Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

I don't know how to say this, but I might have a serious health problem.

I have recently become aware of a growth in a very sensitive internal area. There is some minor pain associated with it. I am scheduled to see a doctor today and, depending on his diagnosis, I may have to go to Buffalo for surgery, since the V.A. is the only health provider I have.

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Edeyn Okay, just so folks know what's going on... My typing speed has slowed. Dramatically.

It's infuriating.

Anyway, I am still working on things, but I can type somewhere between half and 2/3 as fast as I used to be able to do. Faster than that is not even a possibility most of the time, and when it is a possibility, it hurts to do it. A lot. Like me cradling my arm and weeping uncontrollably for about an hour painful.

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Status of stories in The Home That Love Built Universe being posted elsewhere

So far, I have posted the stories, with the exception of Megumi-Chan's, to the TG fiction list, and Sapphire's Place. I have begun posting them to Stardust, and Piper will be hosting them at her site as well.

As soon as I hear from Megumi, I will include her story along with the others. Thank you writers for your help, co-operation, and involvement with this new universe. As you all know, it means a LOT to me, and others.

Hugs and Love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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WWWeeeeeeee, It is official (well sort of)

After many false starts and a few shaky falls I am thankful to say ... my operations are not only scheduled for July in Thailand, but paid for. It is never easy this road we travel on, but I have to state, it is satisfying; especially as I check off my mental checklist. I am so excited.

I am grateful and humbled with all who have supported me, and encouraged me to get this far. 5 more months, then the next chapter in my life begins.

Kendra Carr

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New website for German language readers

Guten Tag!

Heute bin ich eine neue Website speziell fá¼r meine deutschen sprechende Leser starten. Es ist ein Work In Progress und bená¶tigen eine Menge SanierungsmaáŸnahmen Arbeit, aber wenn Sie zum wechseln ká¶nnen Sie einen Blick nehmen.

sehen Sie hier fá¼r mehr


and in English!

Today i'm launching a new website especially for my German speaking readers. It's a work in progress and will need a lot of remedial work but if you go to you can take a look.

watch this space for more


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One of BC's Best Features

I absolutely love the ability to edit my stories as easily as we can on BC.

I wonder if all writers are aware they can edit their stories once they're posted.

Most of my stories have been edited dozens of times after I've posted them. I learn something new about writing almost every day and try to keep my stories updated to reflect what I now know.

The last few days I've been editing "Danny's Perdition" and just finished. It's a story set in the 23rd century, but is based on a poem written in the 14th century. Some have told me it's a Divine Comedy.

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2009 Terry Awards - Serials and Solos

I created the Terry Awards to celebrate past stories. Older stories are too easily forgotten once they move on to the archives (back pages) and I think that's a terrible fate.

This batch of awards is for serials and solos only. Terry Awards for complete stories that have been posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

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Impending Terry Awards Alert

I just finished working on the Terry Awards. Yay!

I've spent many, many hours on this but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have time to go through all of the stories. I'll be covering stories that have been posted in multiple parts later in the year -- when I have more time.

As I was sorting through vote totals, I was surprised to see how high they were. For the best real world serials, every one of the six entries had over 100 votes! 2009 has been a good year, not only for quantity but for getting the vote out.

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URL for all Home That Love Built Stories

All stories linked to the Home That Love Built universe, can be viewed with this url. My thanks to theTop Shelf administrators for their help with this.

Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Program on BBC America

I watched an interesting program on BBC America last night. Called 'Transvestite Wives'.

It was a look at how the partners (not all were married) of men who dress as woman cope, and participate with their partners lifestyle. It was sensitively produced, and showed the men in both male and female persona.

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ATTENTION! All writers who are writing in The Home That Love Built universe.

I would like your input regarding posting your stories at other sites. specifically, The TG Fiction List, Storysite, and Stardust, and Piper's site, Story Portal.

If you all agree, I'd like to begin posting our stories at those sites. I will NOT post any of your work without your specific permission. They are YOUR stories and YOU decide where to post them, but I would really like to spread this universe to include writers who use those other sites. To keep canon, it would be a great help to have the stories already written by you, for reference to be used by others.

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Writing & posting plans

Well, I finally got a story up. It's probably not very good, I've been writing it in bits and pieces for two or three months now, but it's up. I'm still not back in the groove, but my muse is back and talking! Still having some trouble getting the stories written, but I think that's mostly just a matter of being out of practice.

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Obama urges Congress to extend benefits to same-sex partners;

I thought this was interesting News, It also was in his speech the other night, even though he didn't stay with it too long! Richard

Obama urges Congress to extend benefits to same-sex partners; `my hope is we can get it done'
01-28-2010 11:51 AM PST
TAMPA, Fla. (Associated Press) --
President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to pass a law extending benefits to same-sex partners, a day after he renewed his support for repealing the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

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Camp Kumoni Idea

Now I'm not saying that I'll be doing it, . . . . but some have put forth the idea of doing another summer of Camp Kumoni. I don't know how this would work with the girls being a bit old and having already done a camp story, but What if they went back to Camp Kumoni as staff? cabin counselors? etc...?

It is still a long ways off even if I can get to it. or come up with enough ideas to sustain it. just throwing it out there.


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It looks like it is getting to be time!

to quote Scrooge (more or less) "I'm as giddy as a school girl and as light as a feather!" well the light as a feather part is still some way away 40+ pounds lost this month, more to follow.

I've found a recommended therapist, and HALLELUJAH!! she takes my insurance!

Thank you all for your help.


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IE8 Problem, specifically getting onto BC ... I could really use some help, here....

I've recently upgraded to IE8 and Windows 7. Until today, it's been great. Then today it happened... for some reason it says it cannot open BC whenever I try to go to it... via a bookmark or a Google search. I haven't touched any Parental Controls whatsoever and have no problem getting to my other TG-related sites via a bookmark.

My wife and I have proven it's IE8 or IE8 related, because friends report they're not having any problems and as final proof, I'm typing this on my laptop, which is running Vista and Windows 7.

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Anniversary of a sort

Today is an anniversary of a sort for me.

This day, one year ago, my wife discovered the remainder of my crossdressing clothing 'stash'. I was on a work trip to San Francisco, and was in a meeting when she called me on my cellphone to ask "Did I have anything to tell her?"

Being confused at the context, I remained silent. She continued to say that she had found a bag hidden away in my home office closet that had female clothes, and high heel shoes in it. Not being in a place where by I could discuss further, I told her I'd call her back at the end of the meeting I was currently in.

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I was recently offered a chance to be part of a Polygamous relationship. The offer was withdrawn when the other wife had second thoughts, but it did last long enough for me to think about the issues involved. As far as I am concerned the idea of screaming passion filled nights is long past. For me, the companionship is what would matter. I decided that given the chance that yes, I would accept the relationship, and when it did not happen, yes, there were tears. However, the other woman and I are still very close friends and I understand her reservations.

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Another stressfull request

Folks, I ask for your prayers or whatever your belief system uses.

I plan on introducing my 3 sons to the type of counseling I'll be receiving. The little angels would may totally wig on me - or rip the wig off! They're loving kids, I've been the nurturing one all their lives. Please Oh Please remember me between now and Saturday afternoon!

With fear and trembling,

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A little background on Switching Playing Fields

I just wanted to say that I appreciate the comments about my story "Switching Playing Fields."
It's been interesting following some of the debates going on.
I wanted to throw some things out there that might be helpful.
I've always been fascinated by boys and girls who venture out of the traditional realm of their gender. Sports is an area I enjoy reading about.

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To everyone who read and commented on Sara's Story.

I want to thank you all for your kind words and the seeming involvement you got from my story. I hated writing it, I hated posting it, I hated everything about it.

I didn't choose to write Sara's Story. For real, IT chose me. There are writers here who put my poor efforts to shame, and any one of them could have done a much better job than I did. I wish one of them had been chosen instead of me.

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Without revealing the plot, the latest short story I'm dabbling at involves an adult male and female of broadly similar size (height, build etc.), swapping clothes (the exact circumstances and relationship between the two is part of the plot, but irrelevant to my question below) with the intention of being fairly passable (at night!).

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Just a random thought

But if you accept that there is such a thing as reincarnation and then by definition accept that in your previous live's you would almost certainly been a member of the opposite sex , Would that then explain why some TG folk feel that they have been born in the wrong body..... Maybe the memories of their previous happy life are so strong that they yearn to return to those days.

Of course the more likely scientific answers as too why we feel the need to change sex are most probably the real answer...But i guess it always pays to keep an open mind!


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2009 Terry Awards - List of Solos of Unspecified Length

2009 Terry Awards - Solos of Unspecified Length

This list is rather long. I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to require a story length when submitting a story. I'd like to suggest the following list: Serial, Drabble, Short Short, Short Story, Novelette, Novella, Novel, and Verse. Any more than this makes things too complicated and confusing.

Authors, please let me know the length of all solo stories in the list below. I don't have the time to download stories, strip out any HTML and load them into my word processor for a word count. Also, let me know if you'd rather your story not be considered for an award.

NOTE: Looking at the list, I see Andrea DiMaggio's name listed many times. I know she's posted a lot of verses so many of the "stories" listed here are actually verses and not stories.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novels

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novels

Here's my preliminary list of novels according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novels that are missing from this list. I know several have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novel is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novel not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novellas

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novellas

Here's my preliminary list of novellas according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novellas that are missing from this list. I know many have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novella is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novella not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novelettes

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novelettes

Here's my preliminary list of novelettes according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novelettes that are missing from this list. I know several have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novelette is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novelette not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Solo Short Stories

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Short Stories

Here's my preliminary list of short stories according to the Solo pages.

Again, I can't imagine having a short story posted in multiple parts so this should be a complete list of short stories.

Authors, please check to see that your short story is included here. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your short story not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Solo Short Shorts

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Short Shorts

Here's my preliminary list of short shorts according to the Solo pages.

I can't imagine having a short short posted in multiple parts so this should be a complete list of short shorts.

Authors, please check to see that your short short is included here. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your short short not be considered for an award.

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Can someone help me understand how to write in past tense

I understand that is how most fiction is written but, its kind of a problem with this I am writing.

{Susan owned a large industry and ran it almost herself and Kerry defended them legally. Kerry was a brilliant powerful attorney. Kerry had ambitions beyond that and they have been lobbying for the democratic presidential selection. She has Susan's full support. }


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My son was born seven years today. He died the next day and the pain still remains.

This afternoon, the wife and I plus our children Carl and Mary(Jenni is at college now) will go to the cemetary to put flowers on Daniel's grave. Tomorrow morning a mass will be said for Daniel.

I wrote a story dedicated to my son. If anyone missed it, it is here.

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No stupid questions

Have you ever heard that? No stupid questions just unasked ones? Well here is one for you all and maybe someone can help me! As I posted before I'm entering Amazon's Breakthrough contest. As part of their requirements, I need to have a from 3 to 5,000 word excerpt. Okay I have that! Now I don't claim to be very computer savvy but this one stumped me. The excerpt needs to be double-spaced but no 'hard' ones using return. I found the margins and changed those. I changed the font and font size, check. So how do I change the sentence spacing?

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Motivations for Cross-dressing are many

In reading some responses to Bike 883 the subject of cross-dressers, and motivation came up. From my perspective the exchange was more then a little dismissive of Cross dressers. I am posting this as a blog, because I don't want to hijack the comments on Anghard's story.

For example Kimmie responded:

... because I seriously doubt that Annette's acquaintance's wearing of men's attire has anything to do with her wanting to express her 'masculine' side. The latter has been in general the proffered motivation for at least a portion of CDs.

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Not as dirty as it sounds...

The video's entitled "Penis and Pussy", but don't let that put you off - it's a crafty attempt at misdirection, as although the images the artist draws in this film start off looking like the aforementioned body parts, as he continues drawing the image becomes completely innocuous...

...just don't follow the related videos, as YT highlights the inadequacies of automatic algorithms...

(Another oddity - I suspect the artist may be right handed, but he's flipped the video...)

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Transition Psychologist


I've reached the point in my life where I need a good psychologist. I'm certain of the outcome, but you know "Standards of Care"...

Does ANYONE have a suggestion for a p-shrink in the Greater San Diego area?? I'll go as far as LA if I have to. But San Diego, Orange County, Riverside county would be best.

For me, it's time.


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I will post Chapter 3 of Sara's Story Saturday morning

I want to post this ahead of Chapter 3. It is a VERY emotional chapter, and it might make you angry, it might make you cry. This is the most emotion I have EVER felt, in any story I've ever written. I had to stop typing several times because of tears. Chapter 4 will follow, Sunday morning and, barring complications, it will be the final chapter in this story. THis story is dark, for a reason.

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A few notes about some definitions in Maiden by Decree 27

Many of you likely already know these things, but I thought I'd post a few definitions for those who don't.

First, I patterned the ship Princess Deirdre after the USS Constitution, with thanks to both the original designer and the sites that gave me the information I needed. The Constitution did have a stern post as I've described, able to create drag and pull the ship around on her stern. It was quite a surprise for more than a few British warships fighting her.

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Changing taste

I have noticed that my taste in stories has changed. When I first started reading TG fiction, I mostly read "forced fem" stories. That fit in with my own fears, a need to have someone else make the choices for me. But, now, I find I really enjoy sweet stories, with volintary transistions and happy endings. That suits my decision to take responcabilty for my own desires, and my own wish for a "happy ending". I wonder if others have experianced changes like that?


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How to draw a line in a story

Do NOT draw a line using massive repeats of characters because this will make your display too wide for some viewers.

The easy way to draw a line to separate parts of a post is with the HR tag: <hr />

You can include parameters inside the tag like: <hr align="center" width="50%" />

The above will create a line that is centered and half as wide as as the display area.



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Pitch for Breakthough contest

Hey everyone!
I'm going to enter Amazon's Breakthrough Writer contest with my Heroes of Justice novel. The entry date begins on Jan. 25 2010, but one of the requirements is a 250 to 300 word pitch. This is important since that is what is going to weed out the majority of the contestants. The problem is I haven't a clue about writing something like that. What follows is my first attempt and I would be forever grateful for any assistance.

Heroes of Justice
Grover Young

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Well, who is right then

Quite often I read a story and the phrase 'I could care less' crops up.

For example 'I could care less about you.'

As far as I am aware, in the good ol' UK we say 'I couldn't care less about you.'

So which is right or are they both right?



PS, Another good one is the use of 'is all,' rather than 'that's all.'but I'm not sure about the context on that one.

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The futility of it all.

Like so many people safe in their own homes, I was horrified by the devastation in Haiti by the recent earthquake. I was also pleasantly surprised by the way the world responded in donating money, equipment and teams of rescuers. I think the military are making a pigs ear of it, but that's what they do best. Then I read this in today's Guardian and the joy I felt at the rescue of the little kid was put into a new perspective, by the disgust I felt for what happened to this child. Read it for yourself, and ask yourself, is this a proportional response or just plain murder?

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A question about lightning

Hey everyone!

I'm researching a story and I have a question that I can't find the answer to. Does a modern metal hull ship have anything to fear from even a bad lighting storm at sea? What I can find suggests no real problems. The metal hull and purposely designed systems channel the lightning away into the sea just as a lightning rod protects a house by grounding it. Even wooden ships had systems to protect them as early as the mid 1800's.

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200 votes!

for Football Girl 23!

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to vote and/or comment on my little story.

I love the story and it is very close to my heart.

For those interested Football Girl 31 is with Gabi for her to slash about with her red pen.

Sometimes I dread getting emails from my trusty editor!


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Experts may have found bones of English princess

Here's an article that might interest those following The Legend of Alfhildr:

"Experts may have found bones of English princess"

We're talking really old, 10th century, close to Alfhildr's time.


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OTH update

Hey everyone! After having a chat with someone who knows Slavic/Russian naming conventions much better than I, there is going to be a name change. Federnova is going to be changed to Savitkaya. Silly me got things confused and this hopefully will fix my error. By the way this also means that Peter is now Pyotr Savitskiy. See the nature of my mistake? Family name of Savitskiy for the males but for the females it's Savitskaya.

Hopefully this will be the last! Don't you just love works in Progress? LOL!



PS: Thanks Faraway!

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A nice tribute

I saw the current issue of ESPN-The Magazine at the bookstore today, and the last page, which always has a column by Bill Rielly (formerly at Sports Illustrated) contained a very nice eulogy for the transgendered sportswriter who killed herself (himself?) a few months back. It seems Rielly and his wife had taken her under their wings after she started transitioning, having been friends with him before. I'll try and go back and pick up a copy tomorrow if I can, but it is the one one the newsstand right now, they have two issues a month. It was very touching, and had me wiping my eyes.

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Thank you

I was just looking at my stories page in my account skimming for any new comments, and I happened to notice that Chapter 1 has had over 10,000 reads. I want to say thank you, both for the comments that I've received either attached to the story or in Private Messages. I want to say thank you for putting up with my absences as life got in the way to write.

Thank you.

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Peter/Petra - Background info

Since I've fallen victim to the curse of the short story writer (a rather deafening blast of "Encore! Sequel!"), while I await inspiration for where I can take the story further, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the characters - which may be of use if anyone decides to write their own tale featuring them (hint, hint!)

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I've said it before, but I just have to say it again -- the new Random Solo feature is an absolute smash hit.

One of the features of BC that I absolutely love is the ability to quickly and easily edit your old stories. When I have an odd moment I often bring up one of my old stories and go through it looking for ways to improve the quality of the writing. Some I haven't read for years. It's like reading someone else's writing. I almost never change the plot, but I always find something to fix. Sometimes it's humbling to see how much needs attention.

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New research: Blondes more aggressive than darker haired women

Women with fair hair are more aggressive and determined to get their own way than brunettes or redheads, according to a study by the University of California.

Researchers claim that blondes are more likely to display a “warlike” streak because they attract more attention than other women and are used to getting their own way – the so-called “princess effect”.

Even those who dye their hair blonde quickly take on these attributes, experts found.

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back with a vengence

well its nearly a year since i used my blog and one of my new years resolutions is to keep it going this time round lol.

to those that know me knopws who i am and what i write.

well i am keeping my fingers crossed that my transition is being completed this year and we will have to see.

to those watching my stories Heaven can wait part four is in the works and the mystery of the hall will continue also and a late christmas story is flowing out of the keyboard.

to my extended family i am back twice as strong and twice the little

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Finally..... the next chapter of IT's WHAT I WANT by Tanya Allan

Hi everyone.
I know, it's been too long. Anyway, it's here now, and you will see the problem that I faced. Donna's story had sort of reached the end, but as I was enjoying the characters and there were unanswered questions, I've done something crafty....

.....what is it?

You will have to read it to find out.

Oh, and I've started the next chapter already.

I have posted it to my own site first, but I am sure it will be here within a week or so.
Find it at :

I hope you enjoy it.


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Censorship Again Rears It's Head

I guess my comment about Eve was removed. I was just expressing an opinion that was not meant to to be offensive. I was just frustrated about being teased so much about the story. Just when you think the answers would finally come. It just got frustrating. If I offended, I'm sorry. As an author, I believe in getting to a point in a story and not dragging something out too long. I have seen too many Soap Operas milk a plot line too long sometimes and it gets to be frustrating after a while. I never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings. I just love the story a lot. I was just being sarcastic!

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OTH Part 6!

Hey everyone. The next chapter of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. I was running a little late today but it's up now. I've finally nailed down the last parts so we'll looking at 14 total parts/posts. The divisions were made solely on the need to keep them down to about 10 to 12k each. I did try to find reasonable good places for the splits but some of them are unbalanced, a little lacking in action. Trust me as we countdown to the end action will not be missing!

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Alright, since I made too many mistakes in my Tail of Two Bloods story, I'm going to revise it to make the chapters longer, and more understanding. I didn't get too many suggestions, or any...really...for my story so I'm going in blind for a second try. ^^; Wish me luck BCTS.

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A bit of advice for authors

Go through your story list, and make sure all of your one-shot, solo stories are marked as such!

When the update that allowed stories to be set as either series or solo was put on the site, the default setting is series. If you want your solo stories to be able to be grabbed by the "Five Random 5olos" feature (which is pretty awesome), then go through all your solo stories real quickly and make certain that that ARE marked as solos!

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new Gaby forum now live!

Hi there folks

After yesterdays miserable posts here's some better news, a brand new Forum for the discussion of all stuff Gaby and my other scribbles.

So if you have anything to share with other Gabfen pop along to

Hopefully we'll see some return to the bouyant exchanges that took place on the original Maddy Bell forum - was that really seven years ago?

Anyway, enjoy


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Gender Testing Hangs Before the Games as a Muddled and Vexing Mess

Today's New York Times published this article on gender testing in sports. I think the paper has had generally good treatment of the issue.


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