if I wrote a story with this plot. My ex-wife and her husband are spending a few days staying with my wife and me. Last night we had a house concert in our living room (we are avid folk music fans and producers) and were talking with the artist at dinner. He was telling how he almost married a woman, but she called it off at the last minute when she realized she was a lesbian. Now she and her spouse are good friends with the musician and his wife.
When the heck did reality veer off into cliche filled fiction?
Like the old saying goes...
...you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
In Defense of Marriage
The "Defense of Marriage" people, that is, those who oppose allowing gay people to marry the ones they love, have it all backwards!
Until and unless it is normal for lesbians and gay men to marry the ones they love, there will continue to be repressed, conflicted and wishfully self-deluding people who end up in doomed "straight" marriages. Completely aside from their own misery and suffering, every one of these mistaken unions carries one or more innocent victims. A spouse, children, condemned to suffering a broken home and broken hearts.
I commend the woman who stopped herself on the brink of marrying a man with whom she could not by her very nature ever share a happy sex life. Not enough people are self-aware and confident enough to realize this, and our society's attitudes and pressures are clearly to blame.
We should allow people to be who they are, and not, by denying them a life in concordance with their sexual orientation, ruin even more marriages. A repressed gay person may not just ruin their own life and the life of their partner, they may remain in denial and go through several marriage partners in the process.
There is a movement
In California to show the DoM people what defense of Marriage really would be... they've got 100,000 signatures to put pen to a measure to make it illegal for straight couples to divorce unless they can prove that one or both is actually Gay or Lesbian. After all, it does say, "'til death..." and such.
Not that I actually expect it to work, but... maybe it'll make a few of them think?
What is so strange about it?
Admittedly it does sound a bit out there, but then I had to think about what my goals would be. I would have loved to have a companion that I could call husband, but I have finally realized that is the big falacy; the big lie about what I did. Oh, there are lots of people who treat me nicely, but as far as any of them seeing me as marriagable material, even if I was 30 instead of twice that ... what was I thinking?