I'd like to introduce you to Artist as Art! Way cool!
I am delighted to introduce a friend of mine that I met online. Tony Threadgold. He is one of the most fascinating people I have ever come to know. I'll let him explain in his own words:
My Flickr page has turned into my sketchbook - I make photomanips as studies for paintings.
I'm trying to articulate my way of seeing the world through a visual language - I use myself as the model for all my pics, a lot of the characters I make are based on real people, I try to emulate something of their idea of themselves, and appropiate them into my world.
Here are just a couple of examples of his work:
And as Tony says:
The way I see it the more people I can help to motivate to engage with their own oceans of creativity, even a little, the better I'm doing my job!
Please drop by and enjoy more of his work at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29472012@N03/
He's from Leamington Spa, UK, so all my friends across the pond might contact him and perhaps even stop by. He can be reached at his e-mail address, [email protected]