Hi everyone.
First of all, thank you to everyone who commented and sent me mails regarding my stories. I'm sorry that I've been unable to reply to all of them as I'm currently so full if ideas I'm having a headache.
To answer recurring questions:
1) When is chapter 7 of Felicia's story going to come out?
A) Chapter 7 is apparently also very long... At last count it has reached almost 15k words, and it's not even near finished. Do you guys think I should cut it again so that I can release chapter 7 right away and push the remaining to chapter 8? The title of chapter 7 is "I'm not a pervert!". It can be split so that chapter 8's title becomes "The day we became a legend", in which you should expect a naval stomping in chapter 8 if I do split it.
2) When are you going to continue Escape?
A) That is to say, I don't know. I hope I can continue it after I finished Felicia's 1st volume. I planned Escape as a trilogy, so if even book 1 isn't finished, then there won't be a trilogy. The story goes Escape -> Escape From Space -> Escape From Earth.
3) Felicia's Second Life feels too fast paced and rushed. Can't you slow the pace down?
A) Actually, I've already slowed the pace down a lot and I really shouldn't slow it any more. Everyone can see that I've written 6 chapters. Unfortunately, the story is going to end at Chapter 364. So if I slow it down any longer, I will die before I finish Felicia's Second Life. There's also Felicia's Third Life to think about, which so far estimated to last for almost 100 chapters.
4) What are you doing now?
A) Working, facebooking and reading mangas. I'm also currently strongly compelled to write Chapter 310 of Felicia's Second Life which starts The Mourning Princess arc.
5) What arc are we at now?
A) We're actually at the second arc, the Ransom Expedition arc. The Mourning Princess arc is the 18th arc. There's also The Angels arc, The Banishment arc and The Mermaids arc before that.
6) Angels? Mermaids?
A) You'll just have to wait about that. I can only tell you that they're all human, no mythological creatures.
7) Can I have a sneak peek at The Mourning Princess since you're doing now?
A) It's still a rough draft and I haven't written much, but I shall give you the princess's lament as well as some pieces of the story. If you don't want to read spoiler, stop now. This is a depiction of a much older Felicia. Highlight it if you want to read, it's in white font.
A thousand years I've stood
A thousand years of waiting
A thousand years that never came
A thousand years of loneliness
A wicked pact I've made
To be together forever
But did I know it was in err?
For my love to meet his death?
My daughter left me
Filled with sorrowful pain
The Lails robbed my home
and brought darkness to my soul
But all I could do was watch
For I could no longer hold the living
So I closed off my home
The deepest parts of me
Oh my love you have returned
A thousand years of waiting
Come into the chapel
What could have been, will finally be
Standing atop the highest tower, I looked up towards the morning sky. I looked to the west, and saw the Great Bridge of Ithlys, being dismantled by the Forlendians. I looked further west and there the great steppes of that swore servitude to me lay sprawled and untouched. A little to the south was the plains filled with farms and civilization, the capital city of Forlen. To the Southwest, was my dominion, the Great Desert Queendom of Rafil, and beyond that should be my allies, the Alou Empire. Far to the south would be the Islands of Lute and the Three Island Tributary States. Closer to the River Country, 12 miles south of the ruins of Siclys was the Reef of Shipwrecks, where I destroyed the full might of combined Forlendia, Surfes and Rotenheim navies until the riverbed became littered in wrecks, that it became a favourite diving spot of my Lutean mermaids. To the southeast was the powerful kingdom of Rotenheim, that was becoming a pain on my side. To the east was the mountain nation of Surfes, full of strong people that could contest my rule.
I looked down at the sprawling palace under me. Carved out of three mountains, the palace complex itself was larger than even the largest city. Situated on the highlands of The Cursed Mountains, it was always covered in mist and felt cold to the body. But right now, I could not feel cold. How could I? When I have been entrusted this grand palace by my lover of 1000 years ago?
Who has a grander palace than me?
Who has a larger empire than me?
Who has a greater army than me?
Who can claim to have dominion over the steppes, the mountains, the deserts, the seas and the sky?
How dare that foolish king declare war on me!
I blew my whistle. Once, to have their attention. Twice, a longer one, to let them know my direction. I waited for a minute and then blew the whistle the third time, so they'd know where I am. With their greater hearing, there was no chance that they would not hear me.
With the sound of wind I looked up. And there, blotting the morning sun were my angels. Within an hour, even more arrived, even those from as far as the Grand Pyramids of Rafil, those my subjects called birdwomen. I blew my whistle again and as if practiced, they flew down in a single thread, landing on the walkway in front of me, that was twice wider than the Great Highways of Rafil and higher than even the surrounding mountains. They dropped to their knees, their wings folded, the tips of their aluminium-boned wings brushing the marble floor.
And they said, "Greetings to the great queen of the land, the water and the sky."
I looked at them fondly, these spirit clanswomen who had followed me from when I was an insignificant child. Seached for me when I was banished to the Great Desert. Followed my orders even when I was a chained slave. Slaughtered my enemies at a single order. Destroyed castles and cities as if they were a punishment from heaven. These people that I gave wings and rode the wind instead of horses like their men. My gratitudes for your loyalty.
At the head was my most loyal and capable angel knight. She who carried my Noon Griever, Angel Sera. Small and thin as if a child, yet this small body had killed thousands in my name.
"The curse of the Palace of White Marble has ended. From this day forth, The Cursed Mountains shall be called Felicialyr (Felicia's Highland) and this place shall be the capital of my empire. Spread this news to my rivals, my enemies and my allies. Let it be known that I have been crowned Empress by the last princess of the old empire, Princess Lulurifiel Esgargott Merispirial Dashkar Temaries and all who contest my claim shall be destroyed."
"Praises to the Great Empress of the land, the water and the sky! May your reign be long and prosperous," the angels sang as one, and jumped off the sky walkway on either side, unfurled their great wings and flew away at great speed. Some who had to reach faraway places would use their pressurized gas while my enemies in Forlen would listen under the deafening noise of aerial and coastal bombardment.
As for me, I shall explore this new capital under my own angelic wings. This is mine. Until Lulurifiel reincarnates, this is all mine.
Yeah, at this time she has become a little conceited. Do tell me what you think or what you prefer I do with chapter 7.