I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. First, I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to me these past few weeks. My GP, my Neuro doctor and my therapist feel that I'm doing remarkably well considering I'm in the midst of a new wave of flashbacks. I'm sad and scared, since everything is like it's happening now. I find myself coping much better; my wife can attest to that. But it's still frightening and overwhelmingly sad. Notes from friends have helped tremendously, and I've likely received more *hugs* than at any time in my life.
After a change in medication, I'm no longer establishing new and abrupt relationships with doors and furniture, and I'm not falling down. But tremors and shrugs are back with a vengeance, and it's really hard on the family, watching me go through this. My wife especially keeps on loving me with hugs, "I love you" is our moment to moment exchange, and she tells me every day how sorry she is that I have to go through that.
Ironically, she was just watching Golden Girls in the living room, and the episode is about the funeral for Dorothy's cross-dressing brother. Rose has just asked his widow if he was a good husband, a good provider, a good father. Sophia asks what she did...what she said to make him that way. His widow Angela simply says, "What he was, Sophia, was a good man." I hope someday I hear that...I can't say how much it hurts inside. The episode ends up with Sophia just saying "I miss my boy..." My wife just yelled to me, "Did you hear that...that was sweet." And I sit at this keyboard, biting my tongue to keep from crying. Maybe someday... All my love, 'drea
Drea -
I cannot know
I cannot know what you're going through, 'Drea, but I wish you well, and I hope that this new medication is part of the answer to whatever it is you are going through.
You have been very supportive of me, and I have seen the responses you posted in others' stories or blogs, also supporting them. In fact, I now tend to keep my eyes open for your distinctive graphic self-portraits because I know that a little line of encouragement or word of support goes with them.
I guess I cannot say it well, but I, and I am sure others, appreciate these little gems you scatter throughout the BC community. Thank you.
Be well, be happy. Most of all, be you.
lots of love and hugs,
Hope you feel real better, really soon
You take care Drea
I look forward to your lovely comments on everything, even when you always get in first!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Mostly Harmless
Our little windows
I sit here in front of my computer staring at my little window looking into the rest of the world. I have my own tears from reading about your troubles. So many of us has troubles and there is so little I can do. If a hug will help then you can have all I have to to spare!
Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, ... to infinity.
Families are so important to (some of) us. Television is actually (in rare but more frequent cases) showing the effects of what some of us are going through... Some are more compassionate or accurate than others, which is no surprise. Perhaps, with time, the cumulative effects of this kind of (subliminal almost) education will reduce the intolerance so many of us face.
I hope your medical issues can be worked out - to your satisfaction.
One thing I've done - recently, is make an effort to go into the other room - and watch some TV with my wife, even though much of the time I'd rather be chatting/reading, or writing (one reason I've had less writing time). It seems to have helped HER know I want to be around, and apparently become even more accepting of me as ME.
Luckily my medical issues, while real, are not impacting my life currently, so I don't have that stress, too.
An excellent idea, dear sister
...after I finished writing my blog, I went out, sat down next to her and stroked her hair and forehead. It did a world of good for both of us. She's dealing with her own health issues in the midst of a very stressful job as a charge nurse at the State Mental Hospital plus she's still grieving over the death of her mother as well. We support each other, and we've grown so much closer through it all. I tell her every day how much I appreciate her, and she does with me as well. Thanks!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Here's Another Hug!!
Here's another (((hug)))).I have heard that you can never have too many. I am so glad that you have a loving wife and family around you. You are in my thoughts and I thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. You are one of the best! Love Ya!
Overcome illness, Andrea!
I wish you a speedy recovery to health! Our disagreements, in comparison with health, small and insignificant! :- )