Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Changes & Football Girl

Just a quick message to all Changes and Football Girl fans to say that Sue is going to be away for a couple of days to visit her family.

So…if you're waiting for the next installments, Take a deep breath…………


(Also waiting with bated breath, but being Sue's editor I get to see it before you… NAA-NAA-NA-NA-NAAAA!

In Case You Are Wondering

No, I have not stopped reading the stories being posted, here.

I have been busy with Kelly's Journey, and penning a story for the November contest.

Yes, it is a lot like Kelly's Journey. I write best in that style, even though I do pen a mean horror story.

After I have caught up on my many stories, I will return to being the avid reader, and commenter that I am.

Happy 40th Birthday Internet!

On this day in 1969 — The first-ever computer-to-computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet.

Since that effectively marked the birth of the Internet, you could say it's 40 years old today.

So naturally, I had to go and find one of the cheesiest YouTube renditions of Happy Birthday:

I am sooo pathetic!

And the lameness continues. Sorry folks, but I'm not going to be able to get Venus Cursed! up today, either. I haven't been sleeping well lately and it's really screwing up my ability to write anything. I took my laptop to bed with me on the off chance I could finish the chapter (it's half done, but that's two days works!), but it's not happening. So once I get this posted I'm off to sleep. Hopefully I'll sleep better than I have been and will be able to get lots of writing done tomorrow. Cross your fingers!

Do you know...

Do you know how hard it is to write a story that is tied to, and mirrors at the time, your emotional state, only to have your own life quickly and unbelievably changed around?

I literally don't have the same feelings now, that I did when I started Accidental Magic. Trying to maintain my existence in the real world has done a number on my creative juices and sent them in off in other directions. I spend a great deal of my time just re-reading my own story to remember why my characters were feeling the way they did.

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The Shared Universe Project

Edeyn Okay, folks, this is a new multi-author project, but it's not going to be something that's openly available for at least a little while, until we're all satisfied that things "fit right" the way they're supposed to do.

Some of us author-types have already discussed and even incorporated our stories into a sort of Shared Universe.

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Beverly's Balcony

For those who either do not read or are aware of Sapphire's List, I am posting here to let the one or two people who do frequent my site that I have been updating the Balcony the last couple of days. Probably nothing exciting and new for some people, however if you want to stop by the Balcony and pull up a chair while enjoying the view here is the link:

Beverly's Balcony

Beverly Colleen

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There is still a bit of time to save off your fav sites on geocities if you hurry and are lucky. I just checked some I had bookmarked. 8 out of 10 are gone, including some of the best, but many are still visible. I guess yahoo is zapping them one at a time instead of just pulling a plug. Good luck.

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With enemies like these

Last year I was very proud when the city of Gainesville approved an ordinance that allows transgender persons to use the public restroom of the gender they identify with. Of course this measure was immediately and quite vehemently attacked, and a petition drive was launched to amend it, ostensibly to prevent men from entering a ladies room and then claim they were transgender if they got caught, despite the fact that the law already has a provision to deal with this.

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No, I don't remember

Andrea's recent blog post has prompted me to describe some of my own early life. It's become apparent to me that many here suffer from, or have suffered from, terrible past experiences, and this has shaped who they have become. I am no different; however, my problem is that I can't remember.

My intent is to show that we all share common ground even though we may be as different as - a rail of dresses in a charity shop.

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It's a drug I tell you!

It is near 11PM already, and I am still online here on Topshelf. And this is despite the fact that my internet connection at home is kaput at the moment (chalk it up to a drunk driver, a very old Ford and old phone poles. Looong story), that I have an early meeting tomorrow and I need to get some shuteye, and I haven't written my monthly report yet...

And here I am at a coffee place around the corner, having a verrry large caramel frappe and connecting to Topshelf via their wifi connection. (To be fair, though, it's a pretty good caramel frappe, and the biscotti ain't bad.)

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Mission Accomplished.

Apart from uncertain weather, I've had a very nice if exhausting weekend. Met up with my ex twice and we kept things very civil - my daughter was astonished. In fact we had quite a laugh as my ex went up the ladder to repair a broken clothes line while I held it for her - she was in trousers, I was in a skirt and heels and the ladder was rather dirty.

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Just finished Skin Horse

Well. Just finished reading Skin Horse, from the beginning to the very latest panel, and all in one sitting, too. Can't believe I did that.

Well, what can I say. Seems I gots a new fav'rite comic!

How can you go wrong with a crossdressing psychologist that got turned into a werewolf, a warfreak zombie who chomps on brains, a talking dog named Sweetheart, a wind-up mechanical receptionist, a self-aware swarm of bees, a helicopter with a human brain implanted in it and so many others.

Plus a Doonesbury-esque sense of story and humor.

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Fond Rememberances of Warrior from Batuk

When I saw that something from Aardvark was up, for a brief moment in time, I thought that he had published another of his stories that make my seat um squishy! I was only briefly saddened to see that it was "Warrior" recycled. I'm in bed with the Flu and between my feverish, coughing times, I think I will read it again. Almost as good as a bit of Chokie Ice Cream!

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Kämpfer - another good TG Anime

And at least some of it is online to watch:


A sort of mystic war, with participants given special powers by the Moderators -- the color of the contract bracelet tells you which side you're on.

There are three types of Ká¤mpfer: Schwert (sword), Zauber (magic), and Gewehr (gun)

Oh, and all Ká¤mpfer are female. So when the main character, Natsuru (male) is chosen, obviously his Ká¤mpfer form is female!


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I'm not complaining ... far from it.

When I posted Maggie the Kitten's Kitten Tail', I did an experiment.

I deliberately posted my story about her, right behind it. I even used her name in the title, as I had done when I originally wrote it for her.


At this moment, her story has 514 reads, mine has just 383.
And I'm not upset, because she has written a lot more quality stories than I have, and probably always will be able to do so. Her work is deserving of catching the eye of her fans just because she wrote it.


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About my Halloween story

The shaping is a long story, and be warned, it is a horror story. I had intended to post it in chapters but no access to the internet for a week more or less finished that idea if I wanted the whole thing posted under the deadline for the contest. Since I had no access to a computer, either, I apologize in advance for typos I may have missed while going back over it today.

On a historical note, just to head off questions or arguments, the facts regarding the Osage are true and documented elsewhere. The Spanish explorers I made up to suit my requirements for the story.

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Portia Had It Right

The level of quality of the text is quite plain; stories drop like rain from a throng of gifted writers upon BC. The process is twice blessed: to those who read these gifted words and also to the keyboard pounding wretches who enrich their own lives through their hair-pulling efforts.

BC has enjoyed talented writers for as long as it has been in existence. Some who post today have been here for the duration, many others have come and gone, but never in the time that I have been part of this site have there been such a huge number of outstanding writers producing so much good literature.

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What can I say but wow?

This is the first story I have posted for like, ages and ever and there you are lapping it up like I'd never been away. I can't believe the wonderful feedback you've been giving me too.

All I can say is thank you to all of you who have read the first instalment.

Part 2 is on the way - under construction as we speak - and whether that will be the end of it I'm not sure, but I won't keep you horror-hungry readers waiting too long (Gabi willing that is).

Once again, thank you.

Nick B

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An appeal

I don't mean to be self-aggrandizing, although growing up in an abuseful and neglectful environment probably made me the affirmation sponge I am today. Like any other author here, I look at the "My Stories" entry in the menu on the right. I love getting comments and who doesn't want to get votes; I know it does wonders for my self-esteem. Like any other series written by any other writer, I note and perfectly understand the drop-off between chapters. Initial curiosity gives ways to more interesting stories by other authors.

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New Gaby book now available

Hi Everyone

I bet most of you thought i'd disapeared! Well the rumours were wrong and the results of my labours, ie Book 7 in the Gaby saga is now finished and available at a book store near you, well your web browser anyhow.

Dress Up runs to @ 300 pages in the usual 40 chapter format and costs just  £9.99 for the paperback and  £3.99 for the download.

Follow this link Gaby Dress Up

More great Gaby news soon!

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Transition, coverage not the same as i was told

Just came back from counseling and found out by my counselor that OHIP (Ontario health insurance plan) only covers transition if you go through a specific trans-clinic. They make you go through RLT for 2 years before you can even have hormone therapy. Yet they have a 90% decline rate. They make you go through 4 years of HRT before the Srs and still can decline you.

If you dont go through the clinic, you can have it all sooner however its more expensive. Either or however Hormones come out of own wallet/purse.

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Home at last

So I am finally home after six long months. I is so good to be home. Once I have gotten my life back together, visit family I will once again post more of "A Prayer Answered" and "House Fire".

Thank you so much for those of you who wished me well and I have returned home safely.


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I am kinda speechless

I was really bored and tripped across this site.

Random Movie Plot Generator (See some of the things it pulls up, below.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Sapphire

He was a flame-haired father of 3, who had a a love of Autumn and shoulders of concrete. She was a lovely female soccer star wannabe who was looking for the holy grail and hated it. Together they traveled to another world. Fighting the devil and loving each other.

*I wonder if Sapphire knew this about herself?*

He was She

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Hallowe'en Treat ... What the World's Press say

An Elf in Her Bra has been in Hatbox for about a year and is now eligible for release to the general public.

During the last twelve months I have been inundated with many requests regarding my future intentions for it. Many are those who many have implored, begged, indeed offered financial incentives, in a vain attempt to influence me.

In spite of all such, and ignoring all threats, I have decided to indeed release it in the Public Domain here at Hallowe'en. So there!

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Moorehouse why?!

I was wondering if anyone heard about the dress code Moorehouse is instituting. There's the typical no baggy pants, doo rags and so on but as part of this list wearing Women's Clothing is banned.
Gah can you be so closeminded?! You educated MLK and you're being so intolerant here! X-( It's a piece of clothing you phobic people!

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Whingeing Agine

Here I go agine, somewhat emboldened by Angela Rasch. I posted a story five days ago. The first two days 500+ hits, 50 votes and half a dozen comments. OK, not a stellar success. I can live with that, but for the last three days, 300+ hits and virtually NO votes and not a single comment.

I wish that someone would tell me if I'm wasting my time posting here, that I don't gibe with the BC vibe, that there's little interest in what I post, that I'm a lousy writer, anything but this deafening silence. Indifference; disapproval??

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We are now 3/4s the way through the year.

Here I am in Wyoming and it is October and I am looking and 45 is just around the corner. I am not complaining I am living a good life in probably one of the most beautiful parts of the country. I live about 50-60 miles east of Yellowstone National Park.
I am a new member here and probably will write a story or 2 here and won't know how long the stories will be.
I would love to hear what you think as you see this year ends and what your hopes,fears or what ever emotions you might have for the coming year.


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The Girl in me, will be revised, better edited, etc.

Hey all, been doing some overview of my storie 'The Girl in Me' accessing the many of mistakes, tribulations and problems regarding my storie. So I have came to the conclusion that I will revise it, re edit, add and change some things.

Firstly as from the start I wanted to make it as a series, of cronicles and Thus it will. I will be naming it "Morwen's Legacy: The Girl in Me".

Secondly The editing is going to be slightly difficult for me so if there is anyone that would like to volunteer to assist in the edditing of my storie, please let me know.

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Bike - next Saturday.

I will be away next Saturday afternoon and evening to stay with my daughter for the night. Then on Sunday morning, I am going looking for dormice on a nature reserve in Darkest Wales. I'm hoping I might get a couple of usable photos. It will also give me a chance to test my new car - well new to me, a Renault Megane 1.9 dci (turbo diesel for the uninitiated). Consequently, I won't promise to post an episode of Bike on Saturday.


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How is it in Boston?

How is it in Boston for T folk?

Astonishingly, I have been asked to accompany a young college couple to Boston while they finish work on their respective Masters Degrees. My friend jokes about needing her English Nanny to help her care for her child to be born in June or July. If this seems a little sublime to you, then imagine what I am thinking. I worry about really having gone round the bend. I have asked them thrice over to think about this matter very seriously as it would hurt me greatly should they decide other wise at the last minute; even had a bit of tears over it. GAH!

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Everything you say, everything you do is KNOWN!

Being ill in bed with the flu, I was not sick enough to sleep but not well enough to do anything meaningful. So, I started searching my old name. OMG, I found a database that lists me as the author of "Yeksim and the Jungle Planet". It was probably about my first effort at story writing, but how it got on the internet, I have no idea. I think that by '87 the amber screen was gone, but was it time for the 386 yet? It is reall chilling that this work lies in a data base somewhere.

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I have no control...

A I sit here in the garret of my castle high up in the mountains of Transyvania, I ran my tongue over my sharpened teeth and await for the night when I can go out and have a bite to eat.....

There I go again letting my characters take over. I start off with a good story idea and know roughly where I'm going with it and then my character, like a vampire in the night comes and takes a chunk out of my well laid plotand does their own thing and to hell with well laid plans.

How often do I do this and why do I let my characters get away with it?

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Do NOT Put Extra Spaces Between Words or Symbols in the Title Bar

One space is all that will show and sooner or later, if you use multiple spaces, some editor here is going to have to go in and edit all of your title bars to make things fall into correct order in chapterization. Thanks.


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Wouldn't It Be Loverly? (I Could Have Wrote All Night....Hey, Jill)

Oll I want is a room somewhere
Wroit my stories without a care
One laptop and a chair
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

Lots of comments for me to read
Lots of votin' is what I need
Feels good, so good indeed
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

Oh so loverly sittin' abso-blummen-lutely there
I would never stop writin'
Lookin' out for someone who had a care.

Some one's note sittin' there for me
Don't much care if it's praise, you see?
Even spelling correction, gee?
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

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How Do You Contact the "Site Adminsitrator"?

How do you contact the Site Administrator? I tried to file two incoming messages (which I had read) in my 'other' file and got an error message that said I should "contact the Site Administrator".

Is it that I've got too many messages filed? Then why doesn't 'it' say so? [Sigh!]

Why isn't there a link at the top, perhaps of the Home page, that gets one to the S~ A~?

Yours from the Great White North,

Jenny Grier (Mrs.)


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Lots of Chocolates for Me to Ate

Now that many of us have had a round or two of "votes" added to all or most of our stories I'm left with perplexing questions.

Since it appears this had to have been done mechnically and is not the work of some super-appreciative speed-reader I'm no longer troubled that two of what I consider to be my best stories (An Affair of the Harte and Carl's Eyes) received no votes.

What bothers me is the overall question -- Why?

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Making my own Estrogen

Today, I was told that a transexual person had taken Estrogen for so long that her body had started making its own. Hmmmmmm

Well, I knew that there is some Testosterone in the body of a female, and it could seem reasonable that the body of a normal castrated XY male could have a little Estrogen in it even with out using pills, patches or shots. It seems rediculous that a T girls body could produce enough estrogen on its own.

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Mystery Voter

Yesterday someone voted for thirty-eight of my stories. The person had (1) vote so it wasn't an author. That person didn't leave a comment on any of them so I don't know how to say thanks except in an open blog.

If this mass voting was meant to be some sort of lifetime achievement award, I accept the honor under the protest that I'm not that old.

On some of the older stories it was the first vote the story received other than sympathy votes from me. I hate to have my stories feel completely unloved so I vote for them so they don't think they were totally scorned.


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Where Have “My Bookmarks” Disappeared To?

Something strange has happened to My Bookmarks. When I clicked on it this morning I got a "page not found" message from BC. A short time later the “My Bookmarks” link disappeared from the list at the top of the RH column.

Is it just me, or has this very useful feature been discontinued?

Gabi (The UnGeek)

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Future of VC

Well, I've finally/suddenly reached 100 chapters of Venus Cursed! Wow! I want to thank everybody who's been reading (and commenting, and voting!). My plans when I started this story were that it would probably only be 100 chapters long at most, and would end just about where it's at now. However, things have changed quite a bit since then, as they usually do, and that's not my plan anymore.

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Obsessive ... Me?

Sometimes I do get carried away; I get involved in something and I focus on it and just zone everything else out. It can be a good thing, especially when you have something that needs to get done.

So I've been writing, a lot, and as I sit here at 6:30 AM on Wednesday I realize I have been up since about 4:00 PM ...

On Friday ...

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I happened to be looking...

I happened to be looking at my story list (in the forlorn hope of seeing a comment on my stale postings), and noticed, to my great surprise, that "The Reluctant Bridesmaid" (part 1) had surpassed five thousand reads. This was, by far, my most popular story, but to be honest, I really never expected it to do so well.

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Edeyn I will be posting with regularity and participating in stuff here again soon. I promise. By Thanksgiving at the latest. Since Dad died in April of 2006, things have been in an uproar in my life... and they've never really been what you could call stable. I'll even try to explain all of what happened to all of you that have been faithful in upcoming months.

But for now, the first step in making everything better has been completed today...

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The Penultimate Chapter of Evi Westcott's Odyssey at Long Last

Hi, all. I didn’t imagine that 14 months would pass before I posted another chapter of my book-length story, Balthasar’s Extract. Blame it on a serious case of writer’s block aggravated by real life — the usual excuse. It seemed to me important that the story come to a full, complete and convincing close.

I leave it to you, dear readers, to decide whether I’ve succeeded or not. Jan S, my muse and most faithful proofreader, has already chastised me for not carrying Evi Westcott’s story onward to about 1940, but that’s just her opinion.

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Thank you, Thank you for the sisterhood we have here.

As another week ends, and I continue to grow, struggling with life, but keeping my head held high, I am drawn to reflect about our community and the support we share with one another. I am grateful for all those who have helped me get to this point. I have learned valuable lessons of love and friendship. I have learned or relearned the beauty of music again, and the grace of crying and laughter.

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A story I Promised To Kimmie Townsend


It really was my fault I wound up cross-dressed for a full year. The truth be known though, it was my sister’s fault I got into this situation in the first place. To add to the list of those I can blame for my predicament is my mother. She convinced me that thinking of others more than thinking of myself was the true Christian thing to do. She even mentioned that the contest didn’t specify only girls could enter so I wouldn’t be breaking any rules or fibbing on the form.

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I don't HTML!

I was thinking of writing a story for this site, which would be my first ever online for any type of site whatsoever. I have only used the most basic html before, such as italics blah blah blah, and do not know how to format an entire story, even in the most basic form. I looked on the Add a Story page and noticed "< a n g l e s >" (italics?) didn't work and that you had to use &gt and &lt, and then "< ! - - break - - >" after your teaser...


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I Don't Comment

I don't know if this is the right formun(?). I don't blog, I don't understand it. I have been reading this site for about +1 years. About the time when Fictionmania and Shaphire(?) went into a black hole. Thank GOD for Big Closet!!!

I really like this site. In most cases, people are very supportive of each other.

I VOTE for stories or authors I like. I can't comment, as it take me to places I don't want to go.

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The Poem ' From Mrs Tiresias '

On Thursday evening, I was able to go with a friend and her daughter to see Carol Ann Duffy, the Poet Laureate give a reading on National Poetry Day.
It was held at the University of Winchester and, naturally enough was a full house.;

One of the poems was entitled ‘From Mrs Tiresias’ it begins with

All I know is this:
He went out for his walk a man And came home a female.

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How did I get into this?

This blog entry contains several questions. I'd be pleased if any other readers or authors here were able to respond.

Have you ever stumbled across an author's work, and thought to yourself "this is really good, I'm going to read any material of theirs that I find"? You know, the sort of writing that you find you can't put down; that you find yourself still reading at 1am.

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Half Lilin Rewrite

Thank you to those who mailed me asking me when I would continue to story. I'm sorry that it took me so long to continue. I just had a tiny bit of problem. Still has, but I think I'll try to ignore it and just start writing again.

However, when I reread the story earlier, I was horrified at the lack of imagery in the story. I mean, I know how it goes, how the characters look like because I can see them all in my head. The readers can't see what I see, so I decided to do a rewrite. Nothing major, but I will try to address the problem with giving more life to the characters.

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(US) House Votes to Expand Definition of Hate Crimes

From today's New York Times:

This is step towards expanding "the definition of violent federal hate crimes to those committed because of a victim’s sexual orientation, a step that would extend new protection to lesbian, gay and transgender people."


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Internet problems solved?

I'm possibly tempting providence, but I hope that thanks to a new modem/router and finally getting around to using a new computer I've had in the box for about three years, my internet problems are over (touch wood). It's Vista, so I might yet be swearing - but so far so good, as I learn my way round this different set up.

It's very late so I'm off to bed.


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hospitals and stuff

I have decided I don't care much for hospitals and emergency rooms at the moment. You go in and they want to poke, prod and otherwise torture you, when all you wanted in the first place was one simple little shot adenosine to stop the tachycardia. Finally escaped after 4 hours, with the last 2 sitting and waiting for someone to say I could leave...

And to top it off, my head is throbbing now. Time for Ibuprofen annd a nice warm bed


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It’s a trend the makers of 1993 spoof movie Robin Hood: Men in Tights, obviously didn’t envisage, but the market for men’s hosiery has reportedly taken off in recent years.

Last month UK department store Selfridges responded to the demand and began stocking (no pun intended) a range of extra-tough tights designed exclusively for men.

Source: Tights for blokes: Men warm to ‘mantyhose’

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VC Woes

I just wanted to apologize for my slowness, and occasional missed updates lately. And yes, today's going to be more of the same. I haven't had any time to write yet, and I'll be leaving in ten minutes. I won't get a chance to do anything until I get back around eleven. I can make no promises!

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Need to find a new job

Hello my friends at BC!!

Well, I was given a big shock today. This coming Friday will be my last day at a company where I have worked for 14 years. Basically, it is the economy. Being single. Less money coming into the company, etc, etc. I was told I will receive a full month's pay check at the end of the month. Then another week into November.

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Done and done - finally


We are finally in our new home.

The move started at about 12:30 pm Wednesday and finished about 3:30 pm Saturday.

We moved ourselves as I said we'd do and I don't mean to sound as if I knew best because I didn't. Every time we filled the van, more stuff started to appear and at one stage, I was positive that the chattels fairy was following us around, bringing stuff back from the new house and depositing it in the old one for us to move again and again and again.


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Well, I never…

…did you ever–?

I never cease to be amazed about the mind-boggling things I learn from BBC Radio 4. About 5 minutes ago I learned that King Edward VII had a golf bag made out of an elephant's penis. Evidently it was presented to him by an Indian Maharajah. The same programme informed me that "Snow Golf" was invented by Rudyard Kipling when he painted his balls red.

As I said before, the mind boggles.

So what mind-boggling facts have you learned from the radio/tv?


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"Potentially Offensive" Number (license) plates withdrawn

Browsing through the BBC News pages, as is my daily wont, I came across this little item concerning number (licence) plates being withdrawn from an auction because they might cause offence to gay people.

I have been wracking my meagre brain to think of any number plates that might be offensive to the TG community.


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