an update

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I'm sorry I haven't been giving any updates recently. It just feels like I'm pretty much stuck in a rut - I go to work, I sleep, I go to church, I sleep again ...

But here goes.

My grief over losing Kylie is slightly better, I guess. I almost feel guilty about that ...

I got the green light to do a talk on trans 101 for my church, and I'm super nervous about it. Honestly, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this ...

My local trans support group has officially called it quits, seriously limiting my offline support system. Its so bad I honestly would be in serious trouble if something happened to my computer ...

While there is a slim chance I might be able to get SRS, I am starting to think its time for me to figure out what my life looks like if I cant have the operation. Since a romantic relationship seems unlikely at this point in my life, I don't have a pressing need, but I suspect that if I get a definite no I'm gonna need as much support as I can get ...

I'm not sure where I am with my PTSD. I think I've really turned a corner, but it would take only one flashback to put me right back down again ...

Don't let the giggles and huggles fool you. I've got a pile of sadness I sit on ...

There. Now you're updated.

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