

If you believe in yourself then you will have confidence,
If you have confidence then you can do anything.
If you believe in yourself then you will be strong,
If you are strong then you can beat anything.
If you believe in yourself then you are beautiful,
If you are beautiful then you can achieve.
If you believe you are all of this then people will believe in you,
If people believe in you then you can become anything.
Believe in yourself as god and I believe in you!

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What I learned

I was taught family doesn't matter,
I always thought family was a burden.
I was taught that parents will favor one child over another,
I always thought I wasn’t relevant.
I was taught that life wasn’t important,
I always thought my life wasn’t important.
I was taught … wrong,
I have learned that I am important, relevant and family is not a burden.

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What does it take to be a good mommy?

A good mommy is one that is there for you,
through thick and thin.
A good mommy has a kind soul and a good heart,
but she will protect you from all evil.
A good mommy is firm and subtle,
yet loving and caring.
A good mommy will understand you no matter what,
You are all that and more.

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A curse broken

I have a curse.
How do I heal my brokenheart?
I can love yet I can not be loved.
I search for it the world over,
Yet it can not find me I am unloved!
My heart breaks with every step!
When I think I found it my heart breaks again.
I scream out in pain while noone can hear my agony.
When I am on the threshold of giving up,
You appear before me out of the blue,
I made you cry and you made me feel loved.
The curse is broken! I thank you as I weep tears of joy.

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To find love

What is it like to go around loving everyone you meet?
You know what its like to feel love for others,
But you never feel like someone loves you back.
Its soul wrenching to watch yourself,
Greet person after person who can not understand.
You can not stop tho because you have to find the one.

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Life Sucks

Life sucks every day I wake up and get out of bed
Life sucks every time I pick up my meds
Life sucks all the time because of the pain
Life sucks I wish I could stop the Rain
Life sucks I want to get hit by a big truck
Life sucks I wish I had some bucks
Life sucks just because it can
Life sucks when you got to be a man
Life suck that’s all
So go on living your life and have a ball

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