I have written a few parodies of popular songs, giving them a TG twist. Unfortunatly, I dont have the permission of the original artists. Does anyone know if it would be O.K. to publish them? Are such things covered the way "fan fiction" is? Anybody with an opinion can chime in!
The songs would be considered parody
And so, from what I've read about copyrights, would be allowed.
Mr. Ram
Parody - probably OK
Parody is generally allowed without the permission of the original works' copyright holder. "Fan Fiction" is a more problematical area.
Here are a couple of links on the subject:
Don't take my advice as being worth more than you paid for it.
The above is from a US perspective. Your mileage may vary in other countries which use different systems of measure, and laws.
IANAL (= I am not a lawyer!)
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
No problem
a) As others have said, you don't need the permission of the original artist to do a parody. Although it's probably helpful to give credit to the original song's lyricist / composer, and possibly the record company that owns the copyright.
b) We've had numerous relyricised songs here already - Andrea Lena Dimaggio appears to be our resident 'expert' :)
c) They're currently being actively encouraged via the February Music Motifs Challenge.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!