The recent news about T folk laws... I am frightened.
It seems that I have never understood being Transgender. Lately, in my reflections it seems clear that as a child I was very mild. The constant violence and hate I faced then caused me to fear and mistrust males, perhaps even hating them. I saw that my older stepsister was treated well and got to wear pretty clothes. I wanted to be treated nice like her. Did I feel like a female? Who knows, it is doubtful.
Perhaps I do not know what Transgender folk feel?
In the late 80s while talking to a counselor with my wife present, she told me that I was female and should be living like a woman. It would be 25 years before I began to act on what she said.
Post Operative
I've lived as a woman for 16 years.
There is no 'one size fits all'
when it comes to gender.
Violence in childhood is wrong no matter who carried it out.
I was the one that got 'picked upon' almost all the time I was at school. Today we call it bullying. One bunch of ******* would take every opportunity to hit me even in class. A knuckle onto your hard hurts really hurts. You can't respond or it is you who will get into trouble.
So you withdraw into your shell and say nothing for fear of offending someone and getting hit (again).
It was only after I left school that I began to be the real me. Moving away from home to attend University was the best thing that could have happened to me. London in the early 1970's was a different world.
Every one of us is a different person and as such, we experience life differently from others around us.
Sometimes, so-called experts get it wrong or simply can't grok what we are saying. My 'In the Psychaistrists Chair' stories are very autobiographical. They just didn't understand what I was telling them. In the end, I accepted that I could never pass as a woman but that does not stop me from living as one while at home. One day, it could all come crashing down but until then... I don't care.
Don't be afraid to be different. We are all different people.
Statistically we're talking about maybe five people in a thousand who identify as somewhere in the transgender continuum. This recent round of attention seems like a distraction from the real issues impacting us: Growing inequality, dismal access to medical care, crappy economy, 30% or worse "real" unemployment. growing poverty. If our oligarchs, plutocrats and their pet media can get us to focus on and blame a powerless minority then they can keep us from storming their castles and cutting off their heads.
Your friend
Need to
I have gotten a bit cynical of late. People need to open their eyes and minds to truly see what is happening. The US has descended into an oligarchy, a government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. Common people are just the "worker ants" in the current economy and it won't change quickly. The more dependent on government the people become the more enslaved they will be. A revolution would be a disaster but might come whether we wish it to or not.