My apologies. Earlier this year I accidentally deleted all of the pictures in my file. Their absence, coupled with the references in commentary and blogs and stories, has affected the database. I removed references and/or restored pictures in all of the stories. As older stories of others to which I provided commentary appear in the Random feature, I am deleting references to the pictures that were deleted in order to help repair the problem. I feel odd, since old comments pop up as if they were new, and it isn't my intention to repost these, but we haven't yet figured out another way of addressing the problem. So if a comment to a story you wrote or a reply to a comment you wrote pops up with my name, hopefully it will be complementary and encouraging.
My request: My wife is having her thyroid biopsy this coming Tuesday. Even though the doctor is fairly convinced that the growths on my wife's thyroid are benign, the word biospy brings with it built-in fears because of its implication. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. I'm still worried, which I expect is to be expected, and I suppose my fears will subside when the doctor says everything is okay, but I'm sure you understand why I'm still nervous about the results. (Thanks, Pippa, for the encouragement!)
Thanks to everyone who has kept us in your prayers and thoughts this past year through both our challenges. Love and much gratitude for your friendshiop and support, Andrea
Apologies Not Needed
From you above all people, no apologies are necessary.
Just hope your wife's biopsys are benign,
An increased production of thyroid hormones can be caused by several conditions.
The most important info is that most of the responsible gland can be removed and the hormones can be supplied with tablets. So whichever the reason is, the cuere is safe and used at least since early 1970's when I started to work in the pharmacy.
There is (or rather was) one unreglated grewth of the thyreodea. Today the fear should not be there as the surgical treatment today is so good.
Another reason for a grewth of the tissue has been found in areas where there is too little iodine in the food. Here in Sweden we had a classical area, formed like a crescent, in this area the children in the schools had to take one tablet a week with iodine.
Today our common salt is added some very small ammount of iodine and that compensatory grewth of the thyreodea is not found any longer.
So there is at least two reasons for a grewing thyreodea and to differ them the medical profession need to have a cellular test-material to see what is happening inside the cells.
SO wait for the rsult in full calm as both variants are well-known and easibly treatable.
Not necessarily...
Removal of the gland is only one approach. They can also use Radioactive Iodine to kill a portion of the thyroid, with very little side effects (apparently the iodine gets concentrated in the thyroid because it sucks it all there). There are also two very effective meds for decreasing the production of the thyroid hormones. I'm on one of these, and it appears to be controlling things nicely. Would I rather be off? Yes. But, since it's under control, why go there.
The worst thing that came of going on the thyroid meds was that I VERY QUICKLY gained 40 lbs... I've managed to take 30 of them back off (a slow and painful process). The "moral" of the story is that if the doc mucks with your thyroid at all - EXPECT a change in your metabolism and proactively manage the weight!
my prayers are with you both
and dont worry about the pics or the comments. You take care of things at home, and know i am thinking of you both.
My Thoughts And Prayers Are With You
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife as you deal with your health issues. There is no need to apologize for anything. Just know that you have my support and I will be thinking of you both as you go through this.
Something wrong...
with the thyroid is nothing to laugh about, as I'm sure you know. A few years ago, I was (surprisingly) diagnosed as hyperthyroid. I say surprisingly because my doc had referred me to the endocrinologist to check for hypothyroidism (I had clinical symptoms that seemed to indicate it, but the general #s didn't agree). My grandmother had goiters, and one had to be removed. She lived another twenty (20) years after that, and died of something totally unrelated.
Thyroid problems cause so many other issues in the body. Mine was over HALF of my Blood Pressure issue! The thyroid is luckily easy to get to, easy to look at, and such. In talking to my doc, even complete removal of the thyroid is not overly dangerous surgery these days. (Yes, that was one of the early thoughts on addressing my issue, but has sense been discarded.)
I say all this, because that while the word biopsy is scary, they know a lot about the thyroid these days and have lots of ways to treat things around it. There's a surprising number of people walking around that don't have one (any more). Best to you!
Easiest fix
Make a graphic of a 1 pixel by 1 pixel black square. Copy it as many times as the amount of missing graphics. Name them what the graphics were named. That way instead of breaking the database, it just references the tiny graphic.
That's very smart!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Lots of Love from Rita
Hi Andrea,
We have never met, but who knows we may, somewhere in the universe?
I love your stories and poems, and your comments!
I don't pray much but I will now especially for your wife and yourself, I will think of you and your loved ones a lot more and trust you have a happy conclusion to your current life challenges.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
You are in our thoughts as
You are in our thoughts as well Drea....
My SO had a biopsy on her
My SO had a biopsy on her thyroid and then had the entire gland removed. Everything went very well, she's enjoying perfectly good health now. She does take a tiny pill every day and will from now on. We also were worried and scared, but today's medical procedures work wonders! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours!
My mother had her thyroid removed back in the '50s. I don't remember whether it was over or under or what... I was extremely young when it happened.
She has never taken any tablets to compensate for the lack of the organ. She has always had a huge amount of energy and still does nowadays in her 80s. The common family joke is that we'll need garlic and a stake to get rid of her!
So don't be too worried about what they might find, although I suppose cancer might be a bummer. It seems that although having a thyroid is important to your body, it's not that important.