Well, my lovelies, I am back online in the new place, so here is my update:
1) the move: It went fine, we're unpacking and slowly making the place our own.
2) my job: I have been transferred to another store, working 11 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday
3) My car: I had a little accident today, so I am going to have to get my car repaired and probably use up most of the cushion I had built up in the process.
4) My mom: The move was super stressful for mom, and although I am not a doctor to me she is showing signs of the early stages of dementia, as she is getting forgetful, and having moments of severe anxiety.
So for those keeping track, I had two stress-filled situations dealt with, and had two new ones develop.
So I guess that's a draw ...
hooray for the move!
3. the car can be fixed---- little things in life. I hate them!
4 mom...please get her to a doc! as they have meds that slow that down to a crawl!
but great on the new place! and the job stuff!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
It's Not Always Dementia...
...or so I'm told. Some memory troubles are just part of the aging process, according to medical and other senior websites, and anxiety over them is both common and logical, which of course doesn't make things any easier.
I've been going through this with my Mom, who's 88. She's been cleared by her doctor, and self-tests online -- I got one from an AARP e-newsletter -- say that her symptoms aren't ominous from a dementia standpoint. But I don't think anything's going to fully reassure her; the loss after all is real, whatever the cause.
Dementia - a bit of levity
My mom (74) went to her doctor and said she was forgetting things and was worried it was dementia. He said if you're remembering you forgot things then it isn't dementia. Then went on to give an example.
If you put the laundry in fridge and realise later it doesn't belong there... that's not dementia... that's life.
he recommended a notepad and pen be carried around because depression is a more likely cause of forgetfulness...
she's back
Glad the move went well *smiles*
Cars, well that is a car for you always something happening to it
What Shadowsblade said.
Last. Congratulations on the 'new' jobsite.
Welcome Back
Glade you're back with us.
For your mom, a trip to the doctor, just to be sure one way or the other.
As for the car, were you hurt.?
Peace and Love to you and your mom.
Hugs tmf
P.S. There is a tribe of Huggles going your way.
Your mum
I used to work in a aged care facility. There are many cases where a person gets delirium with signs that mimic or are similar to dementia but are not dementia. The most common is a urinary tract infection, which is easily treated with medication. Take your mother to the doctor to have a blood test and diagnosis. It's probably not dementia.