Well, I had a very wierd dream. I was having dinner at a resteraunt on the top floor of this building, and afterward, after i had left, realized i had left behind my brother's guitar. I went to go back up, but was not allowed. So i went around, and joined a tour group walking through the building, hoping to find my way up. I left the group, and found myself in a pool, and someone threw me a pair of trunks, and i realized I was naked. Instead of putting them on, i tied them to my front, because i was wearing a backpack, which covered my rear. I climbed up this ladder, and found myself sorrounded by steam, and somehow knew i was in the ladies area. I decided to cover my eyes, and started calling out, figuring that if i did that, i might not get considered a pervert. This woman approaches me, and i realize i have lost the trunks and the backpack, so i am totaly nude. She didnt seem upset with me, and doesnt ask me what i am doing in the ladies area, instead, she asks me to tell her my life story. I started doing that, and thats when I woke up. Very odd, yes?
some suggestions
In the big scheme of things... not all that odd, really. I'm not going to try to give you a full interpretation, because the emotional impact and color palette involved in these scenes are just as critical as the key images... so the only person who can truly interpret your dreams is you. But just to help lead you to your own understanding of it:
Having dinner out, especially in a 'top floor' restaurant, is something of a special privilege and often somewhat formal. This puts us in the position of needing to be on our best behavior and subsequently at greater risk of making major errors that jeopardize our social status. Which makes the presence of a very personal item, your brother's guitar, something of a risky venture. If it is particularly valuable (emotionally/sentimentally, especially), then part of the risk you make is not just with your own status... you're possibly carrying his heart in your hands as you go into this formal setting.
And left it behind. Any time you 'forget' to accomplish something important like this, its a great fear. A "how could I have done something so cold?" moment. What specifically you're worried about leaving behind, of abandoning, depends on what your brother's guitar means to you... but its obviously important enough that you're going to take some extreme 'social' risks to get it back.
The pool, like any significant body of water represents fluidity and mystery... but also, frequently, its the physical resistance that moving through water causes that makes it important in a dream. You were caught up in this pool, somewhat confused and disjointed as the dream shifted in direction... and found naked. Revealed in your faults. Even when you are given something to help you return to normal, you cannot fully recover... you fumble at protecting the important bits, which to some extent shows that you're not fully comfortable with your sexual nature (true of most people, actually).
Moving 'up' using a ladder suggests an escape from the unstable and uncomfortable pool into something higher and ordered, but the steam or fog prevents you from really seeing with any clarity once you arrive.
You instinctively connect this 'higher' (and thus more important) place with being a women's place... and close your eyes with the childlike notion that this can hide you from the dangers (if my eyes are closed, you can't see me). You're also naked and vulnerable before the woman who comes... and instead of being concerned or harmed, she casually accepts you and wants to understand you.
my first reaction to seeing the title
of this blog was, "Was it the one where you're standing at the top of a pyramid wearing kind of sun god robes with thousands of women throwing tiny pickles at you?"
But I realized that only me and Chris Knight have that dream...
really now
I've had exactly that dream... ok, there weren't any pyramids or sun god robes... and I don't really remember all the women... but other than that, ya... exactly that dream.
Seriously though... :) I have had a couple pyramid dreams. Mostly, I was one of the sacrifices. Or supposed to be, anyway. I tend not to stick around for those anymore.