Thank you to everyone who has bought 300 Rains since it came out. You all are awesome. I was also informed that it will be released in print format in a week or so, so there is that. But seriously, you all helped me get better as a writer and the success of my book does help me know that. So thanks.
Also, I am planning on revising Transitioning Home next, so it will get pulled at some point. I have a number of ideas for revisions so while similar, any version I put out will be different. Just wanted to let you know so it's not a total surprise when it vanishes.
Contractual and Editorial details
I am really happy for you, and I hope that you make a bundle off the book.
So, generally speaking, Amazon has all rights to publication now, and one of the conditions is that it can not be on BCTS? Do you retain ownership?
Did they need you to edit parts of the book to their satisfaction? As I recall, it is very well written and of professional quality. In looking at Amazon, it does not seem to be in the TG genre, but in General public. Is that correct?
Again, I am so happy for you.
The story is listed in LGBT
The story is listed in LGBT SciFi, Fantasy, Urban Paranormal SciFi, and a few more categories. But just looking for the Book in general is pretty easy.
Mostly I tinkered with the story to make it stronger and flow better. I added nearly 4-5 thousand words, maybe more since there was a great deal of excess word trimming. I think it is a far superior version than was on the site but that's not too bad. As for who I was editing for... Doppler Press and me. Amazon did't try to have me cut anything or make a fuss so far as I knew. I get them not wanting competing copies out there, which is what I think the primary issue with Amazon really is.
As for who owns the story... that would be me. :)
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