I feel horrible, not physically horrible but just bad for disappearing and not being able to post anything for so long.Granted, circumstances were beyond my control but I want to try to make it up to my readers. To that end I worked hard the past week on getting Going Green ready to post and the new chapter of Twice Removed.I'm currently working on the next chapter of that too as well as Alex in Wonderland, Syryn's Song, and Winters Child.
Now some of you may have noticed that in the past three days I have posted three chapters of I Wish. Well in addition to the other stories I'm working on, I will be trying to post a chapter of I Wish every single day until chapter twenty which is when I planned for it to finish. If it goes longer then I will continue to attempt posting daily chapters until it's done.
But wait, there's more. Many of my readers have shown an interest in reading the other novel I'm working on even though it's not TG. So I will post chapters of that to give you all a taste. Raven's Blood is set in Vancouver in the same universe as Winter's Child and if people like it I will keep posting chapters until I am ready to publish it.
To all my readers, thank you for your continued support, and big hugs to you all.
Amethyst my dear, just having
Amethyst my dear, just having you back is good enough. Things happen, that is life. No explanation needed. :-)
We are here for you
I love your stories and await your next post, when you feel ready for it and only when you feel ready for it. RL takes the trump hand in all things when it comes to priority for your time.
It is still great hearing from you and that things are improving.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Thanks, both of you
It's good to be back and writing again and I'm going to try and give you all more to read as soon and as often as I can.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Geez. Don't worry about
Geez. Don't worry about posting so much. People will read it when you post it, no matter what.
If you want to build up a good buffer of stories, and only post once a week for a while, do it! That way you can feed the angry trolls under the bridge, and still take a day off now and then :)
(And you won't need the Big Brother Goat to come help!)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Glad to see your back
I hope everything is going well for you.
Oh absolutely!
I have been worried about you since your last blog about all the problems you have had. Goddess I hope you are doing better.
Things are going better
Not great, but getting back to normal at least. I'm trying to just put the summer of woe behind me and work on finishing novels so I have something to take to a publisher and try and improve things more. I know a lot of my friends and readers here were worried and it means a lot that you all care so much.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Ame dear.....
I'm just happy your back hon. Don't over due it! We all love your stories, but we love the author more so please stay healthy and the rest will follow!
Loving Hugs Talia
Talia sweetie
Thanks, I love all of you too. I'm not going to overdo it, but I would like to see if I can do the daily updates of I Wish until chapter 20 just as a personal challenge.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3