I have a curse.
How do I heal my brokenheart?
I can love yet I can not be loved.
I search for it the world over,
Yet it can not find me I am unloved!
My heart breaks with every step!
When I think I found it my heart breaks again.
I scream out in pain while noone can hear my agony.
When I am on the threshold of giving up,
You appear before me out of the blue,
I made you cry and you made me feel loved.
The curse is broken! I thank you as I weep tears of joy.
A fitting and hopeful companion piece...
...simply lovely. Thank you!
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Thanks, this is the first
Thanks, this is the first poem I had difficulties with, all my others I just write them as they come to me. This one I felt it in my heart but I didn't know the words I had to write random things down for hours before I finally got to this ^^
<3 Ren
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com/blogs
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com