Woke up too early, and now I can't get back to sleep. Not worried though as I called my boss last night that I won't be coming in today regardless of the weather. Now I can veg out the whole day today an recuperate...
Anyway, I heard from some folks at FM that Crystal's site has been down for a couple of days now. I tried accessing it and I get a "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)" error, which as far as I know is a hard error. Hope everything's ok over there.
Anyone heard anything?
- Bobbie
The storysitetwo and
The storysitetwo and www2.storysite servers were turned off yesterday afternoon by Ave (who administers them) because this whole thing with N. Vail has gotten on her last nerve and stretched it. In the absence of Crystal saying anything, she simply shut them down to stop the drama. AFAIK, they won't be back up anytime soon.
The stories that are available on www.storysite.org are still available, but they date from like 2008 or so. New stuff, updated stuff, that's all on hold right now.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Note From Piper
Piper posted the following on the Story Site Cyberboard:
From looking at the Cyberboard, I think Maid Joy's analysis of the situation is spot on.
That's very odd.
When they published really did not see that it - kiddie porn ?! I don't understand who or what prevented site administrations to remove these stories?
It is not so obligatory to treat a headache a guillotinade.
In general these stories at all did not become the first in this category. A similar sort stories were published here earlier and nobody switched off a server.
I do not speak that "kiddie porn it is good" - by no means. It - criminally punishable act practically in all countries. Just earlier it did not cause so stormy reaction.
Yours faithfully.
Technically, it's not child
Technically, it's not child pornography. That's a specific classification for photography and videography. (talking legal definitions here, which isn't the same as real denotations)
It's in very bad taste, most of the time, but it's not technically illegal. Mein Kampf is also in bad taste, but gets republished all the time. (Quite frankly, it's like "A Communist Manifesto" - there's nothing evil about the work itself, only how people use it)
It's funny. These whiners will spend hours complaining about how they're offended about something, rather than doing something active, like write their own stories, or writing to the author in question. I don't like a LOT of the stuff on FM, but I don't complain about it. I just wince and move on.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
According to the Courts ...
I am asking the question: is not porn considered to be pictures, and not the written word? Is there not some sort of legal president for all this? We get so hung up on making sure that everyone has their constitutional rights that I sometimes wonder if we throw out the baby with the bath water.
I visit asstr.org once in a while. There is a certain Author that I follow over there, and these really nasty stories seem to be there in abundance; indeed it is hard to avoid them. These stories seem to exist on the web and no one does anything.