Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

The Dragons Are Back At The Balcony...

After a long absence while it was being polished and updated I have now brought back Rebekkah DeMere's long and wonderful masterpiece, "The Eight Dragon's Trilogy" with new illustrations and easy reading online of the complete books as well as text versions for easy download to handheld devices or just those that prefer the simple text without all the graphics. Below is one of the cover's and intro by your's truly to give you a little taste of this fascinating tale for either you first time readers or simply those who want to go back and reread this excellent adventure.

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Prostituion, would I have survived?

Right after the first of this year, I was so out of money, and nearly starving that I began to contemplate being a Prostitute. It might not have been so bad, because I have a really strong desire to be sexual with others, but my previous journeys into dating had me giving a couple abortive and poorly executed blow jobs, and then the plops would simply zip up and flee. It left me feeling bereft, used and extremely ashamed of my conduct. So, it was that months of near starvation really altered things for me.

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Why Do I Still Write for BC

Intellectually I know that the number of votes, comments, and hits have no direct correlation to the quality of the writing. Good pieces go unnoticed. Badly written pieces sometimes hit all the right buttons. But in my heart I would love to be elected homcoming queen. Caring what others think of you is called sanity.

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The Witch's Tarot

I have just sent the latest chapter to Gabs for editing, so it will be published later this afternoon.

Thanks for your patience.

Okay I lied... well maybe not lied, but didn't think - not unusual. I'm getting a lot of that lately.

I had hoped to be able to post this afternoon - or evening as it is here, but no.

I really hope to do so tomorrow, but that all depends upon whether my trusty editor has the time.

My apologies for winding you lot up and for making assumptions I had no right to make.

Thank you.

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A slightly different way to use up the thanksgiving leftovers.

Here is something to do with that left over turkey from Thanksgiving. Something different that the usual turkey sandwiches, turkey casserole, turkey tetrazzini, etc.

If you happened to go the ham route at Thanksgiving, all the better because the original recipe calls for ham, but Turkey, or even chicken can be substituted for the meat portion of this recipe.

My mom, whom I stole this from, actually called them "Tacos" but they are more like Taquitos.

Ok, here it is. The recipe below is for two dozen or so, but you can adjust to make more or less.

You will need:

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Dodgy science alert

Ho hum, another group of scientists have "discovered" that humanity is polluting the environment with lots of "gender bending" chemicals (i.e. estrogens or others with similar effects), which are apparently "feminising boys". No big surprise there - this kind of story 'does the rounds' every now and again. The novelty this time appears to be that the research is apparently endorsed by the EU, and it's reported in The Guardian rather than the Daily Wail (whose columnists would no doubt have had a veritable orgy of doomsday prophesying...)

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Do sequels work?

A number of readers are saying that I should start finishing off Changes as it appears to be coming to a natural end, as certain threads are closing or have closed. Others have said that I should go into book 2 or some sort of sequel as there are a lot of things unfinished.

I tried the book 2 methods for Working Girl and Home Alone and while they were appreciated, I always felt that the edge had been knocked off the readers appetite.

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I'm going to start working on a sequel to Symbols

and hopefully have it ready for December (maybe the contest?) I have some vague ideas of where I'd like to explore next, but if anyone out there has suggestions I'm very willing to listen. No promises on what I might use, but don't let that stop you!

Reply here or send me a private message. And thank you for reading--and commenting on--Symbols!


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My background and qualifications

Since I have volunteered to do editing to assist authors, I thought I should supply my credentials. My career spans both management assignments in the IT area of a large corporation and university teaching in a school of business. I have written four books: one on statistics, one on data base principles, one on information resource management and one on cooking (a 200 recipe collection that keeps expanding). I am a self taught speed reader and a compulsive editor.

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The Little Bird Who Wants to Fly

Okay, I'm now trying to submit my own story and not lean on Sephrena for this one. I've set it all up, complete with a nice graphic and filled out the Submit Fiction page and hit Preview. After a little alteration I have it as I want and hit the Submit button. The form resets and shows blank fields. Apparently, no submittal has occurred.

What am I doing wrong?


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Easy Crock Pot Meal

It is best to start the night before, have another crock pot. This takes all day. Works with any meat, too.

After dinner, take a Boston Butt roast, place it in the crock pot and let it cook in its own juices, It should be done in the morning. When done, drain the juices and simmer the veggies in the juices in a second crock pot while you place the roast back in first pot with water and gravy mix to cook apart to tenderize.

Should be ready by lunch time, when done, drain veggies, add to meat and simmer till dinner, serve in crock.


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Another trip to Manhattan...

We're driving into Manhattan on Monday, and we'd appreciate your prayers. My wife, as adorable as the day we met and fell in love, is dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and has been diagnosed with Chronic Epstein-Barr (where Mononeucleosis arises), and will be seeing an Infectious Disease specialist.

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Erin - All of the November Gift ideas have been really wonderful

We are now about 1/2 way through the time alloted to the November Gift challange, and as of the last I counted there are 15 stories.

If you haven't read them, I strongly urge you all to go out and check them out. There are quite a few that are exceptional.

Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry, some will get you mad... in short the full gammut of emotion is to be found there...

Then make sure to send a thank you to Erin, because it was her idea.



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I am an oxymoron

I am such a living oxymoron.

I am a girl inside but not on the outside. Heck, I'm not even sure I'm really a girl, maybe a girl wannabe. Being TG but not TS might sound like an oxymoron to some here, but it's probably true in my case. I'm reminded of The Man Without a Country. I'm a person without a gender, since I find myself firmly rooted in between.

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Looking for a story

Hiya Girls! A long time ago, read a story about a guy who gets forced into a gov't program because of a lack of females in the country, has large dosages of some new girly hormones or chemicals and is given over to a plummer who basically purchased him from the gov't program to eventually be his wife. The guy who changes fights it, but slowly accepts his inevidable future. A govt official comes to inspect 'him' to make sure he's accepting his physical changes. . .

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Unusual reason to miss work...

For the first time in 15 years, David Dimbleby, presenter of Question Time, has had to miss recording an episode.

Here's the slightly unsual reason why:

Then again, the programme itself once featured an unusual guest:

And on hearing the story, I couldn't help but think of the ultimate (fictional - I hope!) sick note (which also serves as a "Don't try this at home!" physics demonstration):

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Oscar R.I.P.

I always knew that this day would come, I just never expected it to happen so soon, You see for a little over three weeks now i have been taking Oscar one of our two much loved cats to the vets for treatment for a lump in his neck, Right from the start of his treatment we were under no illusions, It was pointed out from the start by the vet the most likely diagnosis was cancer and the prognosis was not good, Nonetheless we felt we had to give him a chance, After all the vet could be wrong!

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The Amazing Big Closet Family

Me, I find it amazing that our Web Mistress Erin has taken it upon her shoulders to create this unique site known as Big Closet/Top Shelf.

According to the copyright, this site has been here since June of 2005. Now, I know that at times, that the site has experienced difficulties, but Erin, Bob Arnold, Sephrena, and others have sacrificed their time and money to keep this site going.

Erin has purposefully made this a a place to discuss, read, and post T.G. fiction, and many of the authors from other sites have made Big Closet/Top Shelf their home.

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The Center & Cho-Ri

Hey all,

Why did I publish "The Calm of My Stream" when I said I was going to wait until the next chapter of The Center comes out?

I just got a really good opportunity to take part in an anthology that's going to be published by an actual publishing company that you don't have to pay. It's not the big time, but I have an opportunity to get my foot in the door of mainstream fiction, that you can actually buy online or in your local bookstore.

So, I'm concentrating on that this week. No Center this week unless I run into a major block on the paid-for writing.

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Regrowing Breasts

  • Surgery may allow women to grow breasts
  • Successfully done on pigs
  • Could revolutionise cosmetic surgery

“The breakthrough could also could also completely revolutionise the cosmetic surgery industry by allowing women to grow bigger natural breasts.”

“If the human trials follow the pigs’ success, the new procedure will result in breasts that look and feel perfectly natural — because they are perfectly natural.”

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This is getting old, isn't it?

Just when I thought I was getting it back together my muse decides to mutiny! Well, to be fair, the story she's stuck on is one that's been in my head for far longer than any of my others. I may have to write some of it, just to get her off my back about it! ;)

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Standing on the cusp

So I've made my decisions and now that it is time to begin implementing them, I'm really quite scared, much more so than I had hoped or thought I might be. I look at myself and think I really must be quite the coward, to have pushed myself to almost dying just because I couldn't stand the thought of losing love, when that isn't even a certainty. I mean, I'm truthfully not changing from the person he fell in love with, I've been the same way the whole time.

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That's Enough (not a lecture)

For those who have been following the November story challenge, I would like to remind everyone of the story "That's Enough", by Jan S., written in 2007.

I think this story fits the story challenge criteria beautifully. It's not a long story, and well worth reading.

Another thank you, Jan for creating it.

Carla Ann

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I hate this

I have a wonderful girlfriend, but she's half a world away.

I just spent twenty minutes standing and crying in the living room in frustration at the pile of shit my life has become.

I really have no idea what to do now and it scares me.

The only reason I'm not still in the hospital is not having health insurance. If I had it, they would have kept me at least another week, but more if I had no one to help take care of me at home -- but I have neither insurance nor anyone to care for me.

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Broken Battered Bleeding B-rater

Okay. Last evening I got home from hospital. I really don't foresee any kind of issues functioning with this situation of my left arm in a cast and sling... except when I try to sleep.

So painful... Hard to position... argh.

I will be available on Skype (delayra.edeyn) if folks wanna hear what happened, and I'mm gonna try to resume stuff here and elsewhere online.


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It was a dark and stormy knight

It was a dark and stormy knight
With whom I had to fight,
Me a damsel, whose chastity belt was on too tight.
His instrument was grand
When he held it in his hand
It wasn’t what I planned
As he sang to me all the bloody night.

When I awoke, t’was late of morn
And my Stormy knight had gorn
Red skies the sailors warn
And soon did come the rain
Which flattened all the grain
And washed my CB key right down the bloody drain.
Yawn, Yawn.

There’s a moral in this tale
Which howls in like a gale
Blows the skin until it’s pale
And it’s plain and obvious for all to see

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What Happened to Fiddle Jamie?

I had been following her progress for some time, through FFS, job changes, etc and I thought she was going to have her surgery last month. It appears now that all her entries on You Tube are removed or access is prevented. Has anyone else been following her? Does anyone know what happened?


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BBC Radio 4: The Choice

Originally aired at 9am today, for UK audiences only it's also available on iPlayer for the next week:

The Choice is a series of 1/2 hour programmes on Radio 4, featuring people who have made life-altering decisions and exploring the whole process, from the original dilemma to living with the consequences. Previous episodes have featured a chap who killed his abusive father; a woman who's adopted 9 children with special needs (most with Down's Syndrome) and a whistleblower. Today's featured Miranda Ponsonby.

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dreams can come true

since a young boy transformed at a party into a little girl , i have never lost the love or need to dress as the sissy that i was mant to be i only wish that i ahd realized earlier in life thayt i could and should dress and allow my fem side to live , as the years go by i am now starting to live my dream more all the time does any one ealse have a like felling and understanding i hope so love penny

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Post Partum Depression

First of all I would like to thank everyone who read my recent efforts about the life of Cynthia Lewis (An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver). It has been particularly gratifying to see how many readers took my advice and read the first two stories in the series and voted on them. I just wish there had been more comments, constructive or otherwise.

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Addenda - The Last Christmas

Addenda - Please forgive me for failing to include this; I was crying, as we often do, while I was writing it. My mother was abused as a child, and spent much of her life an angry, almost bitter woman. Her own father walked up to her and two of her four siblings when she was about eleven or twelve and said to them, "You are not my children." She married my dad after a period of rebellion, I suppose.

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I don't know what it is that I'm feeling,

but I feel it's leading me to yet another bout of non-communicative time. The last time this happened it took a year or so for me to get back "in the groove." Maybe part of it is post SCC letdown, maybe part of it is there are so many bad things happening to so many of us and I know there isn't a damn thing I can do to help. I know I do feel very helpless and dejected about that. I know, I KNOW! I shouldn't...but that knowledge doesn't translate to feeling any better about it.

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Kelly's Journey-News

Kelly's Journey

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:There are two more installments to Kelly's Journey to go. These are bonus episodes to help you understand the Kelly-Verse.

Yes, the Kelly Verse is grounded in Christianity, but not that narrow-minded form that permeates much of the world of today.

I admit that it might be a bit too sweet, but That is Kelly. She is a sweet, young lady who sees the best in everybody. And most of my stories reflect her attitude.


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Back in the saddle again?

Hopefully, anyway! I've posted part 6 of The Watcher, at last! There's a link at the bottom for Venus Cursed! #112, as I always do, but since #112 isn't done yet, it won't work. I'm hoping I might have that up sometime today, too, but we'll see.

Since my last two blogs have been all whiney, I thought I'd post something a little more positive. Especially since I'm feeling a little more positive! I wanted to thank everyone again who commented on my last blog entry or sent PMs. I really appreciated it! ^_^

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Remembering Old Commercials

There is a new Coke Zero commercial that spoofs an old Cke commercial.

In the original, a boy hands a coke to Meam Joe Greene who after drinking it, gives the boy his jersey.

In the spoof, the hair crazy player from the Head & Shoulders commercial gets a Coke Zero, but Coke officials try to intervene.

It's a fun commercial

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Here's a bit of shameless self-promotion - my online photo gallery of Kenilworth's fireworks do (held a few hours ago). It's one of the most popular in the region, typically attracting >10,000 people for the half hour display. The approach roads to the castle are closed off to aid in herding people to/from the site.

And for comparison, last year's lot:

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On the go...

Okay, it's been too long.

I know.

I'm about two thirds through the latest and perhaps last chapter of Witch's Tarot, which I hope to have finished fairly soon, but I am at one of those points that needs to be right or the whole thing will fall apart. So it's a case of taking it step by step to ensure all the 'i's' are dotted and the 't's' are crossed.

My intention is to provide a feature-length bumper episode here that will possibly round everything off, so those interested, please be patient, I'll get there.

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My stories have been edited

I just thought I would let all of you know that my stories: "A Prayer Answered" and "The House Fire" have been edited and are now available here.

A special thanks go out to Michelle B. and Stanman for there efforts in editing these for me. I thank them will all my heart.

I am currently working on "The House Fire CH 2."

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New Update at the Balcony

I thought it was about time for a real update at the Balcony and here it is!

I would like to welcome Lilith Langtree to the library of quality authors at the Balcony! For her first story at the Balcony, I have posted the enthralling tale "The Center"! Look for this and other stories to come from this talented author. Please come, pull up a chair and enjoy the view!

Beverly Colleen

Beverly's Balcony

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A BigCloset Tradition

I've been thinking about all the hard work and time that Erin and Sephrena put in on this site, as well as just what the purpose is of our little BigCloset. I say "our" with deliberation. The people who read and write here may not own this site, but it is a home of sorts for us. It is a place that we may come to express a side of ourselves that many in the greater community do not want to hear about. It is a refuge and a bastion, a source of respite and strength.

Or at least it should be.

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How NOT to drive a forklift...

Could this be used as a perfect example of "Having a bad day"?
This accident happens in a warehouse in Moscow filled with glass bottles of vodka and cognac...The driver apparently escaped with minor injuries to one of his legs, but the accident apparently cost the owners of the warehouse around  £60,000. ( Discovered via the Radio 4 PM Blog entry here: )

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November 5th

Exactly 404 years ago, a soldier and explosives expert attempted one of the most audacious terrorist plots ever.

His plan was to destroy the UK's House of Lords during State Opening, during which the building would contain the entire parliament and the King. As we all know, various events conspired to disrupt the plan and arrest Guy before he lit the fuse.

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Hired as a man, fired as a woman

Hired as a man, fired as a woman

I especially loved this quote:
Her boss, Georgia Legislative Counsel Sewell Brumby, saw it differently.

“It makes me think about things I don’t like to think about, particularly at work … I think it’s unsettling to think of someone dressed in women’s clothing with male sexual organs inside that clothing,” said Brumby, in a deposition taken May 11th in U.S. District Court in Atlanta.

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San Diego Comic Con Founder Dies

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8 / CNS) - The man who founded Comic-Con has died. Shel Dorf died Tuesday at Sharp Hospital after a long illness.
Dorf started the San Diego Comic-Con in 1970 at the U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego, after moving to San Diego from Detroit.

He spent the next 15 years as a leader of the annual convention, which promotes comics and related popular art forms, including sci-fi movies and animated TV shows.

Dorf was 76 and is survived by his brother. Funeral services are scheduled for 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Home of Peace cemetery located at 3668 Imperial Avenue.

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The Center Chapter 8 Progress

Hey Girls and guys.

For those of you that have been keeping track in comments and on Twitter. I was well ahead of the game when I first started the story. So's why the updates were fast and furious.

I was about 8000 words into Chapter 8 tonight, and in a couple of words 'It Sucked'. So, I'm pulling back and starting over from about 3000 words. What a incredible waste of time and effort, but that's how it is sometimes. It's all plotted out and it looks cool on outline but in execution it's choppy, annoying, and even well beyond the realm of realism.

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TS Jesus Play Sparks Protests

About 300 protesters held a candlelit protest outside a Glasgow (Scotland) theatre over the staging of a play which portrays Jesus as a transsexual.

The protest was held outside the Tron Theatre, where Jesus Queen of Heaven, in which Christ is portrayed as being transgendered, is being staged.

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Character Portraits

When I write a story, I generally have a definite idea of what my characters look like in my head. I know what color their hair is, what their skin tone is, any little scars they might have that identify them, the way they quirk their lips when they smile, and so on and so forth. However, I also know that what I see as my character's appearance isn't always what others imagine.

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Pants vs Panties

Mike was going to be married to Karen so his Father sat him down for
a little chat.

He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something.
On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants,
handed them to your Mother, and said, 'Here, try these on.''
She did and said, 'These are too big.
I can't wear them.'

I replied, 'Exactly.. I wear the pants in
this family and I always will.' Ever since that night, we have
never had any problems.

'Hmmm,' said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try.

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Waves over troubled waters

To ALL Persons that enter BCTS:
Think before your fingers do the typing.

Do unto others as you would want others do unto you.

If that would be a rule then the waters here would be smooth sailing.


"What is hateful to oneself should not be done to one's neighbor...." .

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Changes - Warning and explanation

Please note that the latest Changes episode contains a plot that may upset some people and I quite understand if you do not wish to read the chapter.

Unfortunately, sometimes things don't always run smoothly and although the story is in the main happy and sweet in nature, like real life, something happens that pushes our comfort zone.

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When you ask me to take care of something on site...

...please remember that I do indeed have a real life and do not sit here 24/7. I'm missing my morning class at college today because of another blow-up which I could not deal with because I was asleep. I'm going to be gone the rest of the morning and probably most of the afternoon because my friend is opening his new bookstore today.

Oh, and I will be working at that bookstore Thur and Fri afternoons at least through Christmas. Besides my piano classes and sleeping and going out for dinner now and then.

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On the delay with Maiden by Decree and other things.

I have been slow with finishing this up, I know. But I've been fighting pneumonia over the past few weeks, to the point of spending a week in the hospital then spending the next week going nuts because I couldn't go anywhere or do anything in spite of being home then. I'm still recovering, getting stronger as the days go by, and not sleeping quite as much, plus I can breathe without oxygen now (a big plus, trust me.) So I will get to the finale of Maiden, just as soon as I feel up to actually writing again.

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New "Book" Coming Out

In response to Fleurie's and others' requests, the first publication of Danny Fairchild Publications will be coming out this Saturday evening (hopefully).

Entitled "Everything You Wanted To Know About Posting In Topshelf And Were NOT Afraid To Ask, But Didn't Anyway," it is a little Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is all about how to spruce up your postings in Topshelf.

It will cover:

* How to make text appear in BOLD
* How to make text appear italicized
* How to make text appear both bold and italicized

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Health and other things.

Hi everyone,

I've not been around for a while, apart from dropping in from time to time and seeing what's up.

I've been catching up on my reading as I just haven't felt like writing much.

As some of you may know, I've not been well. Actually, that's not quite accurate, as I felt fine, but I discovered a lump which turned out to be an infected lymph node.

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Body of work

Out of curiosity, I've done a quick count of the stuff I have posted on various sites. It's quite an indictment of how much time I must have given to playing with words, characters and situations.

Counting episodes as individual items, which are quite variable in length - bonkers, snafu and Gabysodes are longer than bike episodes - but they take me longer to write.

The grand total is 988 of which 848 appear on this site. Of those 11 are complete works or short stories and one is a poem, another is a drabble.

I obviously spend far too much time on the internet.


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The Center-Updating.

For those of you that are interested.

With last night's outage, a lot of people were not able to read Chapter 4, so I'm not updating with Chapter 5 today. Instead, I will have it out Monday morning, so people will have a chance to catch up. Not to worry, it's already written. Chapters 5&6 are in the can and I'm working on 7 today so it should be ready by the the time Wednesday roles around. Then we'll be caught up.

I'm not telling you all this to be pretentious. I just didn't want you to think that I'd forgotten about you, today.

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Happy New Year...

Last night marked the traditional Celt New Year's Eve. So that they might entice new adherants to the 'new faith', early Christina disciples would incorporate Pagan holidays into the religious calendar and give them 'new names'.

Last evening also marked the first anniversary of the departure of the two of the three closest and most beloved souls in my meager life.

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Squid in the mouth

This usually lives at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America site, at:, but it's also used by a friend of mine who teaches a MFA in writing. I'm not much of a one for science fiction, but these are pretty good rules for writing anything. Don't feel bad if you've broken several - as far as I can tell Martin Amis has broken at least two of the rules here, and I know I'm a sinner in at least as many ways - I'm definitely guilty of "squid in the mouth" and "pushbutton words".

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Sk8r Grrls - SURGE

Edeyn Were you a fan of Sk8r Grrls up until the Episode that made it not really for kids anymore? Are you still miffed about that? Say no more! Yes, I still get Private Messages either apologizing for not wanting to read any more after that, or else berating me for including it. There is, however, hope!

Starting as soon as I get my lazy tuckus in gear, A special re-release of Sk8r Grrls is going to hit TopShelf.

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Thank You

I want to thank everyone who participated in the October writing contest either as an author, reader and voter. I don't know why I won but thank you. There were a lot of very good stories presented at this contest. Every one of them deserves a hug and a thank you.

Hugs to all,


Bike 800

Could anyone in their right mind have imagined this lasting so long? Does anyone in their right mind actually read it? We all know the author is barmy - talks to cats and gets sensible replies! Goes into raptures over dormice and bicycles -need I say more?

Changes & Football Girl

Just a quick message to all Changes and Football Girl fans to say that Sue is going to be away for a couple of days to visit her family.

So…if you're waiting for the next installments, Take a deep breath…………


(Also waiting with bated breath, but being Sue's editor I get to see it before you… NAA-NAA-NA-NA-NAAAA!
