Getting "read" ...

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I've not experienced being "read" more than a half dozen times in 10 years, but Sunday really burst that bubble.

Being a stubborn drama queen, this was bound to happen. I went to a Baptist church were my daughter attends to see if they would help me reconnect with her. In retrospect, it was an unrealistic Adjustment Disorder that drove this.

I met a woman there who said that she was Women's ministry pastor, and then she started talking to me about how she knew I was trans right away. (Not something any of us want to hear) Then she started talking to me about my issues, and it took several times of my reminding her that I was not there to deal with my issues, I was there to see if there would be any assistance they could give me to reconnect with my daughter.

Then she stupidly said it would be OK whether I showed up as a woman or a man. Sigh ... After about 45 minutes of this nonsense, I managed to end this debacle, and left. It was my own fault, having not been careful of my makeup and wearing a wig that looked sloppy. Won't do that again. Actually wearing Hijab seems to be the most effective, though simply wearing the underscarf causes people to think I am a chemotherapy woman. It's all in the trickery I suppose.

I must say ladies, that I now, finally understand disgrace. My heart goes out to those who have been hurt by these stupid people.

At least, with this last effort, it feels OK to accept that my family and I are NOT going to reconnect and that is probably for the best.


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