This morning I was rumaging through my closet and found my first skirt from the 49th time I began accumilating clothing. I wore it on my first expedition from the house to attend a GID support group. Amazingly, I doubt that I will ever be able to wear it again, can't even get it up past my hips, and it makes me wonder if I could ever wear it. Who was that person?
I will remember that day until I die.
first skirt
I still have mine and still wear it.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Don't remember
I don't remember which one it was.
Well, my *very* first skirt would only fit to an 8 yr old child anyway. And the first that I bought myself ... can't remember really. It still fit me though, I had very poor notions of dress sized at this time.
First skirt
My first skirt went away during the great purge of 1970. A tragic affair... I was leaving the country for a summer of research in South America (and a minor bit of espionage), flying of course (and let me tell you, my arms did get tired), and at that time of denial (a state of being much more difficult to navigate than the great river of Egypt) didn't want to leave anything behind should the worse case scenario happen and our plane became one with the mighty Andes or the Amazon jungle. Could'a happened, ya' know, though in truth on one level I may have welcomed that disaster then. So when I returned in the fall, the purchases began again, a new first skirt, dress, pants, tops, shoes. On the plus side, that was my last purge.
I have mine
But unfortunatly Mhy body has changed in a way that I can no longer use it. But I think I will save it as long as I can. It gives me a special feeling when I see it in my closet
No, I don't...
The first "gown" was a christening gown... That has sense fallen apart, being worn on many babies. My first skirt (that I recall) was a black crepe mid calf skirt. It went away the same time all my other stuff (from when I was originally preparing for transition 25 years ago) did (including a few photos) about 8 years ago... Could I get into it today? I only wish! Maybe, once I manage to take off my excess weight it might have been possible. *sighs*
I more regret loss of the several pair of heels. *sighs* I could use them now. (My feet are the same size!)
No "first skirt" for me, but
No "first skirt" for me, but I had my first tights until a few years ago.
Full admission; Okay... my first stolen tights. I was about 10 years old and utterly fascinated by girls tights. I stole my cousins, because in my little wee brain at the time, I could not stomach the unfairness of her having a drawer in her room with 6 (six!) brand new tights. I had to sleep in her room when we visited, as they had a small house. She was a year younger than me but the same size.
I remember putting a pair (light pink with tiny white dots on them) in my suitcase/backpack when we left. Nobody ever found out. The whole trip home, I was absolutely aquiver about them. Once home, I took at least half an hour just to open the package, then another half hour just feeling them and holding them against me before I finally tried them on. This wasn't sexual at the time for me at all, but it was sensual. It was the official start to a life-long interest. Mom put me into a ballet class not too long after that; while I never saw evidence of her having found my stolen tights, I now wonder if she didn't put me in that class because she did find them, and wanted to give me an outlet.
I somehow hung on to those things for decades (just as a memory, not to wear; I WISH I could fit clothes from when I was 18, much less 10!) until my last move, when I think I mixed up one small bag of odds-and-ends stuff from dressers with the garbage.
My first skirt. Assinine, moralistic, bamboozling.
I had my first secret collection at about 21, and over the years before my transition, there must have been at least 15-20 accumilation/purge cycles. Gad, it sounds like doing laundry. :) Looking back, I can easily see that it is our society that is just so blind.
As for me, "I'm having the time of my life" inspite of the blindness of some around me.