TopShelf Blogs

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I feel a bit like Joey in Chapter 2 of the "Joy" Series...

I feel pretty beat up, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, some of the critiques and criticisms are fair and I have learned a few things--hopefully to prevent misunderstandings better in the future (I don't believe you can ever fully prevent them).

What have I learned from 'Joey's Joy -- Chapter 2'?

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So here I am

It's 3 am and I'm at my friends house spending the night. My friends mother will take me in just under 4 hours to the hospital where I'm going to have surgery on my deviated septum. Normally this is outpatient, but I get to spend the night.

Why am I up this early and not sleeping?

Partly due to the anxiety I always get with these things, and partly because I couldn't breath and woke up some congestion an hour ago.

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About Dragons

So, I'm just starting to write a story with a huge Dragon as the protagonist. He, or she will have previously been a 14 year old boy, you know the drill. I am have been reading Anne McCaffery, so my Dragon will not hatch or be fighting strings. It bothers me that one of the story devices I plan to use is that my Dragon will draw his power from another dimension, but I can not remember who originated that concept on this site, so I can ask permission to use it.

There will be no religion in the story, cultural or otherwise. I will use conventional sexual role models.

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I want to thank everyone

I want to thank everyone who responded to my request about Bletchley Park. I am writing a story, but I decided to adjust it to be a little more historically Accurate. So I am having a character join Bletchley Park in 1943, instead of 1939.

The information you supplied helped me find what I was looking for.

Thank You



Again my addled mind

has been feeding me snippets of stories.

If my memory is correct ( which it is once every blue moon or so )

mother, father and son in hotel room in Europe, France or Germany, bad guys break into room kill mom and dad, leave son for dead, with serious injuries, most severely in genitals.
I think mom and dad might have been in US diplomatic service.
after son recovers enough aunt and uncle take him in and back to US, however he is left with parents house and contents.

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writers manage to find readers dispite and because of Amazon

I don't like the pricing scale of Amazon. They aren't doing the heavy lifting in book promotions. They provide a venue for authors and readers to find one another. What I do like is many authors who would not ever get published by the big mainstream publishers are able to find an outlet for their talent. More than that, the main stream publishers are no longer the gods of publishing deciding who their anointed one will be.


Another year, another disappointment

Another birthday come and gone. On the boards where people knew that Oct 11 is my b'day, I got 1 message. One. Family was gone today at drama stuff, so I was alone - again. Neither sibling called.

The whole thing is depressing. Wish it didn't exist. Wonder if the world would notice if I didn't...

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No Twice removed this week

Hey everyone,

I had hoped that I would have Twice Removed out Thursday or yesterday, but I decided that I just am not happy with the way the chapter turned out and I've decided to rewrite it rather than sacrifice the quality i usually try to put into my stories.It should update again on Thursday, as per my new schedule as I am working on it again now.



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Assault? GBH? ABH? Legal help with plot please

It has been pointed out that one or more of my characters might be charged under UK law for an incident at the end of

Advice would be welcome as a PM so as not to spoil the story

Thank you for your time to at least read this


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Viewing Format Question

Previously I had my viewing preferences set so that I see the most recent story comments first rather than at the end of the comments list. The order has changed somehow so that the newest comments are at the bottom of the page. Can I still view comments in descending order, and, if so, how do I accomplish that?

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Pray for my family

Folks, if you're the praying kind, please include my family in your prayers.

Sharon's condition has gotten so bad she's been told she will be off work for at least 3 months, possibly longer if they cant get her surgery before that time.

To say that's going to make things stressful in a number of areas isn't putting too fine a point on it ...

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I know I have it better than most.

I'm not starving. I'm not on the verge of being homeless, at least, not any mor so than any other poverty-level individual in our current economy. I'm not under any particularly large amount of stress at the moment.

So why do I still feel so worthless?

I've been trying, I really have. Trying to dedicate myself to self improvement, or to projects I've committed myself to, but... I just....

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Hong Kong Protests

I was in Hong Kong yesterday having been reluctant to visit because of all the bad publicity about riots and tear gas on BBC World and CNN.
I didn't see any trouble and the protesting group had dwindled to about 50 people far in the distance from safety barriers.
The protesters weren't causing trouble last weekend but did get showered with pepper and tear gas. The reaction of the crowd was to keep passing water and protective items to the front angry exchanges with tolerance.
I don't know why newscasters have to sensationalize everything.


SKYPE users

Got a nasty surprise tonight when I fired up SKYPE. Last week it was fine. Tonight it is showing my REAL NAME! I went steaming down to the Microsoft store, ready to ... I don't know what! Instead of yell and cuss, I started crying. DAMN !

So, the guy patted me on the shoulder and told me I was going to be alright.

He changed my name on SKYPE twice and it changed it back again.

I just turned on SKYPE when I got home to return someone's call, but I now see it is 12:15 AM where she is. I'll try it tomorrow.


Was this Cruel of me?

I received a mail in game [ Damoria browser based RTS game I'm forum mod, server admin and english support for it.]

Here is the GROUP dispatch mail I sent in response, with the original mail:
my reply tops the message

um, you do know that I'm going for the sex change op don't you?

Accolade wrote:
gotcha !

A tough looking group of hairy bikers are riding when they see a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?"


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I am truly sorry I haven't been around or contributing tales. You know all those people who say they have no life? Well...the miserable curs gave them all to me!!! With so many family obligations and my work, I barely and rarely have time to even write a sentence or two. Sometimes, when it's slow and I have two or three minutes to myself, or I'm having yet another sleepless night, I do manage to take a peek at some of the tales being posted.

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So, I'm not doing well.

Okay... So I'm feeling like crap; mentally, physically and spiritually.

I'm sick again, and while it's just strep, my doctor is wanting me to get chest x-rays to make sure that my weirdo pneumonia isn't coming back.

I have one friend left in the real world. He's dealing with his mom's stage 4 pancreatic cancer. And, he doesn't know about Erica Jane. So the friends I have, the ones I can really talk to are the friends I've made here.

Right now, depression, anxiety and the pain are just kicking my ass. And I think I'm losing it.



Anther Year Over

I guess I have to blow my own horn. Another year has been added to the total 2 days ago - the 7th. There are a lot of sevens in the full description - this is probably the last time that my number of years on earth will make a pair! Awe, well better to be on the green side of the grass! Time for another glass of wine.


Hello down under and south Asia!

Hello to the land down under!

We need more down unders in our chat room. The primary chat room is in English and Murican but you could form another room to talk to people with other languages.

Please come in. It gets lonely in the night time in North America / Western Europe and the Phillipines.

Join us in your night time and you'll find someone to talk to eventually.

Just remember you have to hang out long term to find other people who join/part in a minute or less... You won't find anyone with that shotgun approach...



Hurt so much!

I've seen others here write a blog like this but thought I would not any more after the murderous times of 2004-6.

So, in the last two weeks my oldest daughter, who I had not talked to in almost 10 years, said she could not get her mind around who I have become. My oldest son did that several months ago, and I never expect to hear from my youngest daughter.

It is so sad that we struggle as "manfully" as we can until our strength fails, and then those that we have poured our love into turn their backs on us, never realizing the sacrifices we made for them.

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The Wedding

Eagle eyed readers might note that I have withdrawn the story.

I think that I might have painted myself into a corner on that story and anyway some clever people who were kind enough to comment, stole my thunder and gave away the twist. Also, through another one of you clever so and so's, I realised that what I was trying to get my characters to do, wasn't legal and wouldn't stand up to close inspection.

Here was I thinking that I was a clever writer, but my readers are much more intelligent than me!

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Flu bronchial infection?

Last year I picked up this stuff (bronchial) I put up with it for over a month before I pushed it out. This time I was ready. Cowboy Beans with a ton of garlic and onion loaded in. Teaspoon of DMSO, and ten drops of GSE in OJ several times a day. Couple glasses of Alvera every day. Ten drops of MMS twice a day. Teaspoon of colloidal silver once a day.


Where things go from here

Well I did it, just like I promised: one chapter of I Wish everyday until it was complete... or at least book one of it. Now a lot of you are not really happy with Sarah's sacrifice at the end and are uncertain where it will go from here. You've all stuck with me through the first book though and I ask that you continue to stick with me for at least the first chapter of book two, just to see where I'm going with this as it has been planned this way from the start.

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New error

I got a new error trying to access

XML Parsing Error: unexpected parser state Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/browser/omni.ja!/chrome/browser/content/browser/aboutneterror/netError.xhtml Line Number 305, Column 54:



Again, I'm running windows 7 home premium and using the latest Firefox browser.

Can anyone decode this for me?

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New or revised?

Here's an update on my stories:

Unaccounted Gains Book 2 is continuing with a posting schedule of every 2 days (ish). It is brand new, never published elsewhere.
Tamara's Debut has 25 chapters and was first published in 2009/2010 on BCTS. It has been revised and re-edited prior to republication.
Eve Book 2 contains some material from earlier publication but is mostly new, I haven't decided when it will be published yet as I don't want to be posting more than two series at the same time.

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womb transplant

Hey all
I just heard on the news the other day that the world's first successful womb transplant was proven by the Swedish woman who gave birth to a healthy baby. The procedure is said to be able to give women with no uterus a chance ofor being a part of the miracle of child birth. Modern medicine WOw


a big thank you

Just wanted to give a big thank you to the good people who were on the chat site yesterday, as well as all those who sent me good wishes on Facebook.

My depression has lifted, and I feel much better, and I believe its in part because I had people to talk to through it ...

So my thanks to Erica, Talia, Wendy, Jaci, Bailey, Diana, Debbie, Terry, Dallas, Lisa, and my brother Mike, who talked to me by phone.

Huggles to all!

Blog About: 


It's a boy! Woman with transplanted womb gives birth

In a medical first, a woman in Sweden has given birth after receiving a womb transplant, the doctor who performed the pioneering procedure said Friday.

The 36-year-old mother received a uterus from a close family friend last year. Her baby boy was born prematurely but healthy last month, and mother and child are now at home and well. The identities of the woman and her male partner were not disclosed.

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A bit tired

It's getting too late for me to write tonight's Bike, I've been out listening to a lecture about warfare in the Neolithic. Apparently 30 years ago there was a widespread belief that the Neolithic was a period of unbridled peace and harmony between 4,000 - 2,000 BC. Textbooks of archaeology would talk about it in glowing terms suggesting it all went wrong from the Bronze age to the present.

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Not Ignoring "Ignore User"

Since the recent upgrade, the module "Ignore User" has been throwing errors in the logs for the site. It appears that the module was not properly updated for the newest version of the coding language used in the rest of the software; it's out of step. Accordingly, we have turned it off temporarily.

We hope that the maintainer of the IU module will release a new version soon, but if he doesn't, we will step up and hack the code to fix the problem. IU is part of what helps keep the peace around here and gets a lot of use. We will restore it to use as quickly as practicable.

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Full functionality restored

Since the upgrade, up to now, I have been able to post neither comments nor blogs.

I blogged about that earlier, when I went on a different machine in a different location, with a different Operating System and a different browser. After trying on nine diiffering combinations of OS and browsers on my own machine.

From that earlier blog, I received a couple of comments and also several messages.

I got angry with the content of some of those messages.


front page settings

Seems when I try to alter my settings for front page in my account it doesn't work, I have the blog option ticked but not on my front screen when logged in, also there are now 2 adds, 1 top left and other top right which there isn't an option to remove.

Also who's online has swapped sides?, hotline is not ticked to show yet its there, does this not fully work yet?


Alphabetical list of stories

It's been a while since I've been able to find it, but at one time there was an alphabetical list of stories on this site, a vast multipage listing that listed everything, by chapter (yes, skipping past Bike took forever). What happened to it? Too resource hogging? It was handy if one remembered the title, but couldn't remember the author. It was also nice for just browsing.

I'm not hallucinating, right? Does anyone else remember this as being here?



Wonder if anyone else is having as much fun as I am trying to find anything and everything since the furniture has been rearranged?

Solos are serials
Serials are books and list of authors
Stories are there one day, gone the next
Blogs are scattered in among the Solos
I was no longer able to use the password so I had to reset it.
After resetting password and logging in I couldn't comment on Morpheus story. That finally cleared up today.


why don't british authors use words

why don't british author's use the words sitting or standing? they will use sat or stood instead. for example, in the usa we would say he is sitting in the kitchen whereas the british would say he is sat in the kitchen. and the british would say he is stood in the kitchen. if i did that in school, my teachers would have had a fit. i guess it is just the difference between british and american english. just curious as to why.

Blog About: 


Dead for good?

Is Crystal's Storysite dead for good? It's listed as also hosted by BCTS and the link is dead. When I click on the link, I get, "Server not found," the same as my link. It's been that way for some time now. Or is it that the site has been relocated and I just don't have the right link?

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Order on Amazon thru BCTS

To all our BCTS family , did you know that if you click to link to Amazon for all and any orders you may have with Amazon BCTS gets % of the purchase about 4-7 % . Just click on Amazon it will open a new page then sign on as normal , this will help with team BCTS costs and the best thing is doesn't cost us member anything. Every little bit helps


Health update

I'm still out of the hospital, which is good. I'm taking my antibiotics as prescribed. The foot, though better, still hurts like hell. I am extremely tired and get easily winded. I still do my paperroute at night and that's about it. I got a replacement tv delivered today and don't even have the energy to set it up so I'll be without entertainment again. I haven't the energy/mental wherewithal to write/edit. I feel like a ghost, a part of this world, but pretty much useless. I hope this feeling changes soon. I don't know how I'm going to get my stamina back again.


California bans 'trans-panic' defense.

Just saw this today and I was a surprised no one had posted about it here. Thought it would be of interest to a lot of the folks here.

California Becomes First State to Ban Gay, Trans 'Panic' Defenses. It's sad that someone can try to justify murder for any reason, but at least this is a positive step. I was surprised, for once most of the comments seem to be positive.

Blog About: 


an update

I'm sorry I haven't been giving any updates recently. It just feels like I'm pretty much stuck in a rut - I go to work, I sleep, I go to church, I sleep again ...

But here goes.

My grief over losing Kylie is slightly better, I guess. I almost feel guilty about that ...

I got the green light to do a talk on trans 101 for my church, and I'm super nervous about it. Honestly, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this ...

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The sharp-eyed amongst you may already have noticed some logo changes for the Eve & Unaccounted Gains series as each is now displaying Book 1. The Series page has been suitably modified with a new uber organisational page created, There is also now an Eve 2 page awaiting content, as a teaser.

What this means is that both Eve & Gains will be finishing soon in their Book 1 guise. One or both may take a break whilst I work on republishing Tammy, starting with the Hallowe'en special.


Blog About: 


Made it home

I made it home. That might not have been in my best interest but it was the only option I had left open to me. I had to work, even though I am in no shape to work. It was foolish and dangerous and I'm glad no one got killed.

The leg is still infected and swollen. It looks a little better but that's not saying a lot. It's not as red, but it still hurts like hell. Ever play dig dug? When he puts the pump into a monster. Picture that happening to my left foot. To think I was upset when I couldn't find shoes before.


Blog About: 


It's not all roses .....

Excuse me for not joining in with the paeans of praise.

Since the 'upgrade' I have been unable to post comments. Nor can I post blogs.

It all works on the computer at work, but not here on my laptop - where it all worked fine last week.

This is for me a retrograde step.

I cannot believe that I am the only one with this configuration of hard-, soft- and vapour-ware.


All Kudos to the Piper, Kat and Erin!

I've just noticed the return of the Kudos/Thumbs Up numbers to the 'My Stories' page much more quickly than I thought would be possible. Thank you once more for all your efforts to ease our transition to a new BC World (I did of course immediately check my own numbers and also looked to see if the overall total showed in 'My Account' [not yet]).

In case others don't realise it is also once more possible to split your uploads into Teaser and Main Body by the insertion of <"!--break--"> omitting quotation marks.

Blog About: 


Can Someone Tell Me??

I curious. I always have been wandering the site, and a few other site that I've written for. Now the "Account's are getting read, and I'm up to nine years and eleven months. Erin or Piper, can you provide the date????

There is method in my mania. My final Novel is finished. Comdex is FINISHED!!! Yeah The Pruetts. and The Steven meet and discover My..secret.

Well it's been fun! I'd like to post it on that day. The three books all run to 5oo pages or more.

Blessings, Love, and Hugs,

Blog About: 


Two New Kindle eBooks!

Just a quick announcement about our two newest Kindle eBooks by some GREAT authors from our community! Hypatia and Rebekkah deMere.

While BC was undergoing it's upgrade, I published Hypatia's " The Lady Lies Sleeping "

" Many things that walk upon the earth are older than we can guess, at the beginning was The Firstborn, he who danced as the world was created…he will dance at the end of the world too…and that might just be a little closer than he would like. "

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Man walks into a bar...

I'm stalled on another long story I'm writing, so here's a diversion. I can't remember where I heard it first.

A weary-looking man walks into a bar with a shoebox under his arm. He walks up to the bar, sets his shoebox down, and orders a drink.

"Hey, what's in the shoebox?" the Bartender asks.

The man sighs, opens the box, and pulls out an exquisite miniature piano. Then a man in a tuxedo, about a foot tall, gets out of the box, walks to the piano, sits down, and proceeds to play Chopin.

"That's amazing!" the bartender says. "Where did you get that?"

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A Note to Everyone that has Posting Issues.

A simple note to everyone that is currently experiencing issues posting Blogs, Forum Topics, Stories, or even comments.

Please Make Sure your browser is up to date and the latest possible version.

We have Successfully tested Chrome/FireFox/IE on Windows 8.1 as well as Safari/Chrome/Firefox on Apple/Macintosh. We can't test stuff we don't have access to, and we won't test deprecated browsers


Birthday Girl

Carla Bay, Namely (Roo) Turns Sixty nine today.
It really has been Carla's Journey in real life the last couple of years, I have been to busy to write any more chapters of Carla's Journey but will start writing again soon.
Hugs to all my friends on Big Closet :)

Blog About: 


So, here's the deal

I feel horrible, not physically horrible but just bad for disappearing and not being able to post anything for so long.Granted, circumstances were beyond my control but I want to try to make it up to my readers. To that end I worked hard the past week on getting Going Green ready to post and the new chapter of Twice Removed.I'm currently working on the next chapter of that too as well as Alex in Wonderland, Syryn's Song, and Winters Child.

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BigCloset and Graceful Degradation

So a little bit of a lesson on how the new Bigcloset works.

BigCloset uses a web-format we are calling "Graceful Degradation" to detect how to display the site on your various devices.

First you have standard Desktop mode, This is Followed by Tablet - Landscape Mode, then Tablet - Portrait Mode, then Smartphone - Landscape Mode, and lastly Smartphone - Portrait mode.

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Kaitie Leone asked that I post that she is in the hospital with an infection in her leg. The hospital is most likely blocking her access to the website. She would like to wish everyone the best with the new setup of BigClose Topshelf. She calls her foot a Hobbit Foot since it looks like the size of a hobbitt's foot due to all the swelling (see picture below). She hopes to back to writing and working within a couple of days. It will take that long to get her white cell count down so that she can come home. I will post info from her as I hear it to let people know how she is doing.


Insane Hysterical Rant

So, I finally got moved into my palace in the sky (4th floor) down by the river. Everything was going fairly smoothly until I started dealing with our Government. Social Security was actually not too bad if one can accept the hour and a half of divining their secrets of joining on line. Wow, talk about secret squirrel !

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Novel writing software kickstarter

Hope I'm not overstepping any bounds here, but I just thought I'd pop in and mention this since it might be of a lot of interest to folks here. I recently got the privelege to beta test a piece of online novel writing software known as Novlr. It allows you to rearrange and organize chapters as seperate documents in a manner similar to Scrivener, but has a much simpler interface. Currently, it's not very feature rich, but new features have been promised.

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Patreon? is a crowdfunding site, kind of like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, but Patreon is concerned with ongoing funding. The idea is that someone who creates online content can get continuing funding from a group of people in return for doing what they would probably do anyway. I'm looking into it with the idea of creating chapters of Kelly Girl in return for funding to go to BigCloset.

Would anyone be be interested in supporting this idea? Does anyone else contribute to someone thru Patreon or get funds from Patreon?

Any thoughts?

Blog About: 


Odd email subject.

I know that everyone gets those odd emails, Increase your 'body part' and Buy cheap 'drug' here type ads. But the other day I got one with a very strange subject: Email Exclusive! Buy 1 Get 1 Free, Woman Within! Now I thought that slavery was illegal, but here it is a sale to buy one woman, get one free!

(For those that don't know Woman Within! is a clothing store.)

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The new skin looks great. So fresh and inviting - really love it.

I've just written a new standalone story. I've marked it as complete but can't find how to set it to Standalone, so it's in the Serials section.

Can you help me, please?

Incidentally, all my kudos points seemed to have disappeared. Is this temporary, or are they gone for ever?



Problems with BCTS?

I've been away from a computer for a few days and when I logged in this morning, I found a very different looking BCTS.

When I read a blog, the list at the left of the page does not turn color to alert me that I've already read that message.

Listed fiction no longer includes the name of the author, a prime criterion for whether I read a story with my very limited time.

I notice that the ads are absent. This cant be good for revenue.

This seems to be a large print version of BCTS. Even with my poor vision, not yet necessary for me, even on a laptop.


84 Months In Default

That's where my student loans are sitting right now, with a total value of 3,184 dollars and a handful of cents. On the plus side, this is down from the near 10k I owed previously. On the downside, after having spent the day calling the various offices and figuring out what, if any, help I could get, the general consensus is that after so long they have little in the way of leniency for my debt, so forgiveness and/or lowered values are pretty much off the table.

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Afghan girls raised as boys.

Who can blame any girl wanting the freedom of boys, especially in the worst country in the world to be born female, according to the UN. However, there can be a sting in the tale, as soon as they begin developing as female adults, they're expected to revert to their biological sex and begin acting like normal females, have children and so on. Read the article:

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Today Is National Voter Resistration Day

Here in the U S we have a democratically elected republican form of government with a constitution enabling us to generally have free and fair elections. The most important way for anyone to have any voice in government is to VOTE! The only way to vote is to BE REGISTERED! If you are not registered get registered. Make sure you follow the qualifications in your state. Also ask your neighbors if they are registered, get them registered and urge them to vote. The country you save may be your own.

shalimar, a voter

Blog About: 


I'm Back -- Network help needed.

We spent a week without internet. My DSL went down Thursday the 12th. That happens now and then and they are usually pretty good about getting it back up. However, it was still out Friday after work. I suppose I should have called right then, but we had things to do and would be out 'til late, then Saturday there was this family outing. Long story short, I didn't make the call until Monday. I was told they could get a tech out Thursday morning. Thursday evening and no tech.

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