I just finished working on the Terry Awards. Yay!
I've spent many, many hours on this but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have time to go through all of the stories. I'll be covering stories that have been posted in multiple parts later in the year -- when I have more time.
As I was sorting through vote totals, I was surprised to see how high they were. For the best real world serials, every one of the six entries had over 100 votes! 2009 has been a good year, not only for quantity but for getting the vote out.
If nothing else, I try to be fair. Some stories that didn't have a high enough vote total are still included in the "Honorable Mention" category. I tried to add as many good stories as I could without making the list too long.
The number of stories in each category is inconsistent. That's because each category has a different number of stories and also because of ties in the vote total. You won't see the vote totals (because I don't want to focus on them) so I'm telling you here and now.
Now on to the final list! I hope it helps stories and their authors get more attention.
Hugs to you all!
- Terry