Good Evening ALL,
I am in need of an editor or two. I have two stories actively being worked on, one a Serial Comdex...(eight chapters, 3-5 more) and the other a much shorter story, "Between Christmas and Hell."
What I'm looking for in an editor:
1) Someone who will smack my nose with a newspaper and say no no no! Bad Writer
In other words someone who isn't afraid to make suggestions or tell me I'm wrong!
And then won't get bent out of shape if I don't always take their suggestions.
2) Someone who will actively challenge story plots, directions, cliff hangers, etc...
3 And MOST important of all. Someone who will be a friend and be willing to share
with me...
It's not fair to ask that without a bit of personal background. Much of Between Christmas and Hell, including the babysitter scene (where I am the sittee, not the babysitter) is indeed autobiographical. That part of the story will contain a Strong content label.
I am a medically diagnosed transgender M-F. I've not transitioned. That however may occur within the next two - three years. I am in my 50's. I would much prefer to meet my maker as I truly am than as the lie I've liked my entire life.
I am politically conservative, and I am a Christian. Yes, I've attended services en femme, and will most likely do so post-op. I am, by all accounts an open-minded woman who does not preach from a soap box.
I've had one or two BigCloset people offer to help in the past. I've been so slow that I'm not sure that I remember them, or if they would still be willing.
If you're interested I'll send you the draft of part two of Christmas/Hell so you'll know who I am.
Thank you to looking.
Good Luck to You
Your requisites for an editor are what they should be.
You won't have trouble finding an editor. In case you don't get a nibble quite quickly you might tell us a bit more about the themes and plots of your stories. Many editors (like me) don't want to edit x-rated stories involving children.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
You also want...
an editor that has TIME and a style you can work with.
Even if you find someone that has the talents you need, the time to do it, don't be offended if he/she decides that a given story is just not something they can edit. I had to stop editing a story recently, and it really chewed me up. But, the story went somewhere I couldn't go. So, as Jill mentioned - you may want to provide a more detailed description of one or the other story to those nibblers.
Another point, you'll probably get more offers than you need. Consider letting more of them loose on the "first" chapter of one of your pieces. That way you can get two things. 1) you'll see what they can do edit wise and whether you can live with it. 2) how prompt they are at returning stuff. Both can be important. (As those I've edited for can attest, I've been known to "bleed" over stuff. I don't expect all of my suggestions to be taken, but I do expect them to be thought about. Other editors tend to have a much lighter hand.
Your "advertisement" indicates you're looking for the right kind of thing.
Good Luck,