Well, I might be no expert on dreams, but when I have two dreams in a row about failure and frustration I think it means something.
The first dream involved me trying to make a meal, and very quickly things went wrong. First, some of the ingredients I bought turned out to be the wrong ones, then some tomatoes I bought were so bruised I couldn't use them, and then just when I thought I was ready to put the dish into the oven I discovered that somehow my dog had jumped into the pan wrecking the meal.
Then in the second dream, I was sent back to high school, but my schedule was confusing, the layout of the school looked like it had been designed by M.C. Escher on a bender, the classrooms had bizarre names that told me nothing of where they might be located, and then I found out at the last moment I had been added to a drama class doing "Le Miz'. I find that room, and discover that I've missed the assignment of parts, the script I was given had weird notations I couldn't understand, and when I got a little animated talking to the teacher I realized that several of my classmates were mocking me. Finally unable to stand anymore, I left the class and found my way to the principal's office to withdraw from the school, only to find I couldn't seem to be able to do that correctly.
Now, like I said, I'm no expert, but I suspect these two dreams are connected to my attempts to get to Arizona for a chance at getting SRS. I believe my current frustrations in this matter are heightening my anxiety, and that's already pretty high dealing with PTSD.
Ah, well.