Being somewhat Bipolar (still being ruled in or out by doc) I have my moments. As you may have read from the previous few days, I can be glib and witty, or sardonic, and I apologize for my swings. Today I am devastated. I took a job for which I am vastly overqualified since I have been out of work for four years. I haven't been able to return to counseling as a career for a variety of reasons, and I have expressed my fear on more than one occasion that I may never get back. I tried working this new job this morning and I wasn't able to finish the first hour due to increased tremors in hands and shoulders. I am scared that things are getting worse, and what's harder, I have to go home and explain to my understanding and accepting wife that once again I am a failure. I've been crying for over an hour, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me for being such a bother, but you are friends, and dear ones who have already made me feel important and welcome. I go back to the doctor on the 14th, but I may try to reschedule for sooner if he and his supervisor are available.
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones." Dio ti benedticta! 'drea
Don't you DARE put yourself down!
Be strong and do not worry so much. You CAN do it. Remember, how you felt when you first started. Remember, what helped you then. Remember, you were able to do it then, so why not now? Get the old notes out, study them, refresh in your mind what you already know. And let nothing stand in your way.
Oh, and, read the book I gave a link for in one of my recent comments (Changes, part 36). You are better than that.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I agree
Why put yourself down? All it is gonna do is hurt you worse. You have not failed anything. Granted you tried and it didn't work out this time, maybe it will next time. All you can do is keep a positive outlook and go from there.
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
...sadly, it's hard not to. That said, absolutely true, Drea. Things have a way of coming 'round again, so long as you don't give up. So will your time, too, come back to you. In the meantime, your friends still love you and are here for you! Let out your tears, and remember to keep breathing.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Read what you write
Like today's story, with Kaitlyn. What she had to learn is what you have to learn, you have to accept and forgive yourself first. You are beating yourself up over things that you have no control over. It's become a bit trite over the years, but I recommend the Serenity prayer to you.
They know they can survive
Drea, we know what you can do
It's clear to all of us that you are competent. You have shown us that in your wonderful stories. Competence is fungible. You can do whatever you want to do if you don't let your demons overwhelm you. Take it easy, ease into it. We're with you in our hearts. You can do it.
- Moni
I've been diagnosed with all sorts of things over the years
Bipolar? Only two?
I've read and enjoyed your stories and I deduce that you are a lovely person who just needs a hug and some validation from time to time.
So here it is. Sorry I can't work out how to do any fancy symbol thingies. Us English are usually a reticent mob, so when we hug, we really mean it.