New Susan Brown story on Stardust

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Just to let you know that I have posted a new story called The Chosen on Stardust. I will be posting it here, if I get a positive response about a week later.

Any new chapters will be published the same way.

So if you have few minutes to spare, pop across and have a look!


If anyone knows how to make the story look nicer, especially on the Stardust front page, I would be grateful for any help. It's not as easy as BCTS!


I read your story 'The

I read your story 'The Chosen' at Stardust and loved it. I would have commented at Stardust but for whatever reason I can neither log in nor get a new password sent to me.

I hope you will continue the story.


Define "Nicer"

I think it looks just fine. I can't imagine what you'd like to do with it that would improve the presentation. Besides, isn't it mostly the story that counts?