting parts of the story every time I did a spelling correction.

My apologies to everyone who tried to read the story which looked like it had been put through the blender and not reformatted. As one of the readers put it so eloquently. It looked like it was caught in the wash, rinse, repeat cycles. After spending an hour trying to find all the pieces and put them back where they belonged, I gave up. Recopied the chapter from the original save, moved it to a new tab, and went from there.

Many years back I had another computer scramble a story like eggs in a blender when I was working on it. Weeks of hard labor was trashed. I learned then to never trust a computer with any stories as I work on them. I save an original and copy to a new tab to work on it and save back to the original when finished and things aren't messed up.
Thanks to all who notified me of the glitch in the story line.


HP Pavilion a1700

BarbieLee's picture

Starfox, This isn't the first time a computer started shifting text. I'm not telling my age but my first run in with a word processor rewriting script was a 286 using MSWord. Over the years I've gone through so many computers and hard drives going south I've lost count.

Right now I have two HP and an Acer sitting in front of me Two are running Win XP Professional and this one is running Win 7 Home loaded with MSOffice which includes MSWord as text editor. MS has never been able to close the little bits it opens every time one touches a key, starts and runs a program or whatever. The name eludes me at the moment but think of a post office and the letter cubicles. You make a key stroke and MS puts a note in the cubicle. It refers to that each time you are in the same program. Close the program and the notes stay in the cubicle taking up memory you no longer need. Eventually over a period of days the cubicles are all filled and MS has no place to put notes. Computer slows to a crawl, starts misbehaving, and programs barely run if they run at all.
There is only one fix. Turn off the computer and all the cubicles are cleared. We go again until the cubicles are once more filled. MS had this problem from day one but they have never changed so it cleans the backlog after closing a program. I have hated MS from day one but I still use it to share data with others locked into the same OS. I have threatened from day one to go to another OS and have a couple times. The split is brief as the work around is more pain than putting up with MS dumbware. Way back in the dark ages when I thought I might be a programmer I was rewriting MS and unleashed a virus upon myself. After doing everything to kill the monster I unleashed and nothing working, I finally hollered calf rope and low level formatted the HD. Everyone will tell you that is the kiss of death to a HD. Not if you understand HD format and program the right format back into it along with the two basic files no one is supposed to know about.

It will be a cold day in Hell before I go to Win 10 as MS collects everything one does on their own computer. It is a spyware program to be blatantly truthful about it. Their spill is they are doing it to help customers with problems if the program misbehaves. Thanks but no thanks MS. I have a life an you aren't invited into it. Using your crap ware is as close as I want to get. I had a friend load Win 10 thought better of it, tried to get rid of it. Ended up reformatting his HD. Must have been the virus I ran into back in the dark ages? Huh?

The problem with the young and foolish they don't understand some things can't be done so they do it anyway.
Have fun with life. it is meant to be lived not worn until it is worn out

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl